Reporter Laura Loomer has filed charges against Maxine Adolph Waters

You'd think Mad Maxine would at least have enough self-respect to get a decent looking wig! I mean look at that thing! William Shatner himself would laugh at a hairpiece like that.
Reporter files assault charges against Maxine Waters after confrontation on Capitol Hill

Waters has lost what little mind she ever had and is now attacking anyone who does not agree with her. All we need to do to get her arrested is to wear a Trump hat and offer to hold the door for her, and have the event recorded……………….

See Adolph hates when people are nice......

Good luck with that.
Just be nice, and watch them pull their hair out
Reporter files assault charges against Maxine Waters after confrontation on Capitol Hill

Waters has lost what little mind she ever had and is now attacking anyone who does not agree with her. All we need to do to get her arrested is to wear a Trump hat and offer to hold the door for her, and have the event recorded……………….

See Adolph hates when people are nice......


The reporter harangued her and she hit the reporter with a few papers. I'll bet she had to limp to the first aid station.
Emotion is all they have

Having emotions would infer that they're human. What leftists really have are knee-jerk reflexive reactions, not unlike frogs and other creatures that live in the mud.

Psychopaths are really, really good at faking emotions to get their way. What their planetary-sized egos really want is to punish America for not bowing to their oh-so-glorious whims. That's why it's no surprise to me that most Hollywood actors are psychopaths, because clinical monsters know how to "put on a good show" to get their way.
Well, the left wing defense will be she is black, so she doesn't know any better.

I mean this is what they claim about all minorities.

They simply cannot make it without white liberal help. So, when they do commit any sort of crime, we have to be sympathetic. Cause, they simply don't know any better.

That is literally how they think. Oh, they will deny it.
The worst thing Maxine did was that smug smile on her face in the elevator.
The "reporter" was a dumb bitch for two reasons.
1. She acted like a damn child repeating herself.
2. Was too stupid to take the offer of a meeting.

I don't like Maxine anymore than any of you but GET FUCKING REAL AND GROW A PAIR
Laura Loomer is an alt-right zealot.

Far-Right Twitter Personality Laura Loomer Banned From Uber, Lyft for Racist Tweets [Updated]

Good fucking grief. That wasn't assault. Asinine fucking childish behavior yes but assault?
If I bump into you through carelessness but do you no injury directly or indirectly and you sue your case may be laughed out of court but I am still guilty of misdemeanor assault and battery. For elected officials with six figure salaries the threashhold is much lower.
And for the record she CAN'T FILE CHARGES LOL

All she can do is file a police report and hope a prosecutor is STUPID ENOUGH to file charges.

Buch of fucking pussies
Good fucking grief. That wasn't assault. Asinine fucking childish behavior yes but assault?
If I bump into you through carelessness but do you no injury directly or indirectly and you sue your case may be laughed out of court but I am still guilty of misdemeanor assault and battery. For elected officials with six figure salaries the threashhold is much lower.

You are not guilty of anything unless convicted of it in a court of law.
Hell yes, if your going to pick a fight do it with a 97 year old black woman who had to spend the1st half of her life riding in the back of the bus.
Hell yes, if your going to pick a fight do it with a 97 year old black woman who had to spend the1st half of her life riding in the back of the bus.

Obviously she wasted a lifetime. Last I checked, black folks usually willingly sit in the back seats of the bus, even today. No idea why, but that's usually where they sit.
Good fucking grief. That wasn't assault. Asinine fucking childish behavior yes but assault?
If I bump into you through carelessness but do you no injury directly or indirectly and you sue your case may be laughed out of court but I am still guilty of misdemeanor assault and battery. For elected officials with six figure salaries the threashhold is much lower.

You are not guilty of anything unless convicted of it in a court of law.

Check with your lawyer about torts

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