reporting members

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If you are going to be a member of a political forum, you MUST have thick skin. You cannot let yourself be offended by everything, and YES, there are going to be racists, and YES, there are going to be just plain jerks, flamers, trolls, and every other kind of person you can imagine. My advice is to not respond to those posters. I've learned MY lesson the hard way.
ChrisL....usmb is not just politics. Which is why I joined...and stayed.

Newbs need a break until they get their feet wet.
ChrisL....usmb is not just politics. Which is why I joined...and stayed.

Newbs need a break until they get their feet wet.

Yeah, I suppose. To me, the level of urgency was a bit odd. What do you do if someone calls you a racist name in real life? Call the police? (I mean "you" generally of course, not YOU, Gracie - LOL).
Can't read body language. I can't answer why he chose the particular words he typed. Maybe to him it was important? Dude's pics looked like a dead guy inserted into other pics. It was kinda disturbing. And the level of blatant kkk-ism was enough to make ME think "report" but I knew I didn't have to. By the time I saw it all..they were already pink.

Can't read body language. I can't answer why he chose the particular words he typed. Maybe to him it was important? Dude's pics looked like a dead guy inserted into other pics. It was kinda disturbing. And the level of blatant kkk-ism was enough to make ME think "report" but I knew I didn't have to. By the time I saw it all..they were already pink.


Okay, well to be fair, I didn't see those pictures. Why not private message a moderator for help? Because the intent is to draw attention to the posts and posters, IMO. There is absolutely NO emergency to report a post. No one is in danger over a picture or posts.
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D
Dead people shots, lynching shots, full beaver shots, full sex shots. Every pic was meant to shock and it had nothing to do with the topic. 50 photos, no commentary, no tie-in to the thread.
And...maybe he has not answered because he has not been mentioned? You [MENTION=50321]ninja007[/MENTION].

You are a newb yourself. This is a LARGE board, Chris. If you don't use the mention feature, you don't know someone asked you a question or wanted your attention. So instead of waggling your finger at him, maybe you should familarize yourself before judging.
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D

Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D

Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.

Why would you do that? If you can't handle it, then you should just leave the thread. Unless someone is threatening another person with harm, then it is silly to be tattling on a debate website. People get heated. That is the name of the game. People who want all sweetness and light belong at knitting websites. :) do in usmb what you feel like doing. I will do the same. But before you start ragging on another newb while you are still ignorant yourself, be prepared to deal with someone that has been here longer than you have and waggle their finger at you.

What goes around, comes around.
thanks Gracie. I reported because of said disturbing pics. "Emergency" was a bit over the top, I admit- but it got the job done:) I am a he, 41 years old and no, not a newbie to political or religious message boards. I just stand up for what I believe and am a born again Christian. I do not care what "most" people think. I answer to one person and that is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D

Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.

Why would you do that? If you can't handle it, then you should just leave the thread. Unless someone is threatening another person with harm, then it is silly to be tattling on a debate website. People get heated. That is the name of the game. People who want all sweetness and light belong at knitting websites. :)

And, need I remind you that this is NOT the board you came from? Hello? Anyone home, McFly? This is not that place. Do you see DEBATE anywhere in the description of USMB? Yeah, there is a place to debate here, but this is NOT that other place where it is demanded of most all members. USmessageboard is NOT USdebateBoard. Keep that in mind.
I was in some thread, yesterday, and there was a poster threatening another poster and claiming that he already had 2 other members banned because they made insulting posts about him. I had to laugh and though about what a crybaby. Some people take these discussion forums way too much to heart. If they don't like what is said about them, respond with something more clever, or just leave the place for awhile. This place isn't the end of the world.

it was nothing said about me, but racists against blacks times ten with dozens of pics- but thanks for playing.

you're reporting racist post?

pfft :lol::badgrin::lol:

good luck pussy069, you might want to consider wondering off since you've already been neutered.
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D

Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.

I think he was reporting the dead guy inserted in the pics. And the other pics. It was not in the flame zone, either.
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D

Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.


Good luck with that. :D

Rule of thumb:

Now that you know how to report...go easy on bugging Staff. But don't be afraid to report either. Just do it quietly. :lol:
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