reporting members

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Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.

Why would you do that? If you can't handle it, then you should just leave the thread. Unless someone is threatening another person with harm, then it is silly to be tattling on a debate website. People get heated. That is the name of the game. People who want all sweetness and light belong at knitting websites. :)

And, need I remind you that this is NOT the board you came from? Hello? Anyone home, McFly? This is not that place. Do you see DEBATE anywhere in the description of USMB? Yeah, there is a place to debate here, but this is NOT that other place where it is demanded of most all members. USmessageboard is NOT USdebateBoard. Keep that in mind.

So then, OP was in an apolitical section of the board?
Sorry, my bad, maybe I'm being too hard on the newb, but I have a hard time with tattle tails when there is absolutely no one in danger, and I found the level of "urgence" contained within the post to be a little irking, but maybe I'm just bitchy. :lol:

I apologize newb. Don't go away mad. :D

Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.

Why would you do that? If you can't handle it, then you should just leave the thread. Unless someone is threatening another person with harm, then it is silly to be tattling on a debate website. People get heated. That is the name of the game. People who want all sweetness and light belong at knitting websites. :)

Some posts need to be reported. Pretty simple concept.
I think he was reporting the dead guy inserted in the pics. And the other pics. It was not in the flame zone, either.

There was also what looked like a 90 year old African lady spread eagled in her hut. Even if it was Brigitte Bardot or Marilyn Monroe at 90, who would want to see THAT?

Another pic was a starving African having oral sex with a cow.
Then you and I will not get along, cuz I rat people out when they are assholes. And I don't give a shit if anyone doesn't like it.

Why would you do that? If you can't handle it, then you should just leave the thread. Unless someone is threatening another person with harm, then it is silly to be tattling on a debate website. People get heated. That is the name of the game. People who want all sweetness and light belong at knitting websites. :)

Some posts need to be reported. Pretty simple concept.

Yes, and with urgency!!! :lol:
Filth. Just flat out filth. I give kudos to ninja for doing what he did.

If the mods saved the post in some kind of inactive mode, it might be interesting to have a discussion on what constitutes a limit and they could create a new thread with the full photo album and people could weigh in.

I thought they crossed all boundaries for an open board. People don't need to be wandering into a thread expecting to read debate on a topic and having to confront lynching photos and bestiality photos.

There are differing opinions on some topic, even harsh or emotionally laden opinions. This was drive-by shock posting.
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Filth. Just flat out filth. I give kudos to ninja for doing what he did.

If the mods saved the post in some kind of inactive mode, it might be interesting to have a discussion on what constitutes a limit and they could create a new thread with the full photo album and people could weigh in.

I thought they crossed all boundaries for an open board. People don't need to be wandering into a thread expecting to read debate on a topic and having to confront lynching photos and bestiality photos.

There are differing opinions on some topic, even harsh or emotionally laden opinions. This was drive-by shock posting.

The thread is still up? Not deleted?
Most of the pics are gone, Chris. And HELL NO should anyone discuss what is too far by looking at that shit. Those who want to see such filth can google it on their own.
Someone link me to this thread. I want to see what everyone is so shocked about too! :)

Do a search here. You DO know how, don't you? I mean, since you are now an established member and all with a whole 800 posts, and waggle your fingers, etc. :D
Filth. Just flat out filth. I give kudos to ninja for doing what he did.

If the mods saved the post in some kind of inactive mode, it might be interesting to have a discussion on what constitutes a limit and they could create a new thread with the full photo album and people could weigh in.

I thought they crossed all boundaries for an open board. People don't need to be wandering into a thread expecting to read debate on a topic and having to confront lynching photos and bestiality photos.

There are differing opinions on some topic, even harsh or emotionally laden opinions. This was drive-by shock posting.

The trash at USMB contains stuff so vile, the EPA considers it hazardous material. Time matters when folks are disrupting the board or melting down. You could easily wander on in here a couple hours after an attack or a severe poster meltdown and not recognize the joint. In these cases --- it is NOT ratting.. It would be more like NOT calling 911 when you stumble onto a gang war..
With the description of the pics I did NOT see..I can see now why Ninja was so frantic to get hold of Staff. Kudos again to him for quick thinking.
Someone link me to this thread. I want to see what everyone is so shocked about too! :)

Do a search here. You DO know how, don't you? I mean, since you are now an established member and all with a whole 800 posts, and waggle your fingers, etc. :D

Hmmm. Interesting that you seem to be getting a tude with me over this. What's up?

I find it hard to have respect for people who join a political forum (and this is NOT a quilting forum - it is politically based), and then complain about racism, etc. It is kind of silly. It is a well known FACT that things get heated and there are trolls and all kinds that frequent political forums.

Now, perhaps what you all say is true and the pictures were so obscene that it hurts to look at them, but I have no way to know since I have no link.
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