Reports of 'one person down' outside the US Capitol Building

I get the feeling this is going to be a common occurrence.
Only because they want it to be a common occurrence. It justifies a lot for the Left. It keeps Trump in the news. And it suppresses the illegal election that started it all.

Pretty funny really: a bunch of troops being confronted with one man with a knife. In reality, they should have been able to shoot the knife out of his hand or at worst: shoot the suspect in the kneecap.

What they won't tell you is this stuff happens all the time. A few years ago it was a dental hygienist who got confused by the roads, panicked and took a wrong turn up a closed lane and got gunned down with her daughter in the backseat, except back then, everyone would have LAUGHED if you had called the event a matter of national security needing to lockdown Washington over.

Ahh damn, looks like one of the officers has died.
BLM will be celebrating tonight.

The perp was a white guy.

So it only stands to reason that all the libs that are suffering from white-guilt should go out and off themselves. That's the thing about white privilege, you have to atone. SMH.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">CRITICAL INCIDENT: USCP is responding to the North Barricade vehicle access point along Independence Avenue for reports someone rammed a vehicle into two USCP officers. A suspect is in custody. Both officers are injured. All three have been transported to the hospital. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; U.S. Capitol Police (@CapitolPolice) <a href="">April 2, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

So let us parse this for a second...

'After crashing into two officers on Constitution Avenue and ramming the car into a barricade, the driver exited the vehicle and brandished a sharp object, prompting Capitol Police officers to shoot the driver.'

The guy brings a knife to a gun fight with several federal police armed with automatic weapons....hmmm

Exactly. Sounds like suicide by cop.

Sometimes, 15 minutes of fame only lasts a few seconds.

Looks like someone ran down two cops.
We need more car control laws.
Ban guns!

Ban knives!

You are just going to have to use your incisors to eat that steak.

Looks like someone ran down two cops.
We need more car control laws.
Ban guns!

Ban knives!

You are just going to have to use your incisors to eat that steak.
No hands either--they hold knives and guns and pull triggers
I don’t think banning guns is enough.
We need to ban knives and cars as well.
The green new deal will take care of the cars and a Democrat majority will rid the guns.
But what are we going to do about knives. I mean everyone owns multiple knives. There are more knives than people!!!!
Another idiot with a cause and is upset about something(over nothing). Wook at me I'm mad. The country is not going to make it....things are spiraling downward....ta da ta da ta da. Same old garbage. The sun will rise there is no impending doom no matter who is in charge. I've survived the last 88 years and all the potuses that were elected. It's all been the same.

Looks like someone ran down two cops.
New fences going up immediately to protect the extremely popular illegitimate regime.
It’s only “illegitimate” to you and your ilk, which in this case, just tried to run over two Capitol police officers

Compare the two images. One nice seried ranks of pretty flags. Just like you see in any third world shithole inauguration. The other, people. Lots and lots of people. Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War had a normal inauguration. But xiden couldn't. Because he ain't legit.

Biden was inaugurated during a pandemic during which he told people not to come. Was the photo on the right take at trump's inauguration?
Muslims like car attacks so I am going with that.
I find it amazing that during 4 years of the Trump administration, there were no attacks on US soil, no attempts on POTUS or reps (Except the LWNJ that shot up Scalise's ball game). But two months into the Biden regime, we have a car attack on the WH, and the capitol is surrounded with fences and troops like any other illegitimate third world country.

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