Reports: Taliban Decapitating Children and Hunting Down US Collaborators


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Reports: Taliban Decapitating Children and Hunting Down US Collaborators​

17 Sep 2021 ~~ By Guy Benson

President Biden is taking a long weekend at the beach, which must be nice for him. But in Afghanistan, the ramifications of his disastrously executed US withdrawal remain a terrifying daily reality for the tens of thousands of people he promised then failed to evacuate. The administration is clearly hoping that voters will turn the page on this issue; the sooner they forget about the ongoing national humiliation, and the thousands of Americans stranded in a terrorist-controlled country, the better. But even if much of the media moves on, that doesn't change the reality of what's happening on the ground. For instance:

Just a few stray child executions, from the group that the Biden administration won't call an enemy. Another account:
The Taliban are methodically collecting as much information about the Afghan population as possible, looking for anyone who has, in their eyes, been tainted or corrupted by Western influences or values. Hiding Afghan allies of the U.S. are now wondering if it is worth it to try making the dangerous journey to sneak into Pakistan — although that option offers a separate plethora of deadly risks. Americans who are trying to get Afghan allies out of the country continue to hear horrific stories from those they’re trying to rescue. These stories are difficult to verify, but bit by bit, similar accounts from different sources start to align...“The Taliban have sent notices out to houses, saying the residents must fill out all the questions on the form correctly or suffer the consequences. The Taliban is calling this a ‘house passport.’ People living in the house must fill in the information of past positions and work, location of where the work was done, the organization they worked for, etc. They are asking these questions in an effort to implicate people who worked in democracy building, human rights advocacy, or basically any U.S.-financed project that runs counter to the Taliban philosophy.” My reader who’s been telling me about his efforts for the past month or so offers a similar account. “Two of my guys reported separately that Taliban outside Kabul are ordering adults to provide their work histories, so the Taliban may determine if they were involved in any ‘anti-Taliban’ efforts in the last twenty years,” he said.​
This man's tone is calm and matter-of-fact, but his words are chilling:

The Biden, Harris. Blinken, Austin, Milley Human Rights holocaust begins.... Thanks to Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists for fraudulently electing a demented, corrupt, inept president and vice-president who has no problems supporting a rogue general. A Secretary of State with no back bone, a Yes man for Secretary of Defense and a Joint Chief of Staff that has a God Complex.
The sins of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
Of course there will be those from the Left that will attempt to nullify this post, yet they still have to excuse the blunder of Joey Xi Bai Dung in ordering the drone killing of a an NGO Aide worker and 7 children transporting water.
Only the Biden administration has shown any sympathy to the Taliban and went so far as to call them “professional.”
They’re animals.
Regrettably the court jesters within the Bai Dung administration are still employed!! Those bastards were on the hot seat until they flipped the narrative and made general Milley a hero because of TDS . We’ve lost all hope in our government even in our own people. There is no one to fight or to rescue those left behind by Joey Xi. Sad part about it is, The demonic evil PM/DSA Democrat Commie establishment and globalists have turned this country into a Third World SHIT HOLE!
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Reports: Taliban Decapitating Children and Hunting Down US Collaborators​

17 Sep 2021 ~~ By Guy Benson

President Biden is taking a long weekend at the beach, which must be nice for him. But in Afghanistan, the ramifications of his disastrously executed US withdrawal remain a terrifying daily reality for the tens of thousands of people he promised then failed to evacuate. The administration is clearly hoping that voters will turn the page on this issue; the sooner they forget about the ongoing national humiliation, and the thousands of Americans stranded in a terrorist-controlled country, the better. But even if much of the media moves on, that doesn't change the reality of what's happening on the ground. For instance:

Just a few stray child executions, from the group that the Biden administration won't call an enemy. Another account:
The Taliban are methodically collecting as much information about the Afghan population as possible, looking for anyone who has, in their eyes, been tainted or corrupted by Western influences or values. Hiding Afghan allies of the U.S. are now wondering if it is worth it to try making the dangerous journey to sneak into Pakistan — although that option offers a separate plethora of deadly risks. Americans who are trying to get Afghan allies out of the country continue to hear horrific stories from those they’re trying to rescue. These stories are difficult to verify, but bit by bit, similar accounts from different sources start to align...“The Taliban have sent notices out to houses, saying the residents must fill out all the questions on the form correctly or suffer the consequences. The Taliban is calling this a ‘house passport.’ People living in the house must fill in the information of past positions and work, location of where the work was done, the organization they worked for, etc. They are asking these questions in an effort to implicate people who worked in democracy building, human rights advocacy, or basically any U.S.-financed project that runs counter to the Taliban philosophy.” My reader who’s been telling me about his efforts for the past month or so offers a similar account. “Two of my guys reported separately that Taliban outside Kabul are ordering adults to provide their work histories, so the Taliban may determine if they were involved in any ‘anti-Taliban’ efforts in the last twenty years,” he said.​
This man's tone is calm and matter-of-fact, but his words are chilling:

The Biden, Harris. Blinken, Austin, Milley Human Rights holocaust begins.... Thanks to Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists for fraudulently electing a demented, corrupt, inept president and vice-president who has no problems supporting a rogue general. A Secretary of State with no back bone, a Yes man for Secretary of Defense and a Joint Chief of Staff that has a God Complex.
The sins of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
Of course there will be those from the Left that will attempt to nullify this post, yet they still have to excuse the blunder of Joey Xi Bai Dung in ordering the drone killing of a an NGO Aide worker and 7 children transporting water.

That's an awful lot of whining, with no suggestion as to what we should have done instead with Afghanistan.
Townhall is a bad source.

The story might not even be true. Can you find it on Associate Press, Reuters or even Fox?

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