Reps Lauren Boebert & Matt Gaetz both say they'll nominate Trump to be Speaker Of The House when (if?) the GOP take back the House in 2023

That's my bet too. Trump is busy running his businesses and getting ready for a run in 2024.
Trump sure is busy. Plotting treason & an end to Democracy is quite an undertaking. Plus he has that "stop the steal" scam to attend to.
Trump sure is busy. Plotting treason & an end to Democracy is quite an undertaking. Plus he has that "stop the steal" scam to attend to.
Fortunately for him, he has any number of enablers willing to sell their soul for him. They often come in handy.
Yes is has a great "ring" to it, but I think Trump is gearing up for a presidential run in 2024 and won't run for a House seat.
Trump wouldn't even read his intel briefings & he's going to attend to duties of House Speaker? Sure.

Who will pull the short straw & have to tutor that moron on the duties as SOH? The only time that jerkoff reads anything is if it's own deranged press releases.
America would love it if that worked.
The only way Trump will ever be POTUS again is if cult members like you allow him & his lackeys to steal the election in 2024.

But that what you want. An end to Democracy on behalf of a deranged sociopath.
I don't think Trump will run for a House seat in the midterm election, he'll wait until 2024 and make another run for the White House.

He can be Speaker without being a member of the House.

He would really shake things up, wouldn't he?

Ole Potatohead would be shitting in his Depends every day, wouldn't he?
The real evil is Dr. Jill. For she let her husband run for President knowing his limitations. Knowing what power is can be an aphrodesiac. You know Joe is demented. A wife not knowing that is a moron or has her own ambitions. But 325 million people are being affected. Times like this can cause bloodshed in many ways, including destructive wars. We are living off of foundation going back a long time. But the magazines will pass her off as a beauty with fashion sense.
Heaven help us, We have fallen so low, We no longer attack our presidents for there political policy's but for personal things we have know way of knowing the truth about. Then we have taken it a step further and attack the wife's and children. We are becoming a very small minded country.
Fortunately for him, he has any number of enablers willing to sell their soul for him. They often come in handy.
The goal is to completely turn the House into a Prog media/entertainment like show. Some of their own medicine for all to see. The real clowns that are Progs need to get back their share of the fun for shit and giggles.
Their master plan is to make Trump Speaker of the House and then Impeach Biden AND Harris at the same time thus making Trump President again
While Biden and Harris should be impeached, Dem Senators would not vote to convict/remove them and they would remain in office.
While Biden and Harris should be impeached, Dem Senators would not vote to convict/remove them and they would remain in office.
That is why it is stupid to make Trump Speaker

A position he has little interest in
who is more attractive: Lauren or Matt?

They are both "Bimbos" of different kind, she has an obscure past but to her credit, she is a nice piece of A**, with no brains and a husband who is a sexual pervert, while Gaetz, an ultra MAGA fascist, is himself, a child trafficker...


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