Reptilian Conspiracy Theroies


Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
Can someone help make light as to why some people are actually so stupid enough to believe that our political figures in high power are actually just reptilians in disguise?. :doubt:
Are you just dumb or what?





And then why do you think that chick upstairs was all gun ho about washing her eggs? Duh!
They are not "reptilian" but are an undocumented life form from impoverished planets simply seeking a better life for themselves and family. The term reptilian is derisive and bigoted, a byproduct of the uninformed.
Can someone help make light as to why some people are actually so stupid enough to believe that our political figures in high power are actually just reptilians in disguise?. :doubt:

Research blue blood, or royal bloodlines.

Some say because there is a huge gap with O neg blood types which can't be explained this plays a part in it.

Just about every President in the White House is related to each each other.
Can someone help make light as to why some people are actually so stupid enough to believe that our political figures in high power are actually just reptilians in disguise?. :doubt:

The Reptilians - Why Are
They Obsessed With Bloodline
And Ritual

By David Icke

I witnessed a "channeling" session this week in England, performed by a channel/medium I was very impressed with. As readers of my books will know, I am extremely wary of channeled information because while on occasions it can come from a high and enlightened source, much of it is very low level or, frankly, a sham.
However, I felt that this channel was one of those who is truly gifted and a wealth of detailed information emerged that confirmed and added to my own research, which has been very much gathered in this dimension and not through channeled messages.
Anyway, here is some of the information that came through relating to the relationship between the reptilian bloodline and the Illuminati obsession with ritual. As always, the choice of what feels right is yours and yours alone:
Between "worlds"
The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing "human" bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities. These are referred to as "hidden spaces and planes unknown to man", in the apparently ancient "Emerald Tablets which I quote from in "Children of the Matrix For simplicity, I refer to this "between world" in my books as the lower fourth dimension.

The Reptilians - Why Are They Obsessed With Bloodline And Ritual
They are not "reptilian" but are an undocumented life form from impoverished planets simply seeking a better life for themselves and family. The term reptilian is derisive and bigoted, a byproduct of the uninformed.
Rat eating bastards!
Can someone help make light as to why some people are actually so stupid enough to believe that our political figures in high power are actually just reptilians in disguise?. :doubt:

Well let's see, they don't seem to have any heart, or soul, or conscience. In short, they just don't seem human.

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