repub candidate Christie calls trump a coward who sat eating his hamburger while his mob attacked the Capitol

Christie sat on a bridge lane closures to punish other politicians.

In September 2016, both the prosecution and the defense in the trial of two of Christie's former aides argued that Christie knew of his close associates' involvement in a plan to shut down lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge as it was happening, and that the closings were to punish Sokolich for declining to support Christie's reelection bid.

Fort Lee lane closure scandal - Wikipedia


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trump sat there on J6 and watched as his cult attacked the Capitol. He did nothing for hours. Now repubs want to reelect him?
Trump ate a hamburger during the riot ? Christie eats hamburgers while showering !
I was thinking 'Christie should write an anti-Trump book. Just call it "Trump Sucks (and I'm a Republican)" and the media will sing its praises.' Then it turned out he already did write an anti-Trump book, in 2019. Christie was very dissappointed that after all his sucking up to Trump during the 2016 campaign, he did not get picked to be VP.

Christie was to Trump like the fat girl that a chubby girl hangs out with so she can be the skinny one when they talk to guys.

The title of his book: "Let Me Finish." Perfect!


trump sat there on J6 and watched as his cult attacked the Capitol. He did nothing for hours. Now repubs want to reelect him?
Christie shouldnt criticize anyone for eating at any time .
He is a RINO more interested in his next paycheck than serving the country. Or maybe he is an independent who never actually takes a stand.
That is far better than supporting an Un-American, Anti-Consitution, Anti-Election stand, for the country.
Christie is correct and the only actual conservative running, willing to reject the Anti-American, self-centered, asshole Trump, outright and for the correct reasons. The rest are basically cowards and opportunists.

Christie is just a RINO. He also has a horrible record about Second Amendment rights, especially when he was Governor.
That is far better than supporting an Un-American, Anti-Consitution, Anti-Election stand, for the country.
That is Biden you are describing.
As for Christie, anyone who pretends to support someone for a cushy position, then doesn;t get it and turns against scum.
Christie is just a RINO. He also has a horrible record about Second Amendment rights, especially when he was Governor.

Besides the bridge thing the thing I remember the most about Christie is him berating a teacher over not having the money to give the teachers a raise.

After the storm blew through N.J. he went running to Obama for money we did not have.
If he wins the nomination that you are campaigning for him to get, yes we will vote for him.
You don't find it ironic Doughboy Christie is criticizing someone for eating?You really are an airhead aren't you jimboliar??
Christie believes that Trump almost killed him by infecting him with Covid. And he also hates him for telling the lie that the election was stolen from him. He runs because he hates Grifty, not because he thinks he will be the nominee.
Christie is just a RINO. He also has a horrible record about Second Amendment rights, especially when he was Governor.
RINO is just a popular term made up by the far right as an indictment of those, that in the past have stood supporting American values and strength. You guys would probably call William F Buckley a RINO if he were alive and did not support overruling elections and Putin's attack on neighboring countries advancing toward NATO and Europe.
RINO is just a popular term made up by the far right as an indictment of those, that in the past have stood supporting American values and strength. You guys would probably call William F Buckley a RINO if he were alive and did not support overruling elections and Putin's attack on neighboring countries advancing toward NATO and Europe.
RINOs pretend to stand for Republican conservative values and support of the country. In reality, they are interested in getting elected to multiple terms so their bank accounts will be overflowing when they retire. Democrats simply do what I have described in the open with no pretense at all.
That is Biden you are describing.
As for Christie, anyone who pretends to support someone for a cushy position, then doesn;t get it and turns against scum.
I could agree, Biden said things in his election run for public consumption to garner votes. Not sure who has not.
RINOs pretend to stand for Republican conservative values and support of the country. In reality, they are interested in getting elected to multiple terms so their bank accounts will be overflowing when they retire. Democrats simply do what I have described in the open with no pretense at all.
So, you (like I) favor term limits? Good to know.

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