repub requirements for work target low income people over 50...most who already work.

The goal of the republican party and the corporate world that owns it is to make the American people the slaves that they have spent the last 70 years traveling over sea's to third world crap holes to use their populations for this. As they're all about using people as nothing more then tools without rights or deserving of fair or just pay. WE need to wake up to the reality that these people hate the American people.
The goal of the republican party and the corporate world that owns it is to make the American people the slaves that they have spent the last 70 years traveling over sea's to third world crap holes to use their populations for this. As they're all about using people as nothing more then tools without rights or deserving of fair or just pay. WE need to wake up to the reality that these people hate the American people.
37% compared to 22% for someone making $50K.
Any other questions?
That is the posted tax rate before deductions that aren't even available to working people. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and Michael Bloomberg and Carl Icahn, literally, in recent years, paid zero in federal income tax.
And MAGAs want to giive it all to the rich.
I do not think so, but that is how it will work. Those who respond favorably to the slogan, "Make America great again," think of the 1950's as the "again" they want to restore.

The 1950's was the golden age of America's white working class. The Second World War destroyed the factories of our trade rivals, while leaving ours intact. This gave American manufacturers buyers' markets for raw materials, and sellers' markets for what they manufactured. They could afford to be generous with employees. They also had to compete for them because the Immigration Reform Act of 1924 restricted immigration, and those entering the job market had been born when the birth rate had been low.

The reforms of the Roosevelt administration two decades earlier meant that much of the economic growth would go to the white working class and the white lower middle class. One third of the work force belonged to labor unions, and the top marginal tax rate was usually 91%. Needless to say, Trump does not want to restore those conditions. He cannot restore the others.

During the 1950's the average house cost twice the average year's wages. A white man with a high school degree could buy a house in the suburbs, and have a wife who did not need to work, but who could stay at home with the children.

In addition, rates of divorce and illegitimacy were low. Most Americans were affiliated with a church or synagogue. Ronald Reagan appealed to nostalgia for the moral ethos of the 1950's. Donald Trump appeals to the economic situation back then.

Neither the MAGA people nor the religious right want to make the rich richer. Reagan appealed and Trump appeals to their nostalgia to make the rich richer.
No you didn't. But given our labor shortage and 10 million jobs that can't be filled, we need to do something. If you work a full time job today and can't even buy food, you're doing something wrong. If you are working full-time you don't even qualify for food stamps. It's time we start using these programs for only those that need them, not to replace a job or only work part-time because taxpayers will supply the rest.
Many of those employers are bad and should be avoided. If a business can't get employees that's all on their failure to attract them. Shame on the business.
The goal of the republican party and the corporate world that owns it is to make the American people the slaves that they have spent the last 70 years traveling over sea's to third world crap holes to use their populations for this. As they're all about using people as nothing more then tools without rights or deserving of fair or just pay. WE need to wake up to the reality that these people hate the American people.

Really? And what about all those kids mining cobalt in Africa to make the lefts batteries for their stupid electric cars?

The repubs want to reduce expenditures by targeting poor people....again. But they want to make the Tax Cut for the Rich permanent.
People shouldn't be sponging off the US government, and me. If I can work for money, so can they. If working 15 hours per week at McDonalds or Walmart isn't enough then get a damn job working 40 hours per week. Those jobs are out there everywhere.
That is the posted tax rate before deductions that aren't even available to working people. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and Michael Bloomberg and Carl Icahn, literally, in recent years, paid zero in federal income tax.
You are only off by about $11 BILLION in taxes for Musk alone.

What a lying sack you are.


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