Republican Admits Deficits & Debt Would Explode If Romney’s Elected


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
[ame=]"The debt would explode given some of the programs Gov. Romney has put forward..." - YouTube[/ame]
Deficits don't matter if the money spent goes to the very wealthy. Present GOP mantra.

Obama has been the biggest spender in human history.

Romney couldn't possibly be worse if he tried

Obama has been the biggest spender in human history.

Romney couldn't possibly be worse if he tried

Romney wants to increase defense spending and cut taxes. The deficits have to get worse in that scenario, all else being equal.

Obama has been the biggest spender in human history.

Romney couldn't possibly be worse if he tried

Romney wants to increase defense spending and cut taxes.
....And, anything more-specific (than that)......

....makes his head EXPLODE!!!!!

Well according to others dems not voting for obama is big news, so this as well should be big news, and yet right on cue the rightwing retards come in and deflect this...
When Republicans say "entitlement reform", they mean end school lunches for children, end Medicare, end Social Security, end Food Stamps. Get rid of every program that would help the middle class or anyone not a millionaire.

Go ahead, right wing, deny it. The denial will ring "hollow".

Obama has been the biggest spender in human history.

Romney couldn't possibly be worse if he tried

Romney wants to increase defense spending and cut taxes. The deficits have to get worse in that scenario, all else being equal.

Gee... what happens if the economy actually grows at more than 1%?


You guys slay me...

The same thing that happened when GW Bush cut taxes and increased military spending. huge deficits came back.

As they did when Reagan cut taxes and increased military spending.

This is simple math. It always has been, despite the efforts of the snake oil salesmen on the right to make it seem more complicated.
When Republicans say "entitlement reform", they mean end school lunches for children, end Medicare, end Social Security, end Food Stamps. Get rid of every program that would help the middle class or anyone not a millionaire.

Go ahead, right wing, deny it. The denial will ring "hollow".

As much as they want to, most of them are secretly realistic politicians, and because of that, they know that to cut social spending in the amounts it would take to balance the budget - while still cutting taxes and spending billions more on defense -

would be political suicide.


what they would do - were Romney elected - is dodge the draconian domestic cuts, let the deficits run, and blame them on the Democrats.

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