Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

Rino Ryan has a 30% approval rate. You do realize that 100-30 = 70. That means 70% disapprove of Ryan. :cuckoo:

No it doesn't. What's the matter with you? Read your own link.

PPP's new national poll finds that Republican voters have soured on Paul Ryan nationally. Overall only 30% of voters approve of the job Ryan is doing as Speaker of the House, to 48% who disapprove.

48% disapprove and 22% were too polite to tell the truth to the pollster- this is Wisconsin!
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

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So the answer is to go full retard and pick a fascist like Trump?

What is he fascist about? Do you know even what a fascist is?
Fascist means more than "something I don't like."
But Trump is a fascist. This is obvious.

Then it should be no problem for you to list his "fascist" positions......
Single payer healthcare
1A restrictions
Restrictions on free movement of labor and capital.

Just for starters.
Is Trump changing his mind again? Looks like it.

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign waffled again on the details of its economic policy, with a top adviser suggesting a Trump administration would be open to reductions in Medicare and Social Security spending if the campaign’s tax cuts don’t achieve extraordinary budget surpluses.

To date, Mr. Trump has stood by his promise to leave untouched the entitlement benefits that older Americans receive, while proposing an unprecedentedly large tax cut. Outside analysts have concluded that combination would worsen the country’s long-term fiscal position.

The campaign in recent days has muddled but not reversed those positions, with the candidate or his top aides suggesting they were open to paring back his proposed tax cuts or, on Wednesday, potentially trimming entitlement benefits.

“After the administration has been in place, then we will start to take a look at all of the programs, including entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare,” said chief Trump policy adviser Sam Clovis, during an event in Washington. “We’ll start taking a hard look at those to start seeing what we can do in a bipartisan way.” ...

Mr. Trump has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to reduce major entitlement benefits and said during his campaign launch speech last year that he wanted to “save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts.”

“It’s my absolute intention to leave Social Security the way it is,” Mr. Trump said during a March debate. “Not increase the age and to leave it as is.”​

Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes

He has principles!
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.
So who's a conservative other than trump and Rand Paul? And what was so wrong with Rand you guys had to go with trump?

Fact is, all Republicans suck. If not, why isn't Gilmore, Pataki, Graham, jindal, Perry, Walker, huckabee, santorum, fiorino, Christie, jeb, carson, rubio Cruz and kasich?

Your telling us none of them was conservative? Then you have been lying to us for years.

And they all say they are for these things other than no war. Is trump a libertarian?
Is Trump changing his mind again? Looks like it.

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign waffled again on the details of its economic policy, with a top adviser suggesting a Trump administration would be open to reductions in Medicare and Social Security spending if the campaign’s tax cuts don’t achieve extraordinary budget surpluses.

To date, Mr. Trump has stood by his promise to leave untouched the entitlement benefits that older Americans receive, while proposing an unprecedentedly large tax cut. Outside analysts have concluded that combination would worsen the country’s long-term fiscal position.

The campaign in recent days has muddled but not reversed those positions, with the candidate or his top aides suggesting they were open to paring back his proposed tax cuts or, on Wednesday, potentially trimming entitlement benefits.

“After the administration has been in place, then we will start to take a look at all of the programs, including entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare,” said chief Trump policy adviser Sam Clovis, during an event in Washington. “We’ll start taking a hard look at those to start seeing what we can do in a bipartisan way.” ...

Mr. Trump has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to reduce major entitlement benefits and said during his campaign launch speech last year that he wanted to “save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts.”

“It’s my absolute intention to leave Social Security the way it is,” Mr. Trump said during a March debate. “Not increase the age and to leave it as is.”​

Trump Adviser Says He’s Open to Entitlement Program Changes

He has principles!
He does. His principles are "get elected" and "me me me."

The Trumptards are getting pwned like the Obamabots but they are too stupid to see it.
Libs are generally astounded by the obvious fact that Trump changes his mind and his stated positions so often and cavalierly.

But they are dully indifferent to the fact that Shrillary lies more than any other politician ever.
Libs are generally astounded by the obvious fact that Trump changes his mind and his stated positions so often and cavalierly.

But they are dully indifferent to the fact that Shrillary lies more than any other politician ever.

“changes his mind” vs. “lying”. Same old whatever your name used to be. Care to make another bet this year about the outcome of the race???? LOL.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.
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Full retard was right..

Drumpf won because he was entertaining and told a bunch of low information belly-achers what they wanted to hear; “You are not responsible for your lot in life, Emelda took the job you wanted. I’ll kick Emelda out of the country.”
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
He's changed it to get votes, not because he believes in it. He doesn't believe in anything except Trump. He's a conman.
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal of the original 20.

That last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt of the original 20.

America is fucked.

You haven’t studied corruption much. From bridge-gate to forced inoculations of 12 y/o girls to HP’s implosion to Rubio…
Trump's positions:

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Please explain how these positions are not conservative??
Please explain how he held the opposite opinion on many of those, some not so distant in the past, and yet you still trust him.
What example has he set via his own actions that prove his new positions to be from the heart and not just a sham for votes.

He STILL has businesses overseas that ship the products back here to be sold. A prime example of reality not matching rhetoric

He licensed his name to apparel companies - he doesn't control those businesses.

You can't blame him for decimating the garment industry, that belongs to the politicians who negotiated NAFTA and other trade deals that allow foreign garments manufactured with cheap (slave?) labor to enter the US 100% Duty Free. This is a question of U.S. Government priorities. How important is the United States to the U.S. Government? To what degree should U.S. interests be considered in U.S. trade policy? These are important questions, but frankly ones that we should never have had a need to ask. We should always place America First. PERIOD.
So you absolve him for selling his name to foreigners knowing full well those could be American jobs created?

They aren't foreigners, they are American companies.
Employing cheap foreign labor in foreign countries. Taking jobs away from Americans.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

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The GOP controls the Senate, the House, most State Legislatures, most Governors Chairs and no end is in sight. I would bet the Democrats would love to “fail” that way.

Are you insane?
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
Any other what? The man is a walking wind vane lol

What positions are you talking about? Name a few.....or one.

Other than immigration you mean?

On Thursday, Trump was on CNBC for half an hour. They asked him if he would replace Janet Yellen. He said yes, because "she's a low interest rate person." Then, literally the next thing out of his mouth was that he, too, was a low interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be if interest rates went up. He then talked about why interest rates shouldn't go up for about a minute.

You couldn't make this up.

It was bizarre.

And unnerving.

He's unscripted. Would you prefer this....


That's your choice.....
You think writing out your ideas in a speech and showing thought and discernment before you speak is a bad thing for a president, for the leader of the free world?

T-Rump just babbles anything that comes into his not so intelligent head. That is NOT A GOOD THING. A president needs to be thoughtful, diplomatic and discerning. T-Rump is a loudmouth blowhard
Trump Says GOP Doesn’t Need to Be Unified

“If his forces are united, separate them.”
Sun Tzu,The Art of War

Former Republican senator trashes Trump as GOP struggles to unify: ‘I think he’s a sociopath’

A former New Hampshire congressman and Republican said he would not support the GOP’s leading candidate, Donald Trump, because he thinks Trump is a “sociopath,” The Hill reports.

Former U.S. Sen. Gordon Humphrey, a New Hampshire Republican, made the comment on Friday. Humphrey had been a staunch supporter of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for whom he was serving as a delegate.

Unequivocally, I am not supporting Donald Trump,” Humphrey told the New Hampshire Union Leader. “I think he’s a sociopath.”

Humphrey’s comments were made amid calls by some members of the Republican party to unite behind Trump.

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