Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Ok, which of the myriad of alphabet agencies does your guy plan to eliminate?

"We're going to make many cuts in business. We're getting rid of -- we're going to get rid of so many different things. Department of Education -- Common Core is out. We're going local. Have to go local. Environmental protection -- we waste all of this money. We're going to bring that back to the states. And we're going to have other … many things. We are going to cut many of the agencies, we will balance our budget, and we will be dynamic again."

"Waste, fraud and abuse all over the place. Waste, fraud and abuse. You look at what's happening with Social Security, you look -- look at what's happening with every agency -- waste, fraud and abuse. We will cut so much, your head will spin."

So much bluster and banter, like they used to say in the BK commercial, "Where's the beef", where can I find an actual plan?
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Ok, which of the myriad of alphabet agencies does your guy plan to eliminate?

"We're going to make many cuts in business. We're getting rid of -- we're going to get rid of so many different things. Department of Education -- Common Core is out. We're going local. Have to go local. Environmental protection -- we waste all of this money. We're going to bring that back to the states. And we're going to have other … many things. We are going to cut many of the agencies, we will balance our budget, and we will be dynamic again."

"Waste, fraud and abuse all over the place. Waste, fraud and abuse. You look at what's happening with Social Security, you look -- look at what's happening with every agency -- waste, fraud and abuse. We will cut so much, your head will spin."

So much bluster and banter, like they used to say in the BK commercial, "Where's the beef", where can I find an actual plan?
He has some plans on his website. But they are outlines. Why only outlines?

Because specific plans are all bullshit pie on the sky garbage that excite the base - but have ZERO chance of passing. He is not a king or emperor than can rule by decree. He had to work with Congress

I do know that He wants to eliminate fraud waste and abuse along with the vapid stupidity found in government.

He is the only candidate that even acknowledges how abjectly stupid the Feds are.... That makes him 10x more specific than anyone IMHO.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Ok, which of the myriad of alphabet agencies does your guy plan to eliminate?

"We're going to make many cuts in business. We're getting rid of -- we're going to get rid of so many different things. Department of Education -- Common Core is out. We're going local. Have to go local. Environmental protection -- we waste all of this money. We're going to bring that back to the states. And we're going to have other … many things. We are going to cut many of the agencies, we will balance our budget, and we will be dynamic again."

"Waste, fraud and abuse all over the place. Waste, fraud and abuse. You look at what's happening with Social Security, you look -- look at what's happening with every agency -- waste, fraud and abuse. We will cut so much, your head will spin."

So much bluster and banter, like they used to say in the BK commercial, "Where's the beef", where can I find an actual plan?
He has some plans on his website. But they are outlines. Why only outlines?

Because specific plans are all bullshit pie on the sky garbage that excite the base - but have ZERO chance of passing. He is not a king or emperor than can rule by decree. He had to work with Congress

I do know that He wants to eliminate fraud waste and abuse along with the vapid stupidity found in government.

He is the only candidate that even acknowledges how abjectly stupid the Feds are.... That makes him 10x more specific than anyone IMHO.

When you look at the 3 still standing, that isn't saying much.
Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.
LOL, since when? Are you referring to Donald "I will be changing very rapidly. I'm capable of changing to anything I want to change to" Trump the lifelong left wing Democrat that changes his positions more often than most people change their socks?
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.

Deeds such as going bankrupt four times, like The King of Debt for instance?
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.

Deeds such as going bankrupt four times, like The King of Debt for instance?
He's done thousands of deals and 4 went south. I'll take those odds. Do 100% of your trades turn a profit?

Why don't you address the "meat" of my post? How long should fiscally conservative voters allow cheap talking career politicians to say one thing while campaigning then do another after they are elected!?

When do we say fuck it, and go with the less than perfect private citizen?
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"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.
I like your straw man. Pardon me as I burn it to the ground.

No foreign wars? Trump wants to invade Iraq, dipshit.

Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

Now how will he do that?

He'll have to re-invade Iraq, of course! With American boots on the ground.

Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

He will invade Iraq for oil, and use the money to give to the American soldiers who will be wounded re-invading Iraq!

Gee, where have I heard that before? Who was it that said invading Iraq would pay for itself?

Oh, yeah! This is exactly what Bush said, right? The war would pay for itself with oil profits.

And yet Trump said Bush should be impeached for invading Iraq. Trump said it was a quagmire and we should cut and run from Iraq. A policy which the pseudo-cons say caused the rise of ISIS!

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down.

And you want to elect one of these cut and run liberals for President!?!?! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Low taxes?

Donald Trump: My Tax Plan Is Going To Cost Me A Fortune. You can bleev that only if you bleev Trump has as high an income as he wants you to bleev.

Donald Trump: Tax The Rich More

The man sounds like Elizabeth Warren on this point!

There are key issues which separate liberals from Republicans. Abortion, gun rights, and health care reform

Trump is "very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. Trump is pro gun ban. And Trump is pro socialized medicine.

Trump Proposes Replacing Obamacare with Government-Funded Universal Healthcare

“This is an Un-Republican thing for me to say.” “I don’t care if it costs me votes or not.”

So tell us again about what a great conservative Trump is and how the other guys are RINOs so we can have a huge belly laugh, retard.
The truth is there is such turmoil in the GOP precisely because Trump is not a conservative, nor does he mirror our values. Instead he is a demagogue who has sold the story that a) illegals are the source of our economic problems (in Germany c.1930 substitute "Jews" for illegals), and b) that he has a plan to deport them that is even vaguely realistic.
Both are false narratives.
Jesus, I am agreeing with Rabbi so frequently these days its fucking scary.

Trump is a uniter! :lol:
Jesus, I am agreeing with Rabbi so frequently these days its fucking scary.

Trump is a uniter! :lol:
I think we turned the corner several threads back, G5000. BUt when I agree with the libs on this forum I sense Hell is freezing over. Yes Trump unites those opposed to racism, bigotry, stupidity, big government, ignorance, corruption and filth.
Jesus, I am agreeing with Rabbi so frequently these days its fucking scary.

Trump is a uniter! :lol:
I think we turned the corner several threads back, G5000. BUt when I agree with the libs on this forum I sense Hell is freezing over. Yes Trump unites those opposed to racism, bigotry, stupidity, big government, ignorance, corruption and filth.
Trump has united those of us opposed to racism, bigotry, stupidity, big government, ignorance, corruption, and filth.

On the flip side, he has united the racists, bigots, retards, pseudo-cons, psychopaths, hypocrites, and liars who have destroyed the Republican and conservative brands. And it appears there are way more of them than us.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Trump is not a conservative.

Government small enough to fit into your uterus and now your public restroom.
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal of the original 20.

That last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt of the original 20.

America is fucked.
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal of the original 20.

That last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt of the original 20.

America is fucked.
How did we go from having basically a lock on the presidency this year, and the best bench of candidates in some time to almost certain loss and these three numbskulls?
The last three candidates standing are the three most elderly of the original 20.

The last three candidates standing are the three most liberal of the original 20.

That last three candidates standing are the three most corrupt of the original 20.

America is fucked.
How did we go from having basically a lock on the presidency this year, and the best bench of candidates in some time to almost certain loss and these three numbskulls?
I can tell you exactly how it happened.

The GOP Establishment has condoned the feeding and nurturing of the racists and bigots who have infected the party, because it meant votes, and they didn't care how they got votes, as long as they kept winning with them. They allowed this cancerous invasion to fester and metastasize.

And now it is time to pay the piper for leading the racist rats away from the Democratic village and into the Republican village.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

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