Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

Try twisting my words a little more, you little fascist.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.

I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.

I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
This " Boenher was ousted because of Conservative activism and Ryan seems freaking clueless so he might be next" is the relentlessly stupid statement of the day.

Boehner left when he was ready and had his heir apparent in place.

Said heir apparent has called for open votes to make sure important bills passed so that the teatards could not derail government.

No one fears the far right anymore.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.

I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.

I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
I'm a realist.

Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.

I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
I'm a realist.

Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.
LOL! You must be what, 15 years old?
Bay of Pigs
Potsdam Conference

We achieved every objective we set, remember? Since when is success failure? Oh yeah, if you're a left wing douchebag it is.
Trump says he might raise taxes on the wealthy.

Donald Trump said his ambitious package of across-the-board tax reductions is meant to serve as a starting point for negotiations with Congress, and that he could see taxes actually rise for upper-income households if needed to win cuts for the middle class.​

Donald Trump Says Wealthy May See Tax Increase

In California, where Zander lives, the marginal rate of income tax for the wealthy already is 57%. Is Trump trying to outdo France?

I await the rationalization from Trump supporters that raising taxes on the wealthy is now "conservative."
Trump says he might raise taxes on the wealthy.

Donald Trump said his ambitious package of across-the-board tax reductions is meant to serve as a starting point for negotiations with Congress, and that he could see taxes actually rise for upper-income households if needed to win cuts for the middle class.​

Donald Trump Says Wealthy May See Tax Increase

In California, where Zander lives, the marginal rate of income tax for the wealthy already is 57%. Is Trump trying to outdo France?

I await the rationalization from Trump supporters that raising taxes on the wealthy is now "conservative."
They'll tell you the deck is stacked against working people. That the wealth disparity is obscene.
Trump supporters are Bernie Sanders supporters who hate Hispanics. There is hardly a difference between Trump and Bernie, except Bernie has actual experience in government.
I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
I'm a realist.

Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.
LOL! You must be what, 15 years old?
Bay of Pigs
Potsdam Conference

We achieved every objective we set, remember? Since when is success failure? Oh yeah, if you're a left wing douchebag it is.
If the objective was the destabilization of the entire Levant, hundreds of thousands dead and wounded, and trillions in lost treasure then yeah, it was a great success.
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
I'm a realist.

Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.
LOL! You must be what, 15 years old?
Bay of Pigs
Potsdam Conference

We achieved every objective we set, remember? Since when is success failure? Oh yeah, if you're a left wing douchebag it is.
If the objective was the destabilization of the entire Levant, hundreds of thousands dead and wounded, and trillions in lost treasure then yeah, it was a great success.
When did that happen? Not as a result of the Iraq War. The opposite, actually. Recall Ghaddafi gave up his WMD program.
I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
I'm a realist.

Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.
LOL! You must be what, 15 years old?
Bay of Pigs
Potsdam Conference, a

We achieved every objective we set, remember? Since when is success failure? Oh yeah, if you're a left wing douchebag it is.
We won the war and lost peace (we are doing it for the third time in 13 years) and all of this is far worse than Bay of Pigs and even Vietnam. Potsdam does not even count.

Neo-cons who are conservatives are not Americans in the true sense of the word.
Absolutely. It was the right move. Failing to invade would have given the green light for every tin pot dictator to step all over us.

Congratulations. You're not a conservative. You are a neocon.
Congratulations. You are neither a neo con nor a conservative. You are merely a tool.
I'm a realist.

Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history.
LOL! You must be what, 15 years old?
Bay of Pigs
Potsdam Conference, a

We achieved every objective we set, remember? Since when is success failure? Oh yeah, if you're a left wing douchebag it is.
We won the war and lost peace (we are doing it for the third time in 13 years) and all of this is far worse than Bay of Pigs and even Vietnam. Potsdam does not even count.

Neo-cons who are conservatives are not Americans in the true sense of the word.
Yeah thats because America elected Obama. Obama fucked up, we all know.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

The GOP establishment is basically an auxiliary of the Dem Big Gubmint establishment. They all feed from the same trough.
Exactly. It's bread and circuses for the plebes.


Trump says he might raise taxes on the wealthy.

Donald Trump said his ambitious package of across-the-board tax reductions is meant to serve as a starting point for negotiations with Congress, and that he could see taxes actually rise for upper-income households if needed to win cuts for the middle class.​

Donald Trump Says Wealthy May See Tax Increase

In California, where Zander lives, the marginal rate of income tax for the wealthy already is 57%. Is Trump trying to outdo France?

I await the rationalization from Trump supporters that raising taxes on the wealthy is now "conservative."

You fail, again.

Trump was talking about negotiating his tax plan with Congress once he becomes president. His premise seems to be that Congress won’t simply accept his entire tax plan and vote it into law unchanged. Members of Congress will ask for concessions. Maybe even Democratic members of Congress! In order for President Trump to get what he wants, he may have to give other politicians something they want, and there are a lot of Dems who want to raise taxes on those at the top of the heap.

Trump’s critics seem to be freaking out because he’s talking about the way legislating actually works
, instead of presenting a fantastical non-starter in order to woo voters with simple ideas too good to be true, such as cutting taxes and sitting back as the economy magically grows at twice the normal rate.

continued.... .Trump isn’t flip-flopping on taxes – he’s being realistic
Trump Derangement Syndrome- you have it bad Toro!!
Trump says he might raise taxes on the wealthy.

Donald Trump said his ambitious package of across-the-board tax reductions is meant to serve as a starting point for negotiations with Congress, and that he could see taxes actually rise for upper-income households if needed to win cuts for the middle class.​

Donald Trump Says Wealthy May See Tax Increase

In California, where Zander lives, the marginal rate of income tax for the wealthy already is 57%. Is Trump trying to outdo France?

I await the rationalization from Trump supporters that raising taxes on the wealthy is now "conservative."

You fail, again.

Trump was talking about negotiating his tax plan with Congress once he becomes president. His premise seems to be that Congress won’t simply accept his entire tax plan and vote it into law unchanged. Members of Congress will ask for concessions. Maybe even Democratic members of Congress! In order for President Trump to get what he wants, he may have to give other politicians something they want, and there are a lot of Dems who want to raise taxes on those at the top of the heap.

Trump’s critics seem to be freaking out because he’s talking about the way legislating actually works
, instead of presenting a fantastical non-starter in order to woo voters with simple ideas too good to be true, such as cutting taxes and sitting back as the economy magically grows at twice the normal rate.

continued.... .Trump isn’t flip-flopping on taxes – he’s being realistic
Trump Derangement Syndrome- you have it bad Toro!!

Trump said his proposal was a starting point for negotiations but taxes on the rich would go up.

Edit - And when Chuck Todd pressed him on who he was referring to, he said "guys like me." I give him credit for saying he'd raise taxes on himself.
Last edited:
Trump says he might raise taxes on the wealthy.

Donald Trump said his ambitious package of across-the-board tax reductions is meant to serve as a starting point for negotiations with Congress, and that he could see taxes actually rise for upper-income households if needed to win cuts for the middle class.​

Donald Trump Says Wealthy May See Tax Increase

In California, where Zander lives, the marginal rate of income tax for the wealthy already is 57%. Is Trump trying to outdo France?

I await the rationalization from Trump supporters that raising taxes on the wealthy is now "conservative."

You fail, again.

Trump was talking about negotiating his tax plan with Congress once he becomes president. His premise seems to be that Congress won’t simply accept his entire tax plan and vote it into law unchanged. Members of Congress will ask for concessions. Maybe even Democratic members of Congress! In order for President Trump to get what he wants, he may have to give other politicians something they want, and there are a lot of Dems who want to raise taxes on those at the top of the heap.

Trump’s critics seem to be freaking out because he’s talking about the way legislating actually works
, instead of presenting a fantastical non-starter in order to woo voters with simple ideas too good to be true, such as cutting taxes and sitting back as the economy magically grows at twice the normal rate.

continued.... .Trump isn’t flip-flopping on taxes – he’s being realistic
Trump Derangement Syndrome- you have it bad Toro!!

Trump said his proposal was a starting point for negotiations but taxes on the rich would go up.

Edit - And when Chuck Todd pressed him on who he was referring to, he said "guys like me." I give him credit for saying he'd raise taxes on himself.
Oh and BTW, this isn't about whether or not Trump's plan is a good one. It's about Trump supporters telling us that raising taxes on the rich is now "conservative."

Who cares if it's conservative? It's called REALITY. If Trump is elected he will have to negotiate with Congress. Part of that negotiation MIGHT include a tax increase on the uber rich. Do you think Congress is going to give President Trump a blank check to do whatever he wants?

I'm an OIF vet. I still believe we made the right move and got rid of a serious problem.

What was done afterwards was where the failure lies. We completely eradicated their government and military instead of just taking the top echelons out and using the rest to maintain and rebuild the country.

If we didn't get into the "de-baathification" we would not have had the level of terrorism we faced.

Regardless that isn't the point I'm interested in, the fact that Trump has had numerous affairs, numerous and many liberal policy ideas, and is a fair weather republicrat is what concerns me. I'm not listening to DC propaganda. I've listen to the words Trump has spoken, and the things he has written. He was the worst possible candidate the GOP could have ended up with again. He had all of the attention of the media since he told some fairy tale about Trumpy-Dumpty Wall and you better know even if he wins, and even if he tries there will be no wall built. We were supposed to have built a fence years ago. It's still not done. There will be more environmental suits from the Sierra Club than the government could handle, never mind all the moonbat groups.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Ok, which of the myriad of alphabet agencies does your guy plan to eliminate?
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Ok, which of the myriad of alphabet agencies does your guy plan to eliminate?

"We're going to make many cuts in business. We're getting rid of -- we're going to get rid of so many different things. Department of Education -- Common Core is out. We're going local. Have to go local. Environmental protection -- we waste all of this money. We're going to bring that back to the states. And we're going to have other … many things. We are going to cut many of the agencies, we will balance our budget, and we will be dynamic again."

"Waste, fraud and abuse all over the place. Waste, fraud and abuse. You look at what's happening with Social Security, you look -- look at what's happening with every agency -- waste, fraud and abuse. We will cut so much, your head will spin."

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