Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.
Then there is no such thing as a ‘conservative,’ ‘real’ or otherwise.

Because all we’ve seen from the right is advocacy for bigger government, and more government interfering in citizens’ lives.

Conservatives advocating for government to compel a woman to give birth against her will.

Conservatives advocating for government to prohibit gay Americans from accessing marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.

Conservatives advocating for more government and bigger government with regard to voter ‘ID’ laws.

Conservatives advocating for more and bigger government to drug test public assistance applicants.

Conservatives advocating for more government and bigger government to disadvantage transgender Americans – all examples of conservative advocacy of more and bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Moreover, conservatism brought us two failed, illegal wars in the ME, and many conservatives today advocate for American conventional ground forces to be sent to Iraq and Syria to ‘defeat’ ISIS.

Last, conservative advocacy of “states’ rights” is yet another example of their hypocrisy, inconsistency, and ignorance – where they bemoan the Federal government ‘violating’ the rights of citizens yet take no issue with state government violating citizens’ rights; where, again, we see state government seeking to violate the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and the protected liberty of those transgender.

Given this inconsistency, hypocrisy, and propensity for more government advocated by the right, the premise of the thread that republicans who oppose Trump are not 'real' conservatives is as idiotic as the notion of Trump becoming the republican presidential nominee.
That fails as mere assertion.
That's okay, Trump is no conservative either.

He's a salesman. He will say anything to convince you to make a deal with him, to buy his product. In this case the product is Donald Trump...
Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

I've said all along that I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee. But he's the only one. Had the Republicans nominated anyone else, I wouldn't support her.

The man is a disgrace.

Trump retard.gif
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

I get a kick out of paul ryan lecturing anyone on conservative values.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Trump claims to be a protectionist, making him anti-free trade.

Is advocating free trade the conservative position, or is Trump's position the true conservative's position?
Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

I've said all along that I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee. But he's the only one. Had the Republicans nominated anyone else, I wouldn't support her.

The man is a disgrace.

Like I said, you're not a conservative- you're a NEOCONSERVATIVE. Your pals at the Weekly Standard, the PNAC, and AEI are proud of you!! You're a good apparatchik who does what he is told.
Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

I've said all along that I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee. But he's the only one. Had the Republicans nominated anyone else, I wouldn't support her.

The man is a disgrace.

Like I said, you're not a conservative- you're a NEOCONSERVATIVE. Your pals at the Weekly Standard, the PNAC, and AEI are proud of you!! You're a good apparatchik who does what he is told.
So conservatives support a higher min wage, single payer healthcare, and trade wars? You'd better have a source to back that up.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Zander, you're a smart dude and I usually agree with you.

Not now.

Dump has pledged high taxes. "Universal health care " massive war in the Middle East and is generally belligerent towards the world. He is not conservative.

Dump has pledged high taxes. "Universal health care " massive war in the Middle East and is generally belligerent towards the world. He is not conservative.

That's pretty much a split decision. War and belligerence ARE Conservative concepts. Taxes and health care aren't.
Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

I've said all along that I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee. But he's the only one. Had the Republicans nominated anyone else, I wouldn't support her.

The man is a disgrace.

View attachment 74131

That's you. However, Z's blanket statement is false.

Wait, in a previous post you said "God no" to supporting Clinton and would consider voting for Johnson but are voting for Clinton. ??
Hillary will thank all of you anti-Trump conscientious objectors for "sitting it out" because that is the margin that will push her fat ass into the WH. Trump on his worst day will be better for America than The Beast.

Trump will be a nightmare. Hillary will be infinitely better.

No, they will both be a nightmare.
Speaking on “Fox & Friends,” of course, Trump revealed something he learned from the National Enquirer, of course. Although the Kennedy assassination is one of history’s most minutely studied events, all previous scrutiny missed something the supermarket tabloid discovered for people like Trump -- a connection between Ted Cruz’s father and the murder of the 35th president. Trump said:

“You know, Cruz’s father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot. I mean the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. I mean they don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible. I think it’s absolutely horrible that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there.”

Fox host: “Right. There was a picture out there that reportedly shows Rafael Cruz standing with Lee Harvey Oswald … “

Trump: “I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

Fox host: “Crazy.”​

Who will follow Trump off the cliff?


That's your future "President." A guy trafficking in whackjob conspiracy theories.

It's great to see you finally come out of the neocon closet and admit you support hiLIARy! It was never a big secret anyway.....


Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?
He said he is going to vote for her. What else do you need?
Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Advocating? Great!!! I heard these same things from the Tea Party fucks two years ago. They won and proceeded to ignore every actionable promise they made. Until I see otherwise, I expect the same and possibly worse from Trump.

hiLIARy thanks you!

Can't disagree with his idea on that one if he were to do it.
seriously? You want people who serve or have served this nation in the military like my father and my husband, to have boots on the ground in a war where they may lose their life, so you can give exxon the oil and profits from the oil?

You can kiss my grits on that one! sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 2015, US warplanes dropped 23,144 heavy bombs on six Muslim nations. US forces are now fighting in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and West Africa.

Who do you blame?
22000 of the 23000 estimate were dropped in 2 countries, Iraq and Syria... are you implying you disagree with the fight and coalition of allies to combat ISIS..are you against the allied forces dropping these bombs?

And what does your question have to do with our guys n gals being sent in to combat and giving the spoils of war to an oil Company and their profit /benefit at the expense of military men and women lives, and tax payer's dime?

That is NOT what he is advocating. He believes that the USA should be reimbursed for the cost of war. He believes that we blew it when we invaded Iraq, but since we did go there, why not take the oil until we were paid back?

He wants the US to finish off ISIS then come home. Stop playing "Team America World Police" and focus on fixing our own problems. What is wrong with that?
The Iraqis did not ask us to invade and overthrow their government.

What you are advocating is theft. You are no different than the leaders of communist regimes that claims they seize property for the benefit of the people.

Except you are using the killing force of our military to seize property for yourself. Which is exactly what these communist did.

Tell us, how are the Iraqis to survive if they no longer own their most valuable commodity? Sell goat skins and camel milk?

Even neoconservatives are not that sick!!
We should have never invaded.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Zander, you're a smart dude and I usually agree with you.

Not now.

Dump has pledged high taxes. "Universal health care " massive war in the Middle East and is generally belligerent towards the world. He is not conservative.

He is not for any of those things. Go to his website and read his positions. Seriously. Those are all lies spread by the DC neocons who tanked the economy, failed to secure the borders, and invaded Iraq.

Trump wants to overturn Obamacare. Get out of foreign wars and lower taxes. The exact opposite of the neocon agenda.

Neocons are not conservative. They're globalists who've hijacked the conservative movement with promises of US hegemony. It was a colossal failure.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Trump claims to be a protectionist, making him anti-free trade.

Is advocating free trade the conservative position, or is Trump's position the true conservative's position?

The concept of "free trade" is libertarian not conservative.

We have never had truly free trade in the US. For the first 150 years of our existence the federal govt was funded entirely by import tariffs.

We can't allow lousy one-sided trade deals to gut our manufacturing base and destroy our wages.

Trump's position is simple -put America first on all trade deals. If a trade partner wants access to our markets, it has to be a good deal for the US.
Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

I've said all along that I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee. But he's the only one. Had the Republicans nominated anyone else, I wouldn't support her.

The man is a disgrace.

Like I said, you're not a conservative- you're a NEOCONSERVATIVE. Your pals at the Weekly Standard, the PNAC, and AEI are proud of you!! You're a good apparatchik who does what he is told.
So conservatives support a higher min wage, single payer healthcare, and trade wars? You'd better have a source to back that up.
More neocon propaganda. He does not support single payer for the US.

On the minimum wage. He said he'd consider it. He's running a campaign- it's called "moving towards the center". I don't agree with him on that issue. But so what? I don't have a ideological purity test for any candidate.

As for trade - renegotiating trade deals is not a "trade war". It's common sense.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Zander, you're a smart dude and I usually agree with you.

Not now.

Dump has pledged high taxes. "Universal health care " massive war in the Middle East and is generally belligerent towards the world. He is not conservative.

He is not for any of those things. Go to his website and read his positions. Seriously. Those are all lies spread by the DC neocons who tanked the economy, failed to secure the borders, and invaded Iraq.

Trump wants to overturn Obamacare. Get out of foreign wars and lower taxes. The exact opposite of the neocon agenda.

Neocons are not conservative. They're globalists who've hijacked the conservative movement with promises of US hegemony. It was a colossal failure.
What is it about supporting Trump that makes people stupid?
On taxes:
Trump: 'Taxes for the rich will go up somewhat' -
On universal health care:

On war in the middle east
Trump calls for ground troops in Iraq, Syria

Now those are his positions recently. I havent checked teh wires this afternoon to see which of any he has changed and reversed himself on. It could be all of them.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

The GOP establishment is basically an auxiliary of the Dem Big Gubmint establishment. They all feed from the same trough.

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