Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

Trump Says GOP Doesn’t Need to Be Unified

“If his forces are united, separate them.”
Sun Tzu,The Art of War

Former Republican senator trashes Trump as GOP struggles to unify: ‘I think he’s a sociopath’

A former New Hampshire congressman and Republican said he would not support the GOP’s leading candidate, Donald Trump, because he thinks Trump is a “sociopath,” The Hill reports.

Former U.S. Sen. Gordon Humphrey, a New Hampshire Republican, made the comment on Friday. Humphrey had been a staunch supporter of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for whom he was serving as a delegate.

Unequivocally, I am not supporting Donald Trump,” Humphrey told the New Hampshire Union Leader. “I think he’s a sociopath.”

Humphrey’s comments were made amid calls by some members of the Republican party to unite behind Trump.


According to Trump's supporters, the path to victory doesn't include winning women, minorities, and many Republicans.

Sounds like a winning formula!
seriously? You want people who serve or have served this nation in the military like my father and my husband, to have boots on the ground in a war where they may lose their life, so you can give exxon the oil and profits from the oil?

You can kiss my grits on that one! sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been bombing isis. Do you have a problem with that? I do have a problem with bush going in and china taking the oil contracts. You don't have a problem with that?
What we should do is pull every American out of the ME and mind our own f**king business.
I know I am dreaming in the age of warmongering and empire building, and all to enrich the already amazingly rich and grow the power of the State.
Trump does not represent Ronald Reagan conservatism.

THERE are many lessons that conservatives need to learn from the rise of Donald Trump. There are elements of his message that the party should embrace. There are grievances among his voters that the Republican Party must address.

But for conservatives to support Trump himself, to assist in his election as president of the United States, would be a terrible mistake.

It would be a particularly stark mistake for conservatives who feel that the basic Reaganite vision that’s dominated their party for decades — a fusion of social conservatism, free-market economics, and a hawkish internationalism — still gets things mostly right.

In large ways and small, Trump has consistently arrayed himself against this vision. True, he paid lip service to certain Reaganite ideas during the primaries — claiming to be pro-life, promising a supply-side tax cut, pledging to appoint conservative judges. But the core of his message was protectionist and nativist, comfortable with an expansive welfare state, bored with religious conservatism, and dismissive of the commitments that constitute the post-Cold War Pax Americana. And Trump’s policy forays since clinching the nomination have only confirmed his post-Reagan orientation. ...​

And more

His unfitness starts with basic issues of temperament. It encompasses the race-baiting, the conspiracy theorizing, the flirtations with violence, and the pathological lying that have been his campaign-trail stock in trade.

But above all it is Trump’s authoritarianism that makes him unfit for the presidency — his stated admiration for Putin and the Chinese Politburo, his promise to use the power of the presidency against private enterprises, the casual threats he and his surrogates toss off against party donors, military officers, the press, the speaker of the House, and more.​

The Conservative Case Against Trump
Trump is not a slippery wimp like Romney. He says things the way they are, and in easy to understand language. The truth is "Self deportation" is a retarded concept that is as dumb as it is ambiguous. Why not be honest and tell these illegals the truth? "if you are here illegally you will be deported". That is far kinder.....

Here is what you saying.

1. Asking you to leave is mean-spirited
2. Creating a deportation force to forcibly kick you out and building a wall so you can't come back is not.

C'mon, be serious.
That's not what I said. Read it again. I said the same thing Trump has been saying - build the wall Then inform people that if you are here illegally be prepared to be deported it ain't rocket science. I don't need fancy euphemisms Illegal is illegal. Of course you probably think it's an " act of love". Right, neocon?
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

You have it all backwards.........Those who support Trump are conservatives for sure........They just never knew or cared Trump was a NY pro-choice liberal............all they knew was Trump is going to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out and stop them Muslims getting into the country...... deport l them Hispanics living off government hand outs.......and that he called Obama nasty names...........what else does a thinking conservative NEED TO KNOW
Trump Says GOP Doesn’t Need to Be Unified

“If his forces are united, separate them.”
Sun Tzu,The Art of War

Former Republican senator trashes Trump as GOP struggles to unify: ‘I think he’s a sociopath’

A former New Hampshire congressman and Republican said he would not support the GOP’s leading candidate, Donald Trump, because he thinks Trump is a “sociopath,” The Hill reports.

Former U.S. Sen. Gordon Humphrey, a New Hampshire Republican, made the comment on Friday. Humphrey had been a staunch supporter of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for whom he was serving as a delegate.

Unequivocally, I am not supporting Donald Trump,” Humphrey told the New Hampshire Union Leader. “I think he’s a sociopath.”

Humphrey’s comments were made amid calls by some members of the Republican party to unite behind Trump.


According to Trump's supporters, the path to victory doesn't include winning women, minorities, and many Republicans.

Sounds like a winning formula!
According to neocons like you the wining formula is to invade foreign lands and become a "war president". Then create new entitlements to prove you are compassionate. And don't forget to cut taxes at the same time.

Fortunately those ideas were rejected by GOP primary voters.

Trump v Clinton.

Show your true neocon colors. Vote for the pantsuit!
Birfer Trump doubles down on teh crazy.

It was almost as if Donald Trump wanted to give Republican voters one last look at what they would be getting if they chose to nominate him as the head of their party—as if he wanted to show officeholders who would endorse him exactly what they'd have to explain and rationalize over the next six months, wanted to remind conservatives that he doesn't share their worldview and is willing to advance the policies of the radical left if it'll help him win, and wanted to make clear to his boosters in the media that they really would have to defend statements so absurd that the only proper response is laughter.

It'd be one more week of crazy before Trump completed his conquest of the conservative party.

The week began with the news that a New York judge had allowed a lawsuit alleging fraud against Trump University to proceed to trial. The same day, a California judge cleared the way for a similar lawsuit to go ahead there, setting the first hearing on July 18—the first day of the Republican convention. It continued with Trump announcing, after his five-state northeast sweep, that he intended to campaign for president on a "message" borrowed, in part, from Bernie Sanders, the nation's leading socialist. As the campaign moved to Indiana, Trump touted the endorsement of "tough guy" boxer Mike Tyson, who was convicted in 1992 of a rape in Indianapolis and whom Trump had defended at the time. Next Trump declared a core economic principle of his adopted party was no longer operative: "You can throw free trade out the window."

And then, on the day he was expected to clinch the Republican nomination, Trump gave voice to the kind of conspiracy theory you might expect to hear from a disheveled drunk mumbling through the train station.

In a telephone interview on Fox & Friends, Trump cited a baseless story in the National Enquirer to suggest that Rafael Cruz, the father of his chief rival, had worked with Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. There is zero evidence to support the accusation. Pressed repeatedly to substantiate his calumny, Trump could not, but nonetheless defended his behavior, yielding headlines like this one from ABC News: "Trump Defends Linking Cruz's Father to JFK Assassin."

Ted Cruz immediately held an impromptu press conference to reject Trump's claims and denounce his slander. The cable networks covered it live, and his comments generated a flood of news stories. Rafael Cruz also denied the tabloid report. And yet Trump, with the casual dishonesty that has come to characterize his campaign, as it does his life, said hours later: "I don't think anybody denied it."

It was a week of quintessential Trump: reminders of past cons, recycled leftism, stunning misogyny, populist pandering, conspiracy mongering, and, like a cherry on top of this sundae of insanity, an easily disprovable lie.

This wasn't a bad week for Trump. It was a typical week for Trump.​

Our National (Tr)umpster Fire

Here's another Trump flip-flop.

A few days ago, he said he was open to raising the minimum wage. Doesn't sound very free-market conservative to me! Sounds like something Hillary and Bernie would support, not a conservative Republican.

But that was after saying he didn't support raising the minimum wage in November.

In reversal, Trump expresses openness to raising minimum wage
He's open to it. So what? It's not a deal breaker. It's what every politician does after they've secured the nomination - move to the center. If this was a neocon like Jeb or little Marco, you'd be touting its sheer BRILLIANCE!

But you have severe Trump derangement syndrome.
Speaking on “Fox & Friends,” of course, Trump revealed something he learned from the National Enquirer, of course. Although the Kennedy assassination is one of history’s most minutely studied events, all previous scrutiny missed something the supermarket tabloid discovered for people like Trump -- a connection between Ted Cruz’s father and the murder of the 35th president. Trump said:

“You know, Cruz’s father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot. I mean the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. I mean they don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible. I think it’s absolutely horrible that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there.”

Fox host: “Right. There was a picture out there that reportedly shows Rafael Cruz standing with Lee Harvey Oswald … “

Trump: “I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

Fox host: “Crazy.”​

Who will follow Trump off the cliff?


That's your future "President." A guy trafficking in whackjob conspiracy theories.
Here's another Trump flip-flop.

A few days ago, he said he was open to raising the minimum wage. Doesn't sound very free-market conservative to me! Sounds like something Hillary and Bernie would support, not a conservative Republican.

But that was after saying he didn't support raising the minimum wage in November.

In reversal, Trump expresses openness to raising minimum wage
He's open to it. So what? It's not a deal breaker. It's what every politician does after they've secured the nomination - move to the center. If this was a neocon like Jeb or little Marco, you'd be touting its sheer BRILLIANCE!

But you have severe Trump derangement syndrome.

It's funny that you're a libertarian who is supporting the most authortarian statist to run as the Republican nominee.
Birfer Trump doubles down on teh crazy.

It was almost as if Donald Trump wanted to give Republican voters one last look at what they would be getting if they chose to nominate him as the head of their party—as if he wanted to show officeholders who would endorse him exactly what they'd have to explain and rationalize over the next six months, wanted to remind conservatives that he doesn't share their worldview and is willing to advance the policies of the radical left if it'll help him win, and wanted to make clear to his boosters in the media that they really would have to defend statements so absurd that the only proper response is laughter.

It'd be one more week of crazy before Trump completed his conquest of the conservative party.

The week began with the news that a New York judge had allowed a lawsuit alleging fraud against Trump University to proceed to trial. The same day, a California judge cleared the way for a similar lawsuit to go ahead there, setting the first hearing on July 18—the first day of the Republican convention. It continued with Trump announcing, after his five-state northeast sweep, that he intended to campaign for president on a "message" borrowed, in part, from Bernie Sanders, the nation's leading socialist. As the campaign moved to Indiana, Trump touted the endorsement of "tough guy" boxer Mike Tyson, who was convicted in 1992 of a rape in Indianapolis and whom Trump had defended at the time. Next Trump declared a core economic principle of his adopted party was no longer operative: "You can throw free trade out the window."

And then, on the day he was expected to clinch the Republican nomination, Trump gave voice to the kind of conspiracy theory you might expect to hear from a disheveled drunk mumbling through the train station.

In a telephone interview on Fox & Friends, Trump cited a baseless story in the National Enquirer to suggest that Rafael Cruz, the father of his chief rival, had worked with Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. There is zero evidence to support the accusation. Pressed repeatedly to substantiate his calumny, Trump could not, but nonetheless defended his behavior, yielding headlines like this one from ABC News: "Trump Defends Linking Cruz's Father to JFK Assassin."

Ted Cruz immediately held an impromptu press conference to reject Trump's claims and denounce his slander. The cable networks covered it live, and his comments generated a flood of news stories. Rafael Cruz also denied the tabloid report. And yet Trump, with the casual dishonesty that has come to characterize his campaign, as it does his life, said hours later: "I don't think anybody denied it."

It was a week of quintessential Trump: reminders of past cons, recycled leftism, stunning misogyny, populist pandering, conspiracy mongering, and, like a cherry on top of this sundae of insanity, an easily disprovable lie.

This wasn't a bad week for Trump. It was a typical week for Trump.​

Our National (Tr)umpster Fire

neocons at the weekly standard hate Trump. We get it. GOP voters rejected those ideas. Tissue ?
Here's another Trump flip-flop.

A few days ago, he said he was open to raising the minimum wage. Doesn't sound very free-market conservative to me! Sounds like something Hillary and Bernie would support, not a conservative Republican.

But that was after saying he didn't support raising the minimum wage in November.

In reversal, Trump expresses openness to raising minimum wage
He's open to it. So what? It's not a deal breaker. It's what every politician does after they've secured the nomination - move to the center. If this was a neocon like Jeb or little Marco, you'd be touting its sheer BRILLIANCE!

But you have severe Trump derangement syndrome.

It's funny that you're a libertarian who is supporting the most authortarian statist to run as the Republican nominee.
Libertarians for Trump. Google it
Speaking on “Fox & Friends,” of course, Trump revealed something he learned from the National Enquirer, of course. Although the Kennedy assassination is one of history’s most minutely studied events, all previous scrutiny missed something the supermarket tabloid discovered for people like Trump -- a connection between Ted Cruz’s father and the murder of the 35th president. Trump said:

“You know, Cruz’s father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot. I mean the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. I mean they don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible. I think it’s absolutely horrible that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there.”

Fox host: “Right. There was a picture out there that reportedly shows Rafael Cruz standing with Lee Harvey Oswald … “

Trump: “I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

Fox host: “Crazy.”​

Who will follow Trump off the cliff?


That's your future "President." A guy trafficking in whackjob conspiracy theories.

It's great to see you finally come out of the neocon closet and admit you support hiLIARy! It was never a big secret anyway.....

All anti-Trump Conservatives can visit and join her campaign. You better wake up soon because you are either with The Donald or you are with The Beast. You choose.
Or we can just sit it out and let left & lefter fight it out?

What is liberal about these positions?

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Four years ago, he criticized Romney's self-deportation stance as being mean-spirited. Now he wants to build a wall and create a "deportation force" to round up illegals.

How's that any different from any other politician who tells people what they want to hear?

It's stuff like this which causes people to question the sincerity of his promises.

It's different because he is going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it.

Romney was a horrid candidate. Trump was being kind.

Romney is less conservative than Trump.

Reid will still lose.

From the linked article; "For years, Ryan has embraced proposals that would privatize parts of Social Security, slash Medicaid and convert Medicare to a voucher-based program, in which private insurance would be purchased with federal subsidies."

Privatize is not-so-inscrutable code for placing even more wealth in the hands of Wall St. so they can leverage bets in a very corrupt game of Monopoly. And remember, even now they're not really "gambling" because the safest bet is that they can count on the American taxpayer bailing them out of trouble. I keep telling people "Get this through your thick fucking skull, profits are privatized, risk and losses are socialized." Keep repeating that mantra when they sing that siren song about privatizing social security or any other public obligation. Jesus, do you know what the cost of "privatizing" prisons is going to be in a few years? Incentivizing putting people in jail and maintaining them there as cheaply as possible? Making a profit off of human misery? Fuck, you want to see super-predators? Wait a few more generations while these private gaols fuck over a few more million of the criminalized poor. Do you know that some of these private prisons don't allow live visitors, if one of your children is in jail you have to talk to them over a skype type devise, usually without the video, and sometimes they charge so much some people have to go in debt to use the privately controlled communication. Maybe they have to get a payday loan and pay over 500% interest in some States!
For some of these institutions you can't make these calls from home either, you have to make a trip of hundreds of miles and no, you don't "see" your loved one, you have to sit in a different room to make a call over a shitty line! God help us. What am I saying, fuck, if there was a God He wouldn't allow these masters of usury, economic predation and misery to stalk amongst us.
Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Advocating? Great!!! I heard these same things from the Tea Party fucks two years ago. They won and proceeded to ignore every actionable promise they made. Until I see otherwise, I expect the same and possibly worse from Trump.

hiLIARy thanks you!

seriously? You want people who serve or have served this nation in the military like my father and my husband, to have boots on the ground in a war where they may lose their life, so you can give exxon the oil and profits from the oil?

You can kiss my grits on that one! sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 2015, US warplanes dropped 23,144 heavy bombs on six Muslim nations. US forces are now fighting in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and West Africa.

Who do you blame?
22000 of the 23000 estimate were dropped in 2 countries, Iraq and Syria... are you implying you disagree with the fight and coalition of allies to combat ISIS..are you against the allied forces dropping these bombs?

And what does your question have to do with our guys n gals being sent in to combat and giving the spoils of war to an oil Company and their profit /benefit at the expense of military men and women lives, and tax payer's dime?

That is NOT what he is advocating. He believes that the USA should be reimbursed for the cost of war. He believes that we blew it when we invaded Iraq, but since we did go there, why not take the oil until we were paid back?

He wants the US to finish off ISIS then come home. Stop playing "Team America World Police" and focus on fixing our own problems. What is wrong with that?
The Iraqis did not ask us to invade and overthrow their government.

What you are advocating is theft. You are no different than the leaders of communist regimes that claims they seize property for the benefit of the people.

Except you are using the killing force of our military to seize property for yourself. Which is exactly what these communist did.

Tell us, how are the Iraqis to survive if they no longer own their most valuable commodity? Sell goat skins and camel milk?

Even neoconservatives are not that sick!!
Birfer Trump doubles down on teh crazy.

It was almost as if Donald Trump wanted to give Republican voters one last look at what they would be getting if they chose to nominate him as the head of their party—as if he wanted to show officeholders who would endorse him exactly what they'd have to explain and rationalize over the next six months, wanted to remind conservatives that he doesn't share their worldview and is willing to advance the policies of the radical left if it'll help him win, and wanted to make clear to his boosters in the media that they really would have to defend statements so absurd that the only proper response is laughter.

It'd be one more week of crazy before Trump completed his conquest of the conservative party.

The week began with the news that a New York judge had allowed a lawsuit alleging fraud against Trump University to proceed to trial. The same day, a California judge cleared the way for a similar lawsuit to go ahead there, setting the first hearing on July 18—the first day of the Republican convention. It continued with Trump announcing, after his five-state northeast sweep, that he intended to campaign for president on a "message" borrowed, in part, from Bernie Sanders, the nation's leading socialist. As the campaign moved to Indiana, Trump touted the endorsement of "tough guy" boxer Mike Tyson, who was convicted in 1992 of a rape in Indianapolis and whom Trump had defended at the time. Next Trump declared a core economic principle of his adopted party was no longer operative: "You can throw free trade out the window."

And then, on the day he was expected to clinch the Republican nomination, Trump gave voice to the kind of conspiracy theory you might expect to hear from a disheveled drunk mumbling through the train station.

In a telephone interview on Fox & Friends, Trump cited a baseless story in the National Enquirer to suggest that Rafael Cruz, the father of his chief rival, had worked with Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. There is zero evidence to support the accusation. Pressed repeatedly to substantiate his calumny, Trump could not, but nonetheless defended his behavior, yielding headlines like this one from ABC News: "Trump Defends Linking Cruz's Father to JFK Assassin."

Ted Cruz immediately held an impromptu press conference to reject Trump's claims and denounce his slander. The cable networks covered it live, and his comments generated a flood of news stories. Rafael Cruz also denied the tabloid report. And yet Trump, with the casual dishonesty that has come to characterize his campaign, as it does his life, said hours later: "I don't think anybody denied it."

It was a week of quintessential Trump: reminders of past cons, recycled leftism, stunning misogyny, populist pandering, conspiracy mongering, and, like a cherry on top of this sundae of insanity, an easily disprovable lie.

This wasn't a bad week for Trump. It was a typical week for Trump.​

Our National (Tr)umpster Fire

neocons at the weekly standard hate Trump. We get it. GOP voters rejected those ideas. Tissue ?

Zander! You're much better than this. Trump said this shit, why don't you address it instead of hiding behind the old 'bash the source' type of response. Come on.
Hillary will thank all of you anti-Trump conscientious objectors for "sitting it out" because that is the margin that will push her fat ass into the WH. Trump on his worst day will be better for America than The Beast.

Trump will be a nightmare. Hillary will be infinitely better.

No, they will both be a nightmare.
Speaking on “Fox & Friends,” of course, Trump revealed something he learned from the National Enquirer, of course. Although the Kennedy assassination is one of history’s most minutely studied events, all previous scrutiny missed something the supermarket tabloid discovered for people like Trump -- a connection between Ted Cruz’s father and the murder of the 35th president. Trump said:

“You know, Cruz’s father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot. I mean the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. I mean they don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible. I think it’s absolutely horrible that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there.”

Fox host: “Right. There was a picture out there that reportedly shows Rafael Cruz standing with Lee Harvey Oswald … “

Trump: “I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

Fox host: “Crazy.”​

Who will follow Trump off the cliff?


That's your future "President." A guy trafficking in whackjob conspiracy theories.

It's great to see you finally come out of the neocon closet and admit you support hiLIARy! It was never a big secret anyway.....


Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

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