Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

There has been an ongoing war in the Republican party for years between establishment status quo liberal republicans and conservative Tea Party activists. The mid term republican landslide came about because of Tea Party activism and conservative republicans are aware of and tired of phony RINO's and the the establishment is scared shitless. Boenher was ousted because of Conservative activism and Ryan seems freaking clueless so he might be next. The funny thing is that Trump would have been the darling of the Vietnam war generation simply because he was an outsider and vowed to shake the establishment to it's core but times have changed. The self centered Vietnam generation has become the establishment in politics and the media and the last thing they want is change.
All anti-Trump Conservatives can visit and join her campaign. You better wake up soon because you are either with The Donald or you are with The Beast. You choose.
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

What a crock of shit, Z.

Your first paragraph describes the GOPe.

Your second paragraph is correct. Just because we don't support Trump does not change the fact that yes, we are conservatives.

I don't trust someone who has favored liberal positions his whole life, who is the big business that big gov't is in bed with, who suddenly changes his lifelong positions and claims to be conservative because he decides he wants to be potus.

He wants my vote? He needs to earn it. He needs to decide what his positions are and to stop talking out of both sides of his mouth, tone down the bullhorn speak, and to stop being a petulant, whiny, narcissistic blowhard.

Sound to me like you're just parroting the GOPe/DNC talking points. What "liberal" positions are you talking about? Abortion? Because of a TV interview 30+ years ago? We all grow up and our views do change. Well, unless you're an idiot!

Who's more conservative Donald Trump who's created tens of thousands of private sector jobs, or Mitt Romney who made his money on Wall Street then proceeded to institute socialized medicine in Massachusetts?

He's a private citizen, not a scumbag politician.

Republican primary voters have moved toward Trump on trade, immigration, and foreign policy. They rejected the establishment and their failed neoconservative bungling.

Trump won the debates. He won state after state in the primaries and now he's won the nomination. The people are now with Trump — on the issues.

The GOP establishment has been measured, weighed, and found lacking! Good riddance!
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.
Trump's positions:

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Please explain how these positions are not conservative??
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
All anti-Trump Conservatives can visit and join her campaign. You better wake up soon because you are either with The Donald or you are with The Beast. You choose.
Or we can just sit it out and let left & lefter fight it out?

What is liberal about these positions?

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.

Trump's positions:

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Please explain how these positions are not conservative??
Please explain how he held the opposite opinion on many of those, some not so distant in the past, and yet you still trust him.
What example has he set via his own actions that prove his new positions to be from the heart and not just a sham for votes.

He STILL has businesses overseas that ship the products back here to be sold. A prime example of reality not matching rhetoric
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
Any other what? The man is a walking wind vane lol
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
Any other what? The man is a walking wind vane lol

What positions are you talking about? Name a few.....or one.
Trump's positions:

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Please explain how these positions are not conservative??
Please explain how he held the opposite opinion on many of those, some not so distant in the past, and yet you still trust him.
What example has he set via his own actions that prove his new positions to be from the heart and not just a sham for votes.

He STILL has businesses overseas that ship the products back here to be sold. A prime example of reality not matching rhetoric

He licensed his name to apparel companies - he doesn't control those businesses.

You can't blame him for decimating the garment industry, that belongs to the politicians who negotiated NAFTA and other trade deals that allow foreign garments manufactured with cheap (slave?) labor to enter the US 100% Duty Free. This is a question of U.S. Government priorities. How important is the United States to the U.S. Government? To what degree should U.S. interests be considered in U.S. trade policy? These are important questions, but frankly ones that we should never have had a need to ask. We should always place America First. PERIOD.
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
Any other what? The man is a walking wind vane lol

What positions are you talking about? Name a few.....or one.

Now I know the standard on this board is to shoot the messenger & ignore the message but try to prove me wrong by listening to Trump's own words.
Trump's positions:

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Please explain how these positions are not conservative??
Please explain how he held the opposite opinion on many of those, some not so distant in the past, and yet you still trust him.
What example has he set via his own actions that prove his new positions to be from the heart and not just a sham for votes.

He STILL has businesses overseas that ship the products back here to be sold. A prime example of reality not matching rhetoric

He licensed his name to apparel companies - he doesn't control those businesses.

You can't blame him for decimating the garment industry, that belongs to the politicians who negotiated NAFTA and other trade deals that allow foreign garments manufactured with cheap (slave?) labor to enter the US 100% Duty Free. This is a question of U.S. Government priorities. How important is the United States to the U.S. Government? To what degree should U.S. interests be considered in U.S. trade policy? These are important questions, but frankly ones that we should never have had a need to ask. We should always place America First. PERIOD.
So you absolve him for selling his name to foreigners knowing full well those could be American jobs created?
Trump's positions:

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Please explain how these positions are not conservative??
Please explain how he held the opposite opinion on many of those, some not so distant in the past, and yet you still trust him.
What example has he set via his own actions that prove his new positions to be from the heart and not just a sham for votes.

He STILL has businesses overseas that ship the products back here to be sold. A prime example of reality not matching rhetoric

He licensed his name to apparel companies - he doesn't control those businesses.

You can't blame him for decimating the garment industry, that belongs to the politicians who negotiated NAFTA and other trade deals that allow foreign garments manufactured with cheap (slave?) labor to enter the US 100% Duty Free. This is a question of U.S. Government priorities. How important is the United States to the U.S. Government? To what degree should U.S. interests be considered in U.S. trade policy? These are important questions, but frankly ones that we should never have had a need to ask. We should always place America First. PERIOD.
So you absolve him for selling his name to foreigners knowing full well those could be American jobs created?

They aren't foreigners, they are American companies.
All anti-Trump Conservatives can visit and join her campaign. You better wake up soon because you are either with The Donald or you are with The Beast. You choose.
Or we can just sit it out and let left & lefter fight it out?

What is liberal about these positions?

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Four years ago, he criticized Romney's self-deportation stance as being mean-spirited. Now he wants to build a wall and create a "deportation force" to round up illegals.

How's that any different from any other politician who tells people what they want to hear?

It's stuff like this which causes people to question the sincerity of his promises.
Republicans who don't support Trump do so because they are not sure of how truly conservative he is and to date he's done nothing to convince them otherwise. Trust and support much like respect is earned not blindly given it seems to me Trump is wanting unconditional support from people while doing nothing to earn it.
Well you must be a liberal right? I get called a liberal half the time I shit on Trump.

Truth be told unless Trump picks a cabinet & vp I respect & trust he has 0 chance of getting my vote. At this point outside of that there is no way for him to prove his newfound conservatism is real. Talk is cheap. For every video Zander posted you could dig up an old one on him saying the exact opposite.

He has changed his view on abortion. I challenge you to post any others.
Any other what? The man is a walking wind vane lol

What positions are you talking about? Name a few.....or one.

Now I know the standard on this board is to shoot the messenger & ignore the message but try to prove me wrong by listening to Trump's own words.

Nice videos....if you enjoy out of context propaganda. :rofl:
All anti-Trump Conservatives can visit and join her campaign. You better wake up soon because you are either with The Donald or you are with The Beast. You choose.
Or we can just sit it out and let left & lefter fight it out?

What is liberal about these positions?

Build the wall. Stop the illegal invasion.

Renegotiate bad trade deals. Stop the loss of American jobs.

Get rid of Obamacare.

Protect and strengthen the 2nd amendment.

Fix the VA and support our Veterans.

Rebuild the Military- peace through strength.

Tax Reform.


Four years ago, he criticized Romney's self-deportation stance as being mean-spirited. Now he wants to build a wall and create a "deportation force" to round up illegals.

How's that any different from any other politician who tells people what they want to hear?

It's stuff like this which causes people to question the sincerity of his promises.

It's different because he is going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it.

Romney was a horrid candidate. Trump was being kind.

Romney is less conservative than Trump.

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