Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

Trump claims to be a protectionist, making him anti-free trade.

Is advocating free trade the conservative position, or is Trump's position the true conservative's position?

The concept of "free trade" is libertarian not conservative.

We have never had truly free trade in the US. For the first 150 years of our existence the federal govt was funded entirely by import tariffs.

We can't allow lousy one-sided trade deals to gut our manufacturing base and destroy our wages.

Trump's position is simple -put America first on all trade deals. If a trade partner wants access to our markets, it has to be a good deal for the US.
No free trade is a conservative idea because every economist understands that free trade benefits both parties while protectionism hurts the economy.
Not supporting Trump does not mean one supports Clinton. Cripes, what the hell Z?

I've said all along that I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee. But he's the only one. Had the Republicans nominated anyone else, I wouldn't support her.

The man is a disgrace.

Like I said, you're not a conservative- you're a NEOCONSERVATIVE. Your pals at the Weekly Standard, the PNAC, and AEI are proud of you!! You're a good apparatchik who does what he is told.
So conservatives support a higher min wage, single payer healthcare, and trade wars? You'd better have a source to back that up.
More neocon propaganda. He does not support single payer for the US.

On the minimum wage. He said he'd consider it. He's running a campaign- it's called "moving towards the center". I don't agree with him on that issue. But so what? I don't have a ideological purity test for any candidate.

As for trade - renegotiating trade deals is not a "trade war". It's common sense.
So you're OK with him lying because "they all do it"?
We should have never invaded.

True. We shoild have carpet-nuked the entire arabian peninsula instead.
No. We should have minded our own business instead of playing "Team America, World Police". We've wasted 15 years a $$$$$trillion$$$$

For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

The GOP establishment is basically an auxiliary of the Dem Big Gubmint establishment. They all feed from the same trough.
Exactly. It's bread and circuses for the plebes.
We should have never invaded.

True. We shoild have carpet-nuked the entire arabian peninsula instead.
No. We should have minded our own business instead of playing "Team America, World Police". We've wasted 15 years a $$$$$trillion$$$$

For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.
OK so countries should be able to violate their treaties with impunity, and sanctions are a joke.
Got it.
We should have never invaded.

True. We shoild have carpet-nuked the entire arabian peninsula instead.
No. We should have minded our own business instead of playing "Team America, World Police". We've wasted 15 years a $$$$$trillion$$$$

For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.
OK so countries should be able to violate their treaties with impunity, and sanctions are a joke.
Got it.
That's not what I said.
We should have never invaded.

True. We shoild have carpet-nuked the entire arabian peninsula instead.
No. We should have minded our own business instead of playing "Team America, World Police". We've wasted 15 years a $$$$$trillion$$$$

For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.
OK so countries should be able to violate their treaties with impunity, and sanctions are a joke.
Got it.
That's not what I said.
Close enough. Thats certainly the implication.
We should have never invaded.

True. We shoild have carpet-nuked the entire arabian peninsula instead.
No. We should have minded our own business instead of playing "Team America, World Police". We've wasted 15 years a $$$$$trillion$$$$

For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.
OK so countries should be able to violate their treaties with impunity, and sanctions are a joke.
Got it.
That's not what I said.
Close enough. Thats certainly the implication.
No it's not. We had other options besides invading.

The invasion of Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. We have hundreds of thousands killed or injured and the entire mid- east is destabilized. Only a willfully ignorant jackass would call that a success.
For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.

For allowing their government to plot the assassination of a former American President.
For repeated violations of treaty terms and UN resolutions.
So now you support the UN? Good to know.
Try twisting my words a little more, you little fascist.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.
and the dirty little secret they are hoping won't get out is that they are NOT needed to win the GE. The reality is that the Republican Party doesn't need to be united to win the general. The American people are now in charge of the outcome. Party unity sure as hell didn't help Romney and McCain so don't believe for one moment that it will hurt Trump. Would be nice yes, but it isn't necessary.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.
and the dirty little secret they are hoping won't get out is that they are NOT needed to win the GE. The reality is that the Republican Party doesn't need to be united to win the general. The American people are now in charge of the outcome. Party unity sure as hell didn't help Romney and McCain so don't believe for one moment that it will hurt Trump. Would be nice yes, but it isn't necessary.
I agree 100%.
"Republicans" opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, massive government, endless foreign wars, corporate welfare for favored industries, and tax breaks for Wall Street. They've destroyed our manufacturing industries and exported our jobs. We have a bread and circuses economy. They are not conservatives- they are neoconservative trash.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars, and states rights. Exactly what Trump is advocating.

I am pretty much anti-Trump (although I am not a Republican) and the REASON I am generally anti-Trump is BECAUSE I am a conservative.

So your major premise and syllogism are flawed and invalid.
We know that moderates, ideological and social conservatives do not support Trump.

I think those who support Trump are called wackobirds by McCain.

No. We do not "know" the vapid nonsense you claim "we know." We don't "know" it because like much of the other trite tripe you tend to spew, it is false.

SOME moderates do support Trump. SOME social conservatives DO support Trump. Some ideological conservatives DO support Trump.

I don't give a fuck what McCain calls anybody. Under most circumstances, assholes like you don't give a shit what McCain has ever said, either, albeit for different reasons.
For what? Invading Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in US history. Maybe even world history.

For allowing their government to plot the assassination of a former American President.
For repeated violations of treaty terms and UN resolutions.
So now you support the UN? Good to know.
Try twisting my words a little more, you little fascist.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
For allowing their government to plot the assassination of a former American President.
For repeated violations of treaty terms and UN resolutions.
So now you support the UN? Good to know.
Try twisting my words a little more, you little fascist.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
For repeated violations of treaty terms and UN resolutions.
So now you support the UN? Good to know.
Try twisting my words a little more, you little fascist.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.
So now you support the UN? Good to know.
Try twisting my words a little more, you little fascist.
You don't support the UN then? Pick a story can't be for and against at the same time.
Deflection is easier than dealing with my arguments.
What is your argument? That we were right to invade Iraq?
That we had good grounds to do so given what happened.
But maybe you weren't born when that decision was made so don't remember it.

I know you were originally for it. Most conservatives were, myself included.

Here is a simple question - Given what we now know, do you still think Invading Iraq was a good idea?

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