Republican Anti-Trumper's are not Conservatives

Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.

Deeds such as going bankrupt four times, like The King of Debt for instance?
He's done thousands of deals and 4 went south. I'll take those odds. Do 100% of your trades turn a profit?

Why don't you address the "meat" of my post? How long should fiscally conservative voters allow cheap talking career politicians to say one thing while campaigning then do another after they are elected!?

When do we say fuck it, and go with the less than perfect private citizen?

I'm not opposing him on policy. I'm opposing him because he's an embarrassing, uninformed demagogue. He's an unstable bully who dwells in the sewer.

I'd like to see changes in Washington, but I'm not so riven with hatred and contempt for the establishment that I'd want that in the WH.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So the answer is to go full retard and pick a fascist like Trump?
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.

Deeds such as going bankrupt four times, like The King of Debt for instance?
He's done thousands of deals and 4 went south. I'll take those odds. Do 100% of your trades turn a profit?

Why don't you address the "meat" of my post? How long should fiscally conservative voters allow cheap talking career politicians to say one thing while campaigning then do another after they are elected!?

When do we say fuck it, and go with the less than perfect private citizen?

I'm not opposing him on policy. I'm opposing him because he's an embarrassing, uninformed demagogue. He's an unstable bully who dwells in the sewer.

I'd like to see changes in Washington, but I'm not so riven with hatred and contempt for the establishment that I'd want that in the WH.
We should oppose him on policy too. Anti 1A, anti opportunity, pro crony capitalism, anti trade, anti prosperity. There are many many reasons to oppose Trump.
All anti-Trump Conservatives can visit and join her campaign. You better wake up soon because you are either with The Donald or you are with The Beast. You choose.
Well we don't have to choose him just yet...
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.

Deeds such as going bankrupt four times, like The King of Debt for instance?
He's done thousands of deals and 4 went south. I'll take those odds. Do 100% of your trades turn a profit?

Why don't you address the "meat" of my post? How long should fiscally conservative voters allow cheap talking career politicians to say one thing while campaigning then do another after they are elected!?

When do we say fuck it, and go with the less than perfect private citizen?

I'm not opposing him on policy. I'm opposing him because he's an embarrassing, uninformed demagogue. He's an unstable bully who dwells in the sewer.

I'd like to see changes in Washington, but I'm not so riven with hatred and contempt for the establishment that I'd want that in the WH.
We should oppose him on policy too. Anti 1A, anti opportunity, pro crony capitalism, anti trade, anti prosperity. There are many many reasons to oppose Trump.

I totally understand why conservatives oppose him on principle. He flip flops so much, he makes John Kerry look like the Rock of Gibraltar.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So the answer is to go full retard and pick a fascist like Trump?

What is he fascist about? Do you know even what a fascist is?
Real conservatives used to mean being opposed to government debt.

But because "conservative" now means whatever Birfer Trump says it is to his supporters, piling on debt is now awesome! And those proposing the old, stale, conservative ideals are RINOs.


Paul Ryan became a Republican icon in 2011 with an ambitious budget devoted to lower tax rates, slowing the growth of social entitlements and, above all, “lifting the crushing burden of debt.” It became his party’s economic mission statement.

In Donald Trump, Republicans now have a presidential candidate who rejects virtually every element of that vision. He is erratic on taxes, won’t touch entitlements, and proudly calls himself “the king of debt.” ...

Mr. Trump’s rise shows that austerity and debt are spent as political forces in both parties. In a world of rock-bottom interest rates, big debts don’t matter like they used to. But those conditions could change in coming years, setting up a potential collision course between a Trump administration and financial markets. ...

Mr. Trump is the antithesis of Mr. Ryan, not because he has a different economic philosophy, but because he doesn’t have any. He does, however, have a keen sense of what voters want. Earlier this year, he blamed Mr. Romney’s loss on his choice of Mr. Ryan as running mate, “because he represented cutting entitlements.” Mr. Trump early on distinguished himself from other Republican candidates by promising to leave Medicare and Social Security alone.

The publicly held federal debt is now 74% of GDP and, the Congressional Budget Office says it will hit 86% in 2026 with current policies in place. Mr. Trump claims to be worried about the debt. Yet he’s promised to slash taxes, keep entitlements as they are, spend more on infrastructure and defense and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump’s agenda is simply not compatible with stabilizing, much less reducing, the debt. By one estimate, Mr. Trump’s plans (including his tax cuts, which he says are negotiable) would boost debt to 129% of GDP by 2026.

But more debt probably wouldn’t bother him. While Mr. Ryan considers debt almost immoral, Mr. Trump sees it as useful. ...

Creditors served as the main constraint on Mr. Trump’s borrowing as a businessman. He was adept at keeping them at bay, but some of his properties still ended up in bankruptcy. No such constraint exists on the U.S. since, as Mr. Trump notes, the government can simply “print the money” to repay whatever it borrows. ...​

That GOP Aversion to Debt? It’s Gone for Now

Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative? Really?

Who shepherded through and voted for the largest omnibus budget in US History? You know the one that exceeded $1.1 TRILLION, fully funds sanctuary cities, locks in huge spending increases, and gives tax credits to illegal aliens. Was that the "fiscal conservative" Paul Ryan? :cuckoo:

Talk is cheap. I judge him by his deeds.

Deeds such as going bankrupt four times, like The King of Debt for instance?
He's done thousands of deals and 4 went south. I'll take those odds. Do 100% of your trades turn a profit?

Why don't you address the "meat" of my post? How long should fiscally conservative voters allow cheap talking career politicians to say one thing while campaigning then do another after they are elected!?

When do we say fuck it, and go with the less than perfect private citizen?

I'm not opposing him on policy. I'm opposing him because he's an embarrassing, uninformed demagogue. He's an unstable bully who dwells in the sewer.

I'd like to see changes in Washington, but I'm not so riven with hatred and contempt for the establishment that I'd want that in the WH.

So you don't like Trump's delivery or rhetoric. OK.

You instead support people like Paul Ryan -. despite the fact that he voted for and passed the largest budget in US history, replete with permanent spending increases, increased funding for sanctuary cities, increased foreign worker visas, and not a dime to build the wall. He also supports another lousy trade deal that will further gut our manufacturing industries. You do know that as the Speaker of the house he was 100% in control and could have squashed that deal in 10 seconds flat. But he didn't. He capitulated on his PRINCIPLES. He says he is against something, then votes for it.

But he's POLITE!!! :rofl:

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So the answer is to go full retard and pick a fascist like Trump?

What is he fascist about? Do you know even what a fascist is?
Fascist means more than "something I don't like."
But Trump is a fascist. This is obvious.
The GOP is a failure. They run on "conservative" ideals and then betray those same ideals the moment they are elected.

That is why Trump won. The real retards are the fools like Rabbi and Rube5000 who believe that if we keep doing the same things we will get different result.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So the answer is to go full retard and pick a fascist like Trump?

What is he fascist about? Do you know even what a fascist is?
Fascist means more than "something I don't like."
But Trump is a fascist. This is obvious.

Then it should be no problem for you to list his "fascist" positions......
So you don't like Trump's delivery or rhetoric. OK.

You instead support people like Paul Ryan -. despite the fact that he voted for and passed the largest budget in US history, replete with permanent spending increases, increased funding for sanctuary cities, increased foreign worker visas, and not a dime to build the wall. He also supports another lousy trade deal that will further gut our manufacturing industries. You do know that as the Speaker of the house he was 100% in control and could have squashed that deal in 10 seconds flat. But he didn't. He capitulated on his PRINCIPLES. He says he is against something, then votes for it.

But he's POLITE!!! :rofl:

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

Show me a budget in the last 100 years when spending didn't go up. I guess Reagan was a liberal! Paul Ryan has proposed a budget which would dramatically restructure the biggest entitlements that if they aren't reformed will bankrupt the country. Trump's policy is to let those continue to grow and bankrupt us. Instead, Trump proposes a bullshit plan of cutting "waste and fraud." One has to be enormously gullible to believe this. Even most politicians don't propose this anymore because it's nonsense. One may not agree with Ryan's budget, but it certainly is more substantive than Trump's.

Principles? Trump has principles? Which are those? When he changed his position on abortion five times in 48 hours? When he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the rich then said he would, or when he was against raising the minimum wage a few months ago and now he's for it? Oh, but wait, Trump is going to "negotiate." Because when Messiah Trump negotiates and gives stuff up, that's OK, but not when someone else does it.

More foreign worker visas? Good. I came here on a foreign worker visa. And I make more money and pay more in taxes than 95% of Americans. Kick all the foreigners out and watch Silicon Valley implode. Great plan. Really well thought out. Just like a liberal. :thup:
Last edited:
So you don't like Trump's delivery or rhetoric. OK.

You instead support people like Paul Ryan -. despite the fact that he voted for and passed the largest budget in US history, replete with permanent spending increases, increased funding for sanctuary cities, increased foreign worker visas, and not a dime to build the wall. He also supports another lousy trade deal that will further gut our manufacturing industries. You do know that as the Speaker of the house he was 100% in control and could have squashed that deal in 10 seconds flat. But he didn't. He capitulated on his PRINCIPLES. He says he is against something, then votes for it.

But he's POLITE!!! :rofl:

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

Show me a budget in the last 100 years when spending didn't go up. I guess Reagan was a liberal! Paul Ryan has proposed a budget which would dramatically restructure the biggest entitlements that if they aren't reformed will bankrupt the country. Trump's policy is to let those continue to grow and bankrupt us. Instead, Trump proposes a bullshit plan of cutting "waste and fraud." One has to be enormously gullible to believe this. Even most politicians don't propose this anymore because it's nonsense. One may not agree with Ryan's budget, but it certainly is more substantive than Trump's.

Principles? Trump has principles? Which are those? When he changed his position on abortion five times in 48 hours? When he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the rich then said he would, or when he was against raising the minimum wage a few months ago and now he's for it? Oh, but wait, Trump is going to "negotiate." Because when Messiah Trump negotiates and gives stuff up, that's OK, but not when someone else does it.

More foreign worker visas? Good. I came here on a foreign worker visa. And I make more money and pay more in taxes than 95% of Americans. Kick all the foreigners out and watch Silicon Valley implode. Great plan. Really well thought out. Just like a liberal. :thup:

So now I am a liberal? Because Paul Ryan is a marshmallow?


Let the butthurt flow........

So you don't like Trump's delivery or rhetoric. OK.

You instead support people like Paul Ryan -. despite the fact that he voted for and passed the largest budget in US history, replete with permanent spending increases, increased funding for sanctuary cities, increased foreign worker visas, and not a dime to build the wall. He also supports another lousy trade deal that will further gut our manufacturing industries. You do know that as the Speaker of the house he was 100% in control and could have squashed that deal in 10 seconds flat. But he didn't. He capitulated on his PRINCIPLES. He says he is against something, then votes for it.

But he's POLITE!!! :rofl:

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

Show me a budget in the last 100 years when spending didn't go up. I guess Reagan was a liberal! Paul Ryan has proposed a budget which would dramatically restructure the biggest entitlements that if they aren't reformed will bankrupt the country. Trump's policy is to let those continue to grow and bankrupt us. Instead, Trump proposes a bullshit plan of cutting "waste and fraud." One has to be enormously gullible to believe this. Even most politicians don't propose this anymore because it's nonsense. One may not agree with Ryan's budget, but it certainly is more substantive than Trump's.

Principles? Trump has principles? Which are those? When he changed his position on abortion five times in 48 hours? When he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the rich then said he would, or when he was against raising the minimum wage a few months ago and now he's for it? Oh, but wait, Trump is going to "negotiate." Because when Messiah Trump negotiates and gives stuff up, that's OK, but not when someone else does it.

More foreign worker visas? Good. I came here on a foreign worker visa. And I make more money and pay more in taxes than 95% of Americans. Kick all the foreigners out and watch Silicon Valley implode. Great plan. Really well thought out. Just like a liberal. :thup:

So now I am a liberal? Because Paul Ryan is a marshmallow?


Let the butthurt flow........


He went from Paul Ryan Paul Rino.

He is useless too! :laugh:
So you don't like Trump's delivery or rhetoric. OK.

You instead support people like Paul Ryan -. despite the fact that he voted for and passed the largest budget in US history, replete with permanent spending increases, increased funding for sanctuary cities, increased foreign worker visas, and not a dime to build the wall. He also supports another lousy trade deal that will further gut our manufacturing industries. You do know that as the Speaker of the house he was 100% in control and could have squashed that deal in 10 seconds flat. But he didn't. He capitulated on his PRINCIPLES. He says he is against something, then votes for it.

But he's POLITE!!! :rofl:

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

Show me a budget in the last 100 years when spending didn't go up. I guess Reagan was a liberal! Paul Ryan has proposed a budget which would dramatically restructure the biggest entitlements that if they aren't reformed will bankrupt the country. Trump's policy is to let those continue to grow and bankrupt us. Instead, Trump proposes a bullshit plan of cutting "waste and fraud." One has to be enormously gullible to believe this. Even most politicians don't propose this anymore because it's nonsense. One may not agree with Ryan's budget, but it certainly is more substantive than Trump's.

Principles? Trump has principles? Which are those? When he changed his position on abortion five times in 48 hours? When he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the rich then said he would, or when he was against raising the minimum wage a few months ago and now he's for it? Oh, but wait, Trump is going to "negotiate." Because when Messiah Trump negotiates and gives stuff up, that's OK, but not when someone else does it.

More foreign worker visas? Good. I came here on a foreign worker visa. And I make more money and pay more in taxes than 95% of Americans. Kick all the foreigners out and watch Silicon Valley implode. Great plan. Really well thought out. Just like a liberal. :thup:

So now I am a liberal? Because Paul Ryan is a marshmallow?


Let the butthurt flow........


He went from Paul Ryan Paul Rino.

He is useless too! :laugh:

Obama's "Champion Enabler" is getting "Cantored"......

Paul Ryan Challenger: Who Is He To Lecture Anybody About Conservatism?; "Champion Enabler" For Obama-Clinton Agenda

"Who is Paul Ryan to lecture anybody about uniting around conservatism?" Nehlen asked on MSNBC. "If you look at President Obama's top three policy initiatives -- comprehensive immigration reform, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as I mentioned in my video there, and criminal justice reform, Paul Ryan is the champion enabler of those."

"He's uniting with Hillary Clinton's State Department around the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Paul Ryan's uniting with Barack Obama on comprehensive immigration reform and criminal justice reform. It's not surprising," Nehlen said Tuesday afternoon.

Here ya go Toro- your hero, the marshmallow, Paul Ryan.....he has a higher disapproval rating than Trump!!

Er, no.

Trump unfavorable.png

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

48 < 65

So what other "principles" does Trump have? Like when he favored socialized medicine but doesn't now? When he said that promoting self-deportation was mean-spirited but building a wall and creating a deportation force is OK? When he rails against offshoring and has his clothes made offshore? When he said he was going to keep us out of wars in the Middle East but would seize the ISIS oil fields?
Here ya go Toro- your hero, the marshmallow, Paul Ryan.....he has a higher disapproval rating than Trump!!

Er, no.

View attachment 74531

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

48 < 65

So what other "principles" does Trump have? Like when he favored socialized medicine but doesn't now? When he said that promoting self-deportation was mean-spirited but building a wall and creating a deportation force is OK? When he rails against offshoring and has his clothes made offshore? When he said he was going to keep us out of wars in the Middle East but would seize the ISIS oil fields?

Rino Ryan has a 30% approval rate. You do realize that 100-30 = 70. That means 70% disapprove of Ryan. :cuckoo:

As for the other misleading statements you posted:

As far as I know Trump has never called for socialized medicine in the US. He has remarked that it has worked for other countries.

Self deportation is a ridiculous concept that cannot be defended. Build a wall- find the illegals- send them home. So simple, even an illegal can understand it.

He hasn't off-shored his clothing line. His licensees did. He doesn't control them. They pay a fee to use his name. We should all be so lucky!

We have a problem in the mid-east, that was created by the Bush neocons who believed that the USA would be a safer place if we invaded Iraq. Instead it destabilized the entire Levant and left a power vacuum that has been filled by Radical Islam (just as Trump predicted). The Iraq clusterfuck was further exacerbated by the failed foreign policy of hiLIARy and Obama who led from their behinds and for bonus points destabilized Northern Africa!! So yeah, the next POTUS will have no choice but to finish the job. Should we then seize the oil to pay for our expenses? I'm not sure, I'd prefer we finsih the job then get the fuck out of there and leave the entire region to fend for itself. We can't afford to be the world's policeman.
Rino Ryan has a 30% approval rate. You do realize that 100-30 = 70. That means 70% disapprove of Ryan. :cuckoo:

No it doesn't. What's the matter with you? Read your own link.

PPP's new national poll finds that Republican voters have soured on Paul Ryan nationally. Overall only 30% of voters approve of the job Ryan is doing as Speaker of the House, to 48% who disapprove.

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