Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals


How would one predict what government changes would happen to prohibit me working? .....

"Prohibit"? Sounds like you are choosing not to work because it's easier to be a welfare queen.

So you are commenting on a situation you didn't even follow. Yes, it's government that put me out of a job and a career. Government said I'm too ill to work. If left to me, I would have never stopped working. I can still do my job just fine.

Da gub'ment isn't stopping you from doing another job, lazy shit.
FUCK YOU.......................bye bye.....

I advise all to iggy this prick.

What's another word for "cat"?
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Ah.........I heard you were injured at your job...........You were grading a test you gave your students and got a paper cut..........

Are you going to apply for disability now........................

He works in fields that are not SO SOFT.............same as I do...........then some sitting on his butt job that doesn't require much physical exertion.......MOCKS HIM........

Up yours

But that's not the point, is it? Ray is making a conscious decision to not even try to do something else for a living, because he can just collect welfare.

He's not a stupid guy. He can clearly operate a computer and articulate his thoughts. He is more than capable of finding other works. He just refuses to.
Refuses (?) or has he decided that the work he has done for his country, family, and community for all those years in which he had done it for, was finally enough due to his pain and suffering that he has developed in life now ???

The socialist run retirement system in this country, doesn't take in consideration that all jobs are not the same, and that we have citizen's that have worked harder and longer than other's have in this country, and they are worn out. They towed the lines way more than other's, and therefore their bodies are worn out way before other's bodies are in which should be understandable to all.

So the idea that some here have, is that regardless of what people have done over the years in their work life, it is that they shouldn't stop until everyone stops together ? How stupid is this ideology or thinking really ????

Otherwise a person should just suck it up, deal with the pain, and keep on hammering in so that no one gets jealous that he or she might actually retire before another person who isn't in any pain, and can keep working right on and on eh ???? Unbelievable... This country is slam full of selfish people only thinking of themselves, and only thinking or what they can get anymore regardless of others who deserve what they get.

Thank you so much for that comment. Like I said, I'm back to being a virtual 18 year old in a 60 year old body that's shot. Like employers are just begging me to work for them; a guy with no experience at anything, a person that would run their heath insurance to the sky, and a person that can drop dead on the job. Yeah, that's what they are looking for. I don't know why I'm not accepting all these wonderful opportunities.
Breath of Fresh air .............I don't see the asshole anymore.

How would one predict what government changes would happen to prohibit me working? .....

"Prohibit"? Sounds like you are choosing not to work because it's easier to be a welfare queen.

So you are commenting on a situation you didn't even follow. Yes, it's government that put me out of a job and a career. Government said I'm too ill to work. If left to me, I would have never stopped working. I can still do my job just fine.

Da gub'ment isn't stopping you from doing another job, lazy shit.

Like I said, show me how it's done. .....

Like I said, NO. Handle your own fucking shit.

That's what I'm doing. You are the one that doesn't like the way I"m trying to handle it. And you can't show me any other way. All talk--no walk.
Ah.........I heard you were injured at your job...........You were grading a test you gave your students and got a paper cut..........

Are you going to apply for disability now........................

He works in fields that are not SO SOFT.............same as I do...........then some sitting on his butt job that doesn't require much physical exertion.......MOCKS HIM........

Up yours

But that's not the point, is it? Ray is making a conscious decision to not even try to do something else for a living, because he can just collect welfare.

He's not a stupid guy. He can clearly operate a computer and articulate his thoughts. He is more than capable of finding other works. He just refuses to.
Refuses (?) or has he decided that the work he has done for his country, family, and community for all those years in which he had done it for, was finally enough due to his pain and suffering that he has developed in life now ???

The socialist run retirement system in this country, doesn't take in consideration that all jobs are not the same, and that we have citizen's that have worked harder and longer than other's have in this country, and they are worn out. They towed the lines way more than other's, and therefore their bodies are worn out way before other's bodies are in which should be understandable to all.

So the idea that some here have, is that regardless of what people have done over the years in their work life, it is that they shouldn't stop until everyone stops together ? How stupid is this ideology or thinking really ????

Otherwise a person should just suck it up, deal with the pain, and keep on hammering in so that no one gets jealous that he or she might actually retire before another person who isn't in any pain, and can keep working right on and on eh ???? Unbelievable... This country is slam full of selfish people only thinking of themselves, and only thinking or what they can get anymore regardless of others who deserve what they get.

Thank you so much for that comment. Like I said, I'm back to being a virtual 18 year old in a 60 year old body that's shot. Like employers are just begging me to work for them; a guy with no experience at anything, a person that would run their heath insurance to the sky, and a person that can drop dead on the job. Yeah, that's what they are looking for. I don't know why I'm not accepting all these wonderful opportunities.

Ah.........I heard you were injured at your job...........You were grading a test you gave your students and got a paper cut..........

Are you going to apply for disability now........................

He works in fields that are not SO SOFT.............same as I do...........then some sitting on his butt job that doesn't require much physical exertion.......MOCKS HIM........

Up yours

But that's not the point, is it? Ray is making a conscious decision to not even try to do something else for a living, because he can just collect welfare.

He's not a stupid guy. He can clearly operate a computer and articulate his thoughts. He is more than capable of finding other works. He just refuses to.
Refuses (?) or has he decided that the work he has done for his country, family, and community for all those years in which he had done it for, was finally enough due to his pain and suffering that he has developed in life now ???

The socialist run retirement system in this country, doesn't take in consideration that all jobs are not the same, and that we have citizen's that have worked harder and longer than other's have in this country, and they are worn out. They towed the lines way more than other's, and therefore their bodies are worn out way before other's bodies are in which should be understandable to all.

So the idea that some here have, is that regardless of what people have done over the years in their work life, it is that they shouldn't stop until everyone stops together ? How stupid is this ideology or thinking really ????

Otherwise a person should just suck it up, deal with the pain, and keep on hammering in so that no one gets jealous that he or she might actually retire before another person who isn't in any pain, and can keep working right on and on eh ???? Unbelievable... This country is slam full of selfish people only thinking of themselves, and only thinking or what they can get anymore regardless of others who deserve what they get.

Thank you so much for that comment. Like I said, I'm back to being a virtual 18 year old in a 60 year old body that's shot. Like employers are just begging me to work for them; a guy with no experience at anything, a person that would run their heath insurance to the sky, and a person that can drop dead on the job. Yeah, that's what they are looking for. I don't know why I'm not accepting all these wonderful opportunities.

Who's crying here? Not me. It's you two that are.
[...And you can't show me any other way. ......

It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.
Ah.........I heard you were injured at your job...........You were grading a test you gave your students and got a paper cut..........

Are you going to apply for disability now........................

He works in fields that are not SO SOFT.............same as I do...........then some sitting on his butt job that doesn't require much physical exertion.......MOCKS HIM........

Up yours

But that's not the point, is it? Ray is making a conscious decision to not even try to do something else for a living, because he can just collect welfare.

He's not a stupid guy. He can clearly operate a computer and articulate his thoughts. He is more than capable of finding other works. He just refuses to.
Refuses (?) or has he decided that the work he has done for his country, family, and community for all those years in which he had done it for, was finally enough due to his pain and suffering that he has developed in life now ???

The socialist run retirement system in this country, doesn't take in consideration that all jobs are not the same, and that we have citizen's that have worked harder and longer than other's have in this country, and they are worn out. They towed the lines way more than other's, and therefore their bodies are worn out way before other's bodies are in which should be understandable to all.

So the idea that some here have, is that regardless of what people have done over the years in their work life, it is that they shouldn't stop until everyone stops together ? How stupid is this ideology or thinking really ????

Otherwise a person should just suck it up, deal with the pain, and keep on hammering in so that no one gets jealous that he or she might actually retire before another person who isn't in any pain, and can keep working right on and on eh ???? Unbelievable... This country is slam full of selfish people only thinking of themselves, and only thinking or what they can get anymore regardless of others who deserve what they get.

Thank you so much for that comment. Like I said, I'm back to being a virtual 18 year old in a 60 year old body that's shot. Like employers are just begging me to work for them; a guy with no experience at anything, a person that would run their heath insurance to the sky, and a person that can drop dead on the job. Yeah, that's what they are looking for. I don't know why I'm not accepting all these wonderful opportunities.

Who's crying here? .....

YOU. "Waa! I can't do anything but exactly what I want to! Waa! I can't work at all unless it is 100% on my terms! Waa!"
[...And you can't show me any other way. ......

It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

If you can't show me, then it's because you have no ability to do so. You have no room to criticize. You're nothing but cheap talk; an armchair quarterback.

Do something!
Like what?
I don't know, but you can!
Can what?
I don't know. I'm just running my mouth!!!

Eagle mentioned something about you being a teacher. If there is any truth in that, here's what I hope, and may God bring this upon you: I hope a student accuses you of sexual misconduct, and you not only lose your job, but your career as well. You find yourself at an older age with no experience at anything else to make a living. During that time, you develop several medical conditions that prevent you from doing most kinds of work Then let's see how big you talk.
[...And you can't show me any other way. ......

It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.
So in other words, you wouldn't be able to do anything different than I am. Yes, minimum wage jobs (or damn near it) are all I'm qualified for, even if somebody would hire me at this age with my medical problems. So that is the situation I'm in. And if you can get a minimum wage job and support yourself (if you do support yourself) then show me how it's done. And mind you, deduct another $250.00 net income a month for medications.

All you losers are nothing but talk. Like I said, I normally don't wish ill-will on anybody, but I hope God puts you in my situation one day. I really do.

God didn't put you in that situation... you put yourself in that situation.

I've had a bunch of setbacks in my life... you know what I did. I picked myself up, dusted myself off and moved on with it.
So in other words, you wouldn't be able to do anything different than I am. Yes, minimum wage jobs (or damn near it) are all I'm qualified for, even if somebody would hire me at this age with my medical problems. So that is the situation I'm in. And if you can get a minimum wage job and support yourself (if you do support yourself) then show me how it's done. And mind you, deduct another $250.00 net income a month for medications.

All you losers are nothing but talk. Like I said, I normally don't wish ill-will on anybody, but I hope God puts you in my situation one day. I really do.

God didn't put you in that situation... you put yourself in that situation.

I've had a bunch of setbacks in my life... you know what I did. I picked myself up, dusted myself off and moved on with it.

And that's exactly what I'm doing.
And that's exactly what I'm doing.

Collecting welfare from the hated government is not exactly picking yourself up, bud.

I'm using any and all resources I have for survival. It's not welfare when you pay into a system your entire life. This is your precious safety net system, the one you adore so much. Yet when somebody uses it that really needs it through no fault of their own, all of a sudden, you're against it. You are only for it when welfare queens get on them and stay on them the rest of their lives popping out kid after kid. That you have no problem with.

I didn't choose to be put out of a job and career, government made that choice for me. I will not choose to be put on disability, government will make that choice for me. Don't complain about me when government keeps setting me back. I've been fighting for the last couple of years to work, now they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.
[...And you can't show me any other way. ......

It's nobody else's business to "show" you how to handle your shit, you helpless loser. Suck it up, be a man, and figure it out for yourself. You've never been shy here about pointing your feeble finger at everyone else in the world based on your racist bullshit, so don't lay on your back and beg for help.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

...government made that choice for me. ....government will make that choice for me. ...government keeps setting me back. they defeated me. There is little I can do at this point.

That is the weakest, most unmanly, unAmerican, pathetic, defeatist attitude I’ve heard from one of you liberal welfare queens in some time.

A government doctor said I can no longer work. Another government doctor will confirm that or deny it. It's all in the hands of government--not me. I can't start out like a kid again with no experience at anything to make a living without help; help that I didn't need until government stuck their nose between my doctors and I. Had they left it alone, everything would be fine today.

Minimum wage jobs were never designed for people who are in their elder years for support. They are for people to make extra money, or kids still living at home with their parents. You cannot support yourself on low wage jobs. It's impossible.

Government put me out of work, so government can provide me for what they took away. it's that simple.

If you don’t mind me asking Ray, what is your medical condition?
Sorry to hear about your troubles...I’m sure you’re a good man, a good’ve done your part and paid your deserve the help from your countrymen...unfortunately the system isn’t set up to assist you in times of need. It’s set up to encourage, fund and reward Guadalupe and ShaQuita for running their baby factories...Sad but true.

Thank you for your support. I don't want to reveal all of my conditions online, but what I will say is that I take 8 different medications. As you can imagine, some have side effects as most all do. As I previously posted, I signed a document allowing the government copies of all of my medial records, and I agreed to see their doctor and submit to any testing they desire to make a determination. I have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately, these online doctors who are not familiar with my situation have determined there is nothing wrong with me; I can just start a new career at the age of 60 effortlessly. As you know from my posts here, there are few more conservative than I am, and I hate taking this route. But given the fact I've contributed to this program all of my life, and now have very few avenues to choose from, I believe since it is bureaucrats that disabled me from work that I'm still perfectly capable of doing, they should provide the necessary means of partial support they robbed from me.

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