Republican Budget-Cut Plan Would Cost 700,000 Jobs

Then why did the GOP insist on an 800 billion dollar deficit exploding budget busting tax bill in December, as STIMULUS?

if I really have to explain what a transfer payment is, revenue forecasting and the like, well what can I say. you win.....

Don't insult my intelligence. That forum tactic was worn out circa 2004.

Give me a straight answer. Why did the GOP feel the need to add 800 billion to the deficit with another stimulus bill in December,

if they are opposed to stimulus bills, in principle, AND, if they are genuinely concerned with balancing the budget.

1. the $800b was (or soon will be) paid back with interest, after having saved the US economy.
2. That assumes that BO doesn't spend it again for real. It should have gone back to Treasury and not have added to the $14T Debt.
How does cutting the budget create higher deficits?

700,000 jobs lost will raise food stamp, unemployment, medicaid, etc costs.

Not for long it wont. They can go and get new jobs ans start new businesses. If food stamps, and unemployment pay is used the way they are meant to then they wont be on long. They will be fine.

If the budget gets fixed, and entitlements get fixed, and Wall Street sees the Fed do its job, the economy will prosper. If BO keep borrowing, and the US can't borrow or print any more money, the economy will collapse.
Which party is more likely to fix the economy, and which is more likely to collapse the economy......???
Republican's Plan for the Unemployed: Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?
Q: What do you call 700,000 unemployed federal bureaucrats?

A: A good start.

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