Republican Calls Equal Pay For Women ‘A Nuisance’ That Should Be Repealed



Michigan Republican Calls Equal Pay For Women ‘A Nuisance’ That Should Be Repealed, Was Endorsed By Mitt Romney In 2010 (VIDEO)

When President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009, it was a giant leap forward in women’s rights and equality. For the first time in American history, women could fight in court against wage discrimination in the workplace. But this law wasn’t a bipartisan effort. Democrats championed the landmark legislation while Republicans fought to keep women unequal to men for doing the same work. Three years later, Republicans are still unable to support equal pay for women.

[ame=]Pete Hoekstra says the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is "a nuisance." - YouTube[/ame]

Women Will Save America From the Republican Party's Attack On Equal Rights

The Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, claimed the war on women was entirely baseless and that the “media was trumping up the fictional attacks on women’s rights.” Either Priebus is ignorance personified, in denial, or is attempting to cover up the Republicans’ drive to curtail women’s constitutionally guaranteed rights in Congress and dozens of states. For the past year, Republicans sought to redefine rape and limit women’s access to healthcare, and in the past week, repealed a law to protect gender equality in pay. Republicans cannot claim they are not waging war on women’s rights with any veracity because they have waged this war with extreme prejudice since January 2011 when they took control of the House and several state legislatures.


She (Lilly Ledbetter) says while that 23-cent difference would not sound like much to someone like Republican Mitt Romney with a Swiss bank account and Cayman Island investments, it’s critical to working women.

Lilly Ledbetter addresses Democratic National Convention on workplace equality for women - The Washington Post

[ame=]Lilly M. Ledbetter's DNC Speech - Elections 2012 - YouTube[/ame]


I don't see how it doesn't bother women that Republicans feel the work of working women isn't as "valuable" as the work of a man. And what is the justification Republicans have for insisting women simply don't deserve equality?
Tell me, if this act was so great, why didnt it fix the problem? Why are you still complaining about unfair pay? Wasnt this act designed specifically to address that? And if it doesnt address it, whats the point of the legislation?
Your vid, straight from Huffington Post or Daily Kos is a snippet of words where you haven't a clue as to what they are referring too. Lilly Ledbetter Act isn't mentioned at all, they or he could be talking about anything. But, even giving you the benefit of the doubt, the Ledbetter Act had nothing to do with equal pay rights for women, all it had to do with was allowing businesses to be subject to frivolous lawsuits from actions taken decades ago by people that may not be employed at that company any longer. From a time when the laws were different. It should be repealed or amended to aid those women of today who are having real issues. But, that wasn't the point, was it?

Ledbetter Is about Lawsuits — Not Equal Pay - By Carrie Lukas - The Corner - National Review Online

Ledbetter Is about Lawsuits — Not Equal Pay

By Carrie Lukas
April 12, 2012 9:13 A.M. Comments

The Romney camp should have had a better response when it was asked about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act. Team Obama lauds the creation of this law as a triumph in behalf of women’s rights, and has managed to create a sense that opposing Ledbetter equates with a longing to turn the clock back to a Mad Men era. Especially given the current “war on women” narrative, the campaign should have known this question was coming.

In answering the question, the campaign also has the opportunity to expose how this false “war on women” concept distracts from more fundamental economic issues. After all, the Ledbetter law — just like the law that Governor Scott Walker repealed in Wisconsin — has nothing to do with whether discrimination is illegal or whether women deserve to be paid the same as men for equal work. These laws are about the legal process, the terms under which lawsuits can proceed, how employers can defend themselves against claims, and the statutes of limitations for launching a complaint. And setting clear, fair rules is important for job creation and getting our economy back on track.

This isn’t a black-and-white issue; it’s a balancing act. Employees need to have time to file complaints, but employers also need to know that they don’t face a potential liability from employees let go 20 years ago and whose supervisors are no longer even with the company. We need a system that offers just compensation for those truly wronged by an employer, but not one that creates the potential for super-sized payouts that encourage frivolous lawsuits.


One can legitimately believe that the Wisconsin’s Equal Pay Enforcement Act went too far in the direction of encouraging unnecessary litigation by increasing the potential payout for punitive damages, and that the Ledbetter Act extended the statute of limitations too long, opening the door for companies to have to defend employment decisions made decades prior, and still believe in the principle of equal pay for equal work. Protecting the economy from the costs of frivolous or impossible-to-litigate lawsuits isn’t a “war on women.”
Tell me, if this act was so great, why didnt it fix the problem? Why are you still complaining about unfair pay? Wasnt this act designed specifically to address that? And if it doesnt address it, whats the point of the legislation?

To make money for lawyers, create another layer of buracracy, and make liberals feel good about themselves. I thought that was the reason for the legislation.

Maybe the WH staff should look at its own pay-scale differential between men and women.
Michigan Republican Calls Equal Pay For Women ‘A Nuisance’ That Should Be Repealed, Was Endorsed By Mitt Romney In 2010 (VIDEO)

When President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009, it was a giant leap forward in women’s rights and equality. For the first time in American history, women could fight in court against wage discrimination in the workplace. But this law wasn’t a bipartisan effort. Democrats championed the landmark legislation while Republicans fought to keep women unequal to men for doing the same work. Three years later, Republicans are still unable to support equal pay for women.

Pete Hoekstra says the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is "a nuisance." - YouTube

Women Will Save America From the Republican Party's Attack On Equal Rights

The Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, claimed the war on women was entirely baseless and that the “media was trumping up the fictional attacks on women’s rights.” Either Priebus is ignorance personified, in denial, or is attempting to cover up the Republicans’ drive to curtail women’s constitutionally guaranteed rights in Congress and dozens of states. For the past year, Republicans sought to redefine rape and limit women’s access to healthcare, and in the past week, repealed a law to protect gender equality in pay. Republicans cannot claim they are not waging war on women’s rights with any veracity because they have waged this war with extreme prejudice since January 2011 when they took control of the House and several state legislatures.


She (Lilly Ledbetter) says while that 23-cent difference would not sound like much to someone like Republican Mitt Romney with a Swiss bank account and Cayman Island investments, it’s critical to working women.

Lilly Ledbetter addresses Democratic National Convention on workplace equality for women - The Washington Post

Lilly M. Ledbetter's DNC Speech - Elections 2012 - YouTube


I don't see how it doesn't bother women that Republicans feel the work of working women isn't as "valuable" as the work of a man. And what is the justification Republicans have for insisting women simply don't deserve equality?

It isnt the equal pay idiot..

The opposition comes from adding another facet to our judicial lottery system.
The ledbetter act is called the equal pay act, but it has nothing to do with equal pay and should be repealed. What the ledbetter act does, and the only thing it does, is remove statutes of limitations requirements so that women can sue, at any time, if the salaries of men are raised for men doing the same job they did no matter when they were working there. Lily Ledbetter's equal pay lawsuit would have been successful had she brought it timely. She didn't need an equal pay law. She had it. What got her complaint dismissed is that she waited too long to file. The result is, predictably, that women will just be hired less. Men still have statutes of limitations. Women no longer do. Don't hire a woman in the first place and the threat of future lawsuits 20 or 30 years down the line is gone.
Another pathetic piece of shit post from resident liar for the liberal cause... ho hum...

You know, you might try to debate honestly about something, but I'm guessing that concept totally escapes you.
He cant honestly debate an issue. He isnt honest.
Another pathetic piece of shit post from resident liar for the liberal cause... ho hum...

You know, you might try to debate honestly about something, but I'm guessing that concept totally escapes you.

Do you have any links proving I'm lying?
The fair pay act is simply put, a way for women to sue their employeers when they dont recieve equal pay. Most states have a similar law on the books, but some have unreasonable time frames or other issues.

The GOP didn't support the act, not because they hate women, but IMO because the act includes some groups that they would rather leave out.
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He cant honestly debate an issue. He isnt honest.

I'm trying to debate. So tell me why women don't deserve equal pay and I'll tell you why I think they do.

Who has said women don't deserve equal pay? Do you ever not have to build a strawman to argue against??

Only an idiot thinks that the Lily Ledbetter bill provided 'equal pay'. It's sad that you can't even grasp the concept of what the bill was about. You spout nonsense on here thinking that you somehow have a 'gotchya' when in fact you show yourself to be totally ignorant of what the bill even did.
The fair pay act is simply put, a way for women to sue their employeers when they dont recieve equal pay. Most states have a similar law on the books, but some have unreasonable time frames or other issues.

The GOP didn't support the act, not because they hate women, but IMO because the act includes some groups that they would rather leave out.

It's incorrectly named, but of course, that was intentional as we all know. So that ignorant idiots like Dean can go around making assinine accusations about those that voted against it or didn't agree with it. The unreasonable time frame was in the bill, which is why it shouldn't have been passed. They voted against it because it goes against reason and common sense.
He cant honestly debate an issue. He isnt honest.

I'm trying to debate. So tell me why women don't deserve equal pay and I'll tell you why I think they do.

Obama doesn't want to pay women equal pay.

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

Did you bother to read the article? Of the top 20 highest paid, 6 were women. It's one thing to pay women for equal work, which they are obviously doing. It's another to put women into positions simply because she's a woman. To come to the conclusions you are attempting to come to, you would have to look at job applications, education, experience and a host of other qualifications.

Remember, EQUAL pay for EQUAL work. No one is saying women can't do the work, but at the same time, men don't have babies. And I'm not complaining about babies. Babies are a good thing. Democrats like to take care of them, especially AFTER they are born. Democrats don't believe in "let them die" or "starve the poor".
Tell me, if this act was so great, why didnt it fix the problem?

The problem it set out to fix was that women dicked out of fair pay for decades had no legal recourse. Now they do. I fail to see how that fails to fix the problem.

Why are you still complaining about unfair pay? Wasnt this act designed specifically to address that? And if it doesnt address it, whats the point of the legislation?

You're clearly unfamiliar with what the act was designed to do. I'd suggest you go do your homework and only then open your big mouth.
He cant honestly debate an issue. He isnt honest.

I'm trying to debate. So tell me why women don't deserve equal pay and I'll tell you why I think they do.

No you aren't. If you were having a serious discussion, you would have answered my questions.

And Ive never argued against women getting paid the same as men for doing the same job.
Tell me, if this act was so great, why didnt it fix the problem?

The problem it set out to fix was that women dicked out of fair pay for decades had no legal recourse. Now they do. I fail to see how that fails to fix the problem.

Why are you still complaining about unfair pay? Wasnt this act designed specifically to address that? And if it doesnt address it, whats the point of the legislation?

You're clearly unfamiliar with what the act was designed to do. I'd suggest you go do your homework and only then open your big mouth.

As I was saying. Why are you still complaining about the problem if the act was designed to fix it. It either fixed it or it didnt. If it fixed it. Great. If not, then what is the point of the act?
Another pathetic piece of shit post from resident liar for the liberal cause... ho hum...

You know, you might try to debate honestly about something, but I'm guessing that concept totally escapes you.

Do you have any links proving I'm lying?

The bill in question merely reimposed conditions that already just extended the period during which a suit is viable.

If you had considered the facts, the argument that you attempted to advance would fail before it started, instead of starting before it failed.

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