Republican candidate to Governor actually sues Science

Changing the numbers after the fact to fit your models, conspiring to ignore FOIA requests, blackballing skeptics, deleting e-mails, destroying foundational research, claiming advocacy op-eds as peer review, etcetera, are not shortcomings or mistakes....They are outright fraud.
I have noticed a very odd thing about these denialists. They constantly yap about 'tainted science', yet none of them appear on the podium at the meetings of the American Geophyiscal Union, or American Meteological Society. You would think that if they had proof, they would have the courage to present that to other scientists. Instead, they address people who have little understanding of how science operates.

The simple truth is, they have nothing at all that would stand up in a scientific peer setting. Otherwise, they would be there.

Well there ya go.. Dr. Judith Curry is a member of BOTH those elite societies.. Isn't it about time they invited HER to get up on the podium..

Sad truth for you GoldiRocks --- they are SCARED TO DEATH of putting her on HER OWN podium at those meetings..... Same goes for other principled and qualified deniers..

Love to see that --- why don't you DEMAND she be brought before the mighty inquisition???
Put the hoaxers under oath and on public record.

So you're saying every denialist in this forum should be hauled before the inquisition, due to their chronic data fudging and wild fabrications about ethical scientists? I disagree. Denialists may be morally dodgy, but that's not a crime, and using thuggish state power against them is totally out of the question.

You clearly want the heavy hand of TheParty prosecuting people for thought crimes, sending scientific dissidents to the gulag for re-education. Very Soviet of you, or alternately McCarthyist. You need to understand that we're not like you, and could never stoop to such tactics.
No...What I'm saying is that Mann, Trenberth, Hansen should be put under oath and deposed, under potential penalty of perjury.

We'll see all about "ethical" then.
And I'm saying that's very Soviet of you. TheParty makes up a pack of lies to demonize its political opponents, and then uses those lies to demand a show trial.

Sadly for you, that's not how the USA works. You might consider North Korea or some other nation that works more to your liking.
Ohh...It's "Soviet" to ascertain whether hoaxers have been perpetrating a hoax or not.

And if it's a pack of lies, then sue....Everything will shake out in the discovery phase.

Oh, wait....Mann has already threatened to sue NRO and Mark Steyn...How's that one coming along?
Changing the numbers after the fact to fit your models, conspiring to ignore FOIA requests, blackballing skeptics, deleting e-mails, destroying foundational research, claiming advocacy op-eds as peer review, etcetera, are not shortcomings or mistakes....They are outright fraud.

The scientists who work at Virginia U. did none of those things.

BTW, since when did deleting emails become a crime? Don't you delete emails?
oh yawn, slate

notice that title.

Cuccinellie DANGEROUS suit against climate change...the climate cult strike's again

you should snip a little of the article and post with the link ..not that I'd go to slate

Typical - bases her strong opinion on her own ignorance.
Its hard to read this article -- laughing too hard at the image of little tiny pieces of electrician's tape covering the left breast of the staff's lapel pins.

If this guy wants to do some real good, he should sue, oh, how 'bout tooth decay?
Cuccinelli claimed to suspect Mann of having defrauded the government by falsifying and destroying data. Yet neither Cuccinelli nor anyone in his office possessed the qualifications to ascertain that point. The several, qualified people who HAD conducted those reviews had unanimously cleared him of any such actions. And, as we now know, the Supreme Court of the state of Virginia rejected Cuccinelli's CID ( spending a great deal of time explaining why the University of Virginia does not qualify as a person or a corporation under Virginia law and is thus not subject to CIDs. More importantly, the Supreme Court upheld the circuit court's opinion that Cuccinelli's "CIDs were unlawful because they failed to comply with FATA's requirement that CIDs "state the nature of the conduct constituting the alleged violation of [FATA] that is under investigation." Code § 8.01-216.11. The circuit court therefore granted UVA's petition and set aside the CIDs, without prejudice."

Let us think why Cuccinelli, an experienced prosecutor, would make such a bungling mistake in bringing this action. He must have known that his failure to identify the alleged conduct would get his CID thrown out. Why then, did he make the demands if he knew they would go nowhere. Hmm... perhaps - and I'm certain someone will correct me if I've missed something more obvious - he never cared whether or not Mann's emails were acquired or Mann was prosecuted or convicted of crimes against the state of Virginia. It would seem that perhaps all AG Cuccinelli ever wanted was for people to see him persecuting.. er, excuse me, prosecuting Professor Mann. He was using a significant amount of the state's tapayer funding to conduct sort of an inverse shill operation, not to protect the resources of the state of Virginia but to enhance his own reputation among conservatives. He's campaigning.

What a WONDERFUL guy!

Seems surprising that none of you fiscal conservatives thought of the money he was wasting.
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Oddball said:
Oh, wait....Mann has already threatened to sue NRO and Mark Steyn...How's that one coming along?

Yesterday, the judge denied their motion to dismiss.

Hockey stick graph climate researcher's defamation suit to go forward | Ars Technica
This finding does not mean that the Court concluded there was actual malice. Instead, it views that as a job for the discovery process, in which each side can request relevant documents. The court is simply concluding that there are grounds for a defamation suit, so the case can go forward.

Unfortunately for NRO, Rich Lowry was dumb enough to actually brag online about how they intended to abuse the discovery process in order to get some red meat for their readers.

Get Lost | National Review Online
If Mann sues us, the materials we will need to mount a full defense will be extremely wide-ranging. So if he files a complaint, we will be doing more than fighting a nuisance lawsuit; we will be embarking on a journalistic project of great interest to us and our readers.

And this is where you come in. If Mann goes through with it, we’re probably going to call on you to help fund our legal fight and our investigation of Mann through discovery. If it gets that far, we may eventually even want to hire a dedicated reporter to comb through the materials and regularly post stories on Mann.

What that means is that Mann's lawyer (Cozen O'Conner, one of the best there is) will bring up NRO's statement of bad intent with the judge, and NRO will end up having to specifically get permission for each bit of discovery they want, and pay a judge-appointed third party to do it. There's a reason why you keep your mouth shut when involved in a lawsuit.

Oh, discovery works both ways. NRO is in a lot more trouble over possible embarrassing things being revealed than Mann is. After all, Mann is very happy to let discovery play out.
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Oddball said:
Oh, wait....Mann has already threatened to sue NRO and Mark Steyn...How's that one coming along?

Yesterday, the judge denied their motion to dismiss.

Hockey stick graph climate researcher's defamation suit to go forward | Ars Technica
This finding does not mean that the Court concluded there was actual malice. Instead, it views that as a job for the discovery process, in which each side can request relevant documents. The court is simply concluding that there are grounds for a defamation suit, so the case can go forward.

Unfortunately for NRO, Rich Lowry was dumb enough to actually brag online about how they intended to abuse the discovery process in order to get some red meat for their readers.

Get Lost | National Review Online
If Mann sues us, the materials we will need to mount a full defense will be extremely wide-ranging. So if he files a complaint, we will be doing more than fighting a nuisance lawsuit; we will be embarking on a journalistic project of great interest to us and our readers.

And this is where you come in. If Mann goes through with it, we’re probably going to call on you to help fund our legal fight and our investigation of Mann through discovery. If it gets that far, we may eventually even want to hire a dedicated reporter to comb through the materials and regularly post stories on Mann.

What that means is that Mann's lawyer (Cozen O'Conner, one of the best there is) will bring up NRO's statement of bad intent with the judge, and NRO will end up having to specifically get permission for each bit of discovery they want, and pay a judge-appointed third party to do it. There's a reason why you keep your mouth shut when involved in a lawsuit.

Oh, discovery works both ways. NRO is in a lot more trouble over possible embarrassing things being revealed than Mann is. After all, Mann is very happy to let discovery play out.

none of this shit matters sweetie...........

The science is nothing but a hobby to chat about on the internet if it has no impact on how countries are meeting their energy needs. Renewables......they are laughable and even the most committed European countries are finding that their cost is, well, laughable.

Renewable energy in Spain: The cost del sol | The Economist

Green energy is the ultimate ruse........only bought by those who are true suckers.........

The whole term "deniers" has become an irrelevant term in 2013.

Its all about the goalposts honey.......and in the next 30 years, they will barely move. Which means, of course, that nobody gives a flying fuck about the science.
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