REPUBLICAN Congressman Curbelo: "I Will Vote To Shut Down The Government Unless We Get Amnesty."

The last thing this country needs is Amnesty. We actually need to drastically reform our dismantled Immigration System. No more Schumer 'Diversity Visa Lottery' debacles. It's time to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Nothing short of that will satisfy me. When or if we truly reform our broken system, we can then maybe talk about different ideas on immigration.

There is nothing wrong with our system now. What does immigration reform mean? It means that foreigners are unhappy with our immigration regulations and they want us to change them.

Enforce the regulations we have now, and that's the most I want to see of any reform.
Glad to see the OP thread title was corrected to say REPUBLICAN instead of Democrat.

What can we do? Republicans are honest.

Honest? You mean after I reported the lie and a mod corrected it? Funny...
I only reported the truth. The lawmaker is a democrat but masks himself as a republican in name only..

Uh huh.

Stevie...chalk this one up as a "fail".
Legalizing DACA is the moral and American thing to do.

Permanent green cards, no citizenship, no sponsoring relatives. If they don't like it, get the fuck out..
Ah, so you are beginning to understand they are staying. They will be citizens, OK, no doubt about it.

Been telling my congressman this for a few years. They can stay unless they have a criminal record or gang tats, but no citizenship, no sponsoring anyone, including their criminal parents. They want to be treated special, this is as special as it gets.

There was a time when large numbers of immigrants were needed in order for this vast country to grow and move forward. That time has long since past. We no longer need many immigrants. Especially poorly educated folks with no skills.

We already have a country full of poor, struggling people of all colors. Let's help them, for a fucking change.

They say charity begins at home. Let's worry about Americans first. Start with people in the Rust Belt and Appalachia. Fuck the illegals. And bring legal immigration to a near complete halt, too. I fully support trump's position on immigration.
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Legalizing DACA is the moral and American thing to do.
No it's not! It's unAmerican unethical, and immoral.
Ah yes, good old Southern Baptist Christian morality. Have no mercy on children that were put into a situation through no fault of their own. But it is just fine for that oh so moral Southern Baptist Christian to 'date' little girls. We understand you and your kind well, Stevie baby.
We have never been a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of pioneers and settlers. Now, if you want to consider the invasion of illegals as "settlers", you get closer to the truth and a real debate.
LOL What a mishmash of idiocy from an idiot. If they were not immigrants, where did they come from? Did some Native Americans suddenly turn white? At least two side of my ancestors arrived in the 1640's. And they were settlers and pioneers, but they were also immigrants.And I well imagine that the Native Americans considered there taking of the land through economics and conquest illegal.
He is a wetback RINO...let democrats shut down the government its their funeral
Dumb fuck, the Democrats cannot shut the government down. The GOP has 52 people in the Senate. Only if the GOP bill is such that there are Republican Senators that cannot stomach the bill can it fail to pass the Senate. Why should the Dems vote for that bill after the treasonous fat senile old orange clown insulted them?
These third world savages (POC) who want to attack our democracy when that psycho in North Korea is lobbing missiles over our people in Japan and South Korea is not unexpected. Democrats hates Whites. Fortunately, our Asian brothers and sisters like Whites. We have to work with our Chinese brothers and sisters in China or at least get them to sign off on what needs to be done. Russians also of course.
All proving Trump Was right in his tweet this morning stating Schumer and Pelosi, and democrats want to hold hostage the government unless we have open borders and amnesty for illegals. Now this buffoon wants to do the same. Why do Democrats want to flood the nation with illegals and cause America to loose its identity of White European heritage?

Congressman Curbelo: I Will Vote to Shut Down Federal Govt 'Unless We Get' DACA Amnesty - Breitbart

"By 1776, African Americans comprised about 20% of the entire population in the 13 mainland colonies."
Slavery in Colonial British North America |

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