Republican Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama vows to do the "exact same thing" to Dems that they did to M Taylor Greene when the GOP is the majority!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

what goes around comes around, my friends!

Rethuglucams have permission to remove anyone from committee who threatened other members with death.

freak. Should have cleaned your own house

what goes around comes around, my friends!

And that is the problem with setting a precedent...

what goes around comes around, my friends!

And that is the problem with setting a precedent...
Threatening other members and being punished for that is a precedent everyone can live with I think.

what goes around comes around, my friends!

Rethuglucams have permission to remove anyone from committee who threatened other members with death.

freak. Should have cleaned your own house
They will be like you. Big mouths on TV. Arrogant and obnoxious. Even pulling out a gun to shoot your azzes. Imagine a few pounds of C4 detonated in the House chambers. It is not bravado. It is being in agreement with those who will be leadership that does not take any more of your crap. The civil Repubs have held the party back for decades. They even have been threatened and attacked. Face it.....The millennial generation is the first generation poorer then any in American history. Generation Z the one following them is not going to be happy campers. And Generation Alpha, the little ones following Z are really in trouble. You can not clean houses when the people are stanky ass promiscuous whores and drug controlled zombies with lower IQ's. But they are street wise.
I can start a list:
Low IQ Maxine Waters for calling for violence against Trump staffers, "in restaurants and gas stations".
AOC, for lying and for being too stupid to be in congress
Johnson, for saying that the island of Guam will capsize, also too stupid

Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Ted Lieu, Sen. Cory Booker, Rep. Joaquin Castro, Sen. Jon Tester, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have all made comments suggesting violence or confrontations against Republicans.
Always amazes me when the left thinks this shit isn't going to just crush them in the end

Say goodbye to Rashida and Ilhan they gone

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