Republican congressman suggests he could support Trump facing criminal charges


I couldn't find anything but wouldn't be surprised.
The morons went to Russia with the NRA, to start a "gun rights" group and brought a Russian spy back to the US.

Then I'll just sit back and wait on your credible evidence of this. Sorry you are not politically informed enough to get my sarcasm, but I was making a joke about Bernie Sanders who did spend his honeymoon in the USSR.
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Don Bacon breaks ranks after one day of testimony. Teamtrump diminishes every day.
Where are the people supporting trump these days ? Probably cutting a deal to stay out of prisson.
Where are people supporting Trump? Right here. I pray for Trump, his family, and his wrongly incriminated staff morning and night. they're up against people who regard never getting caught in their lies due to their omeurta about all things bad that the Democrat leadership does to get absolute power for the oligarchs. It's a big game, but it doesn't always work, fortunately for the working people who are being tapped for cash by Joe who promised them he would never raise their taxes. They trusted his lie, and now they will have to cough up a substantial amount as per his demands, and paying thousands more per year for accelerated fuel and grocery costs caused by Biden's getting even with the oil industry he wants to kill, except for enough gas to get Air Force I anywhere he wants to go in the world whenever he has an opportunity to do what he does best: cheat believers by lying and seeing how long he can get away with it. By now, he knows who will put him in the bedroom by the sewer and who won't. Emmmm,,,, most of the time. :spinner:
yes they do, but the transcripts arent ready yet, from a week ago...

Shouldn't take very long to delete each witness's testimony and cut & paste THE BAD ORANGE MAN MADE US DO IT in its place.
Then I'll just sit back and wait on your credible evidence of this.
July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

Kennedy described Tuesday's meeting as "damn frank, very, very, very frank, no holds barred."
But Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described the meeting as "one of the easiest ones in my life."

Prior to heading out, members of the delegation promised “to be tough with Russian officials ahead of the president’s visit, especially on matters of election interference,”

But they struck a conciliatory tone once there: The point of their visit, Shelby stressed to the Duma leader, was to “strive for a better relationship” with Moscow, not “accuse Russia of this or that or so forth.”

Sorry you are not politically informed enough to get my sarcasm, but I was making a joke about Bernie Sanders who did spend his honeymoon in the USSR.
The only problem with that is Sanders didn't spend his honeymoon in Russia.

Jane Sanders and then-Mayor Bernie Sanders traveled to the Soviet Union shortly after their wedding as part of a government trip to establish a sister-city relationship between Burlington, Vermont, and Yaroslavl. Sanders has previously joked that this trip was a "strange honeymoon."

This trip was not a "honeymoon" in the traditional sense and did not occur during the "height of the cold war." The purpose of this trip was to establish a sister city in Russia, not for the newlyweds to enjoy a romantic getaway. Bernie and Jane Sanders took their real honeymoon in St. Lucia in the Caribbean the following year.

Yaroslavl, Russia Burlington established its sister city relationship with Yaroslavl, Russia, in 1988.
Since then, exchanges between the two cities have involved mayors, business people, firefighters, jazz musicians, youth orchestras, mural painters, high school students, medical students, nurses, librarians, and the Yaroslavl Torpedoes ice-hockey team.
n 1993, Champlain and Trinity Colleges in Burlington sponsored six students from Yaroslavl; since then, dozens of Yaroslavl students have attended Champlain College.
In 1997, Burlington Sister City Committee members donated children's books by Vermont authors and illustrators toward the creation of an English-speaking room at the Yaroslavl Children's Library. In 2016, a delegation from Burlington traveled to Yaroslavl.

March 4 2022
Burlington's mayor announced Thursday the city would suspend a decades-old sister city relationship with Yaroslavl, a Russian city northeast of Moscow.

Mayor Miro Weinberger chose to halt relationships with the city, which dates back to 1988, in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It follows a request from Gov. Phil Scott for municipalities to sever relations with the country as part of state-level sanctions.
75 million Americans are getting ready to vote for Trump! We don't care if he was ok with the violence or didn't do anything to stop it on January 6th as you leftist shown us for 8 months before that day that it was an ok practice to express your feelings and beliefs for all to see. It is ok for YOU to riot, YOU to loot, YOU to threaten the white house and federal court houses. But only you! We call bullcrap on that.

We 75 million Americans will vote for him because in real life sometimes you have to support your leader to get what you believe. We're sick and tired of you violent communist trashing our cities, grooming our children and calling us names all while you trash our economy, raise our price of food and flood our country with third world cultures. In real life we do in fact support leaders that have the balls to call a spade a spade! No matter if it results in what you do so constantly and without the slightest bit of remorse. You my leftist friend set the standard and you can watch as we reelect Trump. And I'm sure you'll be doing 99% of the violence once we do so once gain. A belief system based on lies, violence and brainwashing is utterly contemptible but that is what you are.

View attachment 657043
Trump has no chance in 2024. He lost to Biden in 2020 and since that election he's shown that he is irrational and has a distinct inability to deal with reality. The Republicans will nominate DeSantis (who is like Trump without the caffeine) instead.
July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

Kennedy described Tuesday's meeting as "damn frank, very, very, very frank, no holds barred."
But Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described the meeting as "one of the easiest ones in my life."

Prior to heading out, members of the delegation promised “to be tough with Russian officials ahead of the president’s visit, especially on matters of election interference,”

But they struck a conciliatory tone once there: The point of their visit, Shelby stressed to the Duma leader, was to “strive for a better relationship” with Moscow, not “accuse Russia of this or that or so forth.”

The only problem with that is Sanders didn't spend his honeymoon in Russia.

Jane Sanders and then-Mayor Bernie Sanders traveled to the Soviet Union shortly after their wedding as part of a government trip to establish a sister-city relationship between Burlington, Vermont, and Yaroslavl. Sanders has previously joked that this trip was a "strange honeymoon."

This trip was not a "honeymoon" in the traditional sense and did not occur during the "height of the cold war." The purpose of this trip was to establish a sister city in Russia, not for the newlyweds to enjoy a romantic getaway. Bernie and Jane Sanders took their real honeymoon in St. Lucia in the Caribbean the following year.

Yaroslavl, Russia Burlington established its sister city relationship with Yaroslavl, Russia, in 1988.
Since then, exchanges between the two cities have involved mayors, business people, firefighters, jazz musicians, youth orchestras, mural painters, high school students, medical students, nurses, librarians, and the Yaroslavl Torpedoes ice-hockey team.
n 1993, Champlain and Trinity Colleges in Burlington sponsored six students from Yaroslavl; since then, dozens of Yaroslavl students have attended Champlain College.
In 1997, Burlington Sister City Committee members donated children's books by Vermont authors and illustrators toward the creation of an English-speaking room at the Yaroslavl Children's Library. In 2016, a delegation from Burlington traveled to Yaroslavl.

March 4 2022
Burlington's mayor announced Thursday the city would suspend a decades-old sister city relationship with Yaroslavl, a Russian city northeast of Moscow.

Mayor Miro Weinberger chose to halt relationships with the city, which dates back to 1988, in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It follows a request from Gov. Phil Scott for municipalities to sever relations with the country as part of state-level sanctions.

LOL! You buy that bullshit? Hey, I have a bridge here for sale if you want to buy it. You can setup toll booths and everything!

WTF is a "sister city" and why would any Mayor want that with the USSR? Oh, he was joking about the honeymoon. Right. It was a joke after he got busted for taking his honeymoon there.

You leftists are such saps. You'll buy anything these liars are selling. A sister city. For what? What other Mayor has ever traveled to the USSR to make a sister city, whatever the fuck a sister city is, and why would this trip be so important that you'd go immediately after you got married? What benefit to your city would that be? What bullshit.

And in your other non-link, it said nothing about the NRA or gun rights group, nor did it say anything about a Russian spy. What would they need a Russian spy for, can't Swalwell find anybody else to sleep with in the US? I don't think Feinstein is looking for another driver. :eusa_shhh:
LOL! You buy that bullshit? Hey, I have a bridge here for sale if you want to buy it. You can setup toll booths and everything!
I don't have to "buy" anything.
The traitors spent 4thof July in RUSSIA.

Not only that, but they also went to Russia with the NRA.
Then brought back a spy.
WTF is a "sister city" and why would any Mayor want that with the USSR? Oh, he was joking about the honeymoon. Right. It was a joke after he got busted for taking his honeymoon there.
WTF? Retard.

The Sister City concept was initiated by President Dwight Eisenhower on September 12, 1956 in Washington D.C. and has been supported by each U. S. President since then as important to the development of people-to-people understanding and international education. At present, there are over 1000 U. S. cities that have about 1700 formal Sister Cities throughout the world. U. S. Presidents have given strong support to the Sister City Program, most recently through challenge grants for international youth exchange.

You leftists are such saps. You'll buy anything these liars are selling.
Right nutjob, you're still buying Trump's BS
A sister city. For what? What other Mayor has ever traveled to the USSR to make a sister city, whatever the fuck a sister city is, and why would this trip be so important that you'd go immediately after you got married? What benefit to your city would that be? What bullshit.
Another WTF?

Being the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, at the time of the trip, Sanders, embarked on a trip to the Soviet Union to establish a sister city relationship between the U.S.’s Burlington and Russia’s Yaroslavl. His wife, who was serving as the director of the Mayor’s Youth Office at the time, went with him, along with other officials from the Mayor’s office.

So, you take your staff on your honeymoon?
And in your other non-link, it said nothing about the NRA or gun rights group, nor did it say anything about a Russian spy. What would they need a Russian spy for, can't Swalwell find anybody else to sleep with in the US? I don't think Feinstein is looking for another driver. :eusa_shhh:
G. Kline Preston, a conservative lawyer in Nashville with business connections to Russia, introduces then-NRA president David Keene to Torshin, a powerful senator in Russia and close to President Vladimir Putin.

Butina and Torshin host Keene and other American gun rights advocates at the Right to Bear Arms annual meeting in Moscow. Two hundred people take part in the event.

Keene reportedly enlists John Bolton, a notable rightwing hawk who will serve as President Trump’s National Security Adviser, to record a video for Right to Bear Arms promoting the merits of loose gun laws. “Were the Russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people.

Butina and Torshin attend the NRA’s annual meeting in Indianapolis, where Butina is treated as a VIP. She presents a plaque to then-NRA president Jim Porter, and appears at one of the group’s events as a guest of David Keene.

December 2015
Torshin is appointed as a deputy governor of the Russian central bank. Meanwhile, the Right to Bear Arms hosts NRA figures in Russia for a second time.

May 26 2016
Paul Erickson, a veteran Republican operative and NRA member with access to both the group’s leaders and officials in the Russian government, emails Rick Dearborn, a Trump campaign advisor. Erickson is looking to facilitate a “first contact” meeting between the campaign and Torshin at the upcoming spring convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Trump will be featured as a speaker and receive the NRA’s early endorsement for president.

November 2016
Butina, now a graduate student at American University, in Washington, D.C., hosts a birthday party attended by Erickson and Trump campaign aides.
I don't have to "buy" anything.
The traitors spent 4thof July in RUSSIA.

Not only that, but they also went to Russia with the NRA.
Then brought back a spy.

WTF? Retard.

The Sister City concept was initiated by President Dwight Eisenhower on September 12, 1956 in Washington D.C. and has been supported by each U. S. President since then as important to the development of people-to-people understanding and international education. At present, there are over 1000 U. S. cities that have about 1700 formal Sister Cities throughout the world. U. S. Presidents have given strong support to the Sister City Program, most recently through challenge grants for international youth exchange.

Right nutjob, you're still buying Trump's BS

Another WTF?

Being the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, at the time of the trip, Sanders, embarked on a trip to the Soviet Union to establish a sister city relationship between the U.S.’s Burlington and Russia’s Yaroslavl. His wife, who was serving as the director of the Mayor’s Youth Office at the time, went with him, along with other officials from the Mayor’s office.

So, you take your staff on your honeymoon?

G. Kline Preston, a conservative lawyer in Nashville with business connections to Russia, introduces then-NRA president David Keene to Torshin, a powerful senator in Russia and close to President Vladimir Putin.

Butina and Torshin host Keene and other American gun rights advocates at the Right to Bear Arms annual meeting in Moscow. Two hundred people take part in the event.

Keene reportedly enlists John Bolton, a notable rightwing hawk who will serve as President Trump’s National Security Adviser, to record a video for Right to Bear Arms promoting the merits of loose gun laws. “Were the Russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people.

Butina and Torshin attend the NRA’s annual meeting in Indianapolis, where Butina is treated as a VIP. She presents a plaque to then-NRA president Jim Porter, and appears at one of the group’s events as a guest of David Keene.

December 2015
Torshin is appointed as a deputy governor of the Russian central bank. Meanwhile, the Right to Bear Arms hosts NRA figures in Russia for a second time.

May 26 2016
Paul Erickson, a veteran Republican operative and NRA member with access to both the group’s leaders and officials in the Russian government, emails Rick Dearborn, a Trump campaign advisor. Erickson is looking to facilitate a “first contact” meeting between the campaign and Torshin at the upcoming spring convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Trump will be featured as a speaker and receive the NRA’s early endorsement for president.

November 2016
Butina, now a graduate student at American University, in Washington, D.C., hosts a birthday party attended by Erickson and Trump campaign aides.

Funny. All your claims and never any credible links.
Where are people supporting Trump? Right here. I pray for Trump, his family, and his wrongly incriminated staff morning and night. they're up against people who regard never getting caught in their lies due to their omeurta about all things bad that the Democrat leadership does to get absolute power for the oligarchs. It's a big game, but it doesn't always work, fortunately for the working people who are being tapped for cash by Joe who promised them he would never raise their taxes. They trusted his lie, and now they will have to cough up a substantial amount as per his demands, and paying thousands more per year for accelerated fuel and grocery costs caused by Biden's getting even with the oil industry he wants to kill, except for enough gas to get Air Force I anywhere he wants to go in the world whenever he has an opportunity to do what he does best: cheat believers by lying and seeing how long he can get away with it. By now, he knows who will put him in the bedroom by the sewer and who won't. Emmmm,,,, most of the time. :spinner:
You are insane. Try paragraphs as well. It is easier to make your crazy point.
LOL NONE of democrats have read the constitution. They don't have to. They do as they damn well please.

Trump has severe dislexia. He can't read and he's not curious. He's just a gasbag. There are some real idiots in the Democratic party, but nothing like the bottom feeders Trump has collected.
One statement is far from an organized and planned conspiracy to destroy our electoral system. The J6 committee is proving the riot was a well planned attack with the LIAR trump as the leader.

Trump ranted and raved against the electoral college in 2012.

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