Republican congressman suggests he could support Trump facing criminal charges

When you use words like "communism" you lose any credibility. i do not think that you understand what communism is. Perhaps you could explain it in terms of Bidens democrats ?

So simple. Go to the US Communist Party website. Read their agenda. You'd have a hard time finding differences between theirs and the Democrat party. Look up what presidential candidates they supported. Look at who they bashed.

Yes, communism. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck.........
So simple. Go to the US Communist Party website. Read their agenda. You'd have a hard time finding differences between theirs and the Democrat party. Look up what presidential candidates they supported. Look at who they bashed.

Yes, communism. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck.........
What communist policies is Biden actually implementing ?
What communist policies is Biden actually implementing ?

I wasn't speaking about Biden directly, I'm talking about the entire party in general. In fact somebody started a topic on this. Go to post #63.

I wasn't speaking about Biden directly, I'm talking about the entire party in general. In fact somebody started a topic on this. Go to post #63.

Thanks for that. I am still no clearer. A universal healthcare system is not communism. Most democratic countries have them.

And income inequality is a major issue across the world.. It is why US jobs are exported to China and Vietnam.. But this is not a philosophy it is just a fact.

There is very little substance in that post.

Tell me about industries being nationalised. Or media outlets being closed down.That is what I expect to see in a communist country.
Thanks for that. I am still no clearer. A universal healthcare system is not communism. Most democratic countries have them.

And income inequality is a major issue across the world.. It is why US jobs are exported to China and Vietnam.. But this is not a philosophy it is just a fact.

There is very little substance in that post.

Tell me about industries being nationalised. Or media outlets being closed down.That is what I expect to see in a communist country.

Jobs moved to other countries because it became too expensive to manufacture items them in the states. Unions led this movement but once you light the fuse to TNT, you're not putting it out.

In the 80's the American consumer became more frugal after the recession. We no longer cared about supporting unions or the American worker. We became obsessed over prices and still are today. We don't care where the hell it's made, as long as we pay the least for whatever it is we are looking for.

Speaking of obsession, again, the US Communist Party is nearly identical to the Democrat party. They are both obsessed over the environment, bringing back unions that chased many of our jobs out of the country, extremely obsessed with race and oppression that doesn't actually exist, hatred of the capitalist system, the poor who became poor due to laziness and bad decision making. They both believe it's government that will find a cure to their woes. Dementia wants to put gun manufacturers and sellers out of business by allowing any Tom, Dick or Harry to sue them out of business, just like DumBama attacked the tobacco and lending industries. Dementia tried to force businesses to have vaccinated employees or fire them. The Democrat party is after taking over the energy and healthcare industries. So don't tell me they are not taking steps towards nationalizing anything.

The solution to wealth inequity is quit giving the wealth your money. In the US, nearly every single American this week will transfer their money to the top. We will buy gasoline, pay their internet bill, cell phone bill, stop at a fast food restaurant several times this week, pay their gas or electric company for the services they received, just all kinds of money transferred to the top electively. The only people that don't transfer their money to the top on a regular basis are the Amish and Quakers. Charity starts at home, so for people who bitch about wealth inequity, let them start by not transferring their money to the top first.
tommy tainent said:
[What communist policies is Biden actually implementing ?

continuing to try to disarm the american public.
Causing division between groups of people.
Destroying the economy.
ignoring constitution.
IMprisoning opposition
using FBI to arrest and detain political opposition.
Placing anti america enemies into positions of power.
openly corrupt.
Protective of their family members...two tier system of justice.

Bacon is on record as being an anti-Trumper since 2016. His opinion doesn't amount to much. I wonder if Chuck Todd would ever ask a democrat if he would vote to indict Schumer for promoting violence against Justice Kav. I doubt it.
The DOJ can easily indict him TOMORROW and Prosecute him of a crime, but after TWO years of investigating along with the help from the FBI and even the Joke 6 Committee they haven't done it.
Because the only thorough investigation of Trump is by this committee. These hearings signify them wrapping it up. If they are inclined to refer him for criminal charges, they will. Then the DOJ can decide to act or not to act. So you havent made any point of any substance at all.

Don Bacon breaks ranks after one day of testimony. Teamtrump diminishes every day.
Where are the people supporting trump these days ? Probably cutting a deal to stay out of prisson.
trump is scrum. He tried to destroy our democracy with his effort to subvert the 2020 vote. He should be in prison...but I doubt he will be indicted.

He and the MAGA cult are as low as one can go. trump has diseased their minds with his lies and conspiracy theories.
Because the only thorough investigation of Trump is by this committee. These hearings signify them wrapping it up. If they are inclined to refer him for criminal charges, they will. Then the DOJ can decide to act or not to act. So you havent made any point of any substance at all.
Awwww, how cute, you believe this is about justice.

It is not.
Bacon is on record as being an anti-Trumper since 2016. His opinion doesn't amount to much. I wonder if Chuck Todd would ever ask a democrat if he would vote to indict Schumer for promoting violence against Justice Kav. I doubt it.
One statement is far from an organized and planned conspiracy to destroy our electoral system. The J6 committee is proving the riot was a well planned attack with the LIAR trump as the leader.
He TRIED to subvert the vote?!! What you mean is he pointed out to all of us that which has been going on a long time.....Democrat voter fraud. AND FOR THAT HE MUST DIE!!!!! oh no wait. He must die on a daily basis, revive him and then do it again the next day and STILL>>>YOU WON"T BE HAPPY.

Democrats have been stealing virginia elections for 30 years or better. AND they told the national election in 1960 and 2022.
The actual crime families are running this country and they call the one decent president we've had in 40 years scum. LOLOL
One statement is far from an organized and planned conspiracy to destroy our electoral system. The J6 committee is proving the riot was a well planned attack with the LIAR trump as the leader.

They're not proving shit. Even the FBI stated this was not an organized attack by anybody yet alone Trump.

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