Republican Debate, 2-6-2016

Jeb is a genius. How did he know saying Reagan's name would draw applause from a bunch of retards?
Okay, I saw a little clip on some news show where they said Kasich and Christie have been doing a ton of town halls. It shows. They're both doing well, imo.

Yep, they've both pretty much been living in New Hampshire.
It shows, I'm liking Christie tonight. Not that it matters what a Democrat thinks but he's tough and really communicating well.

I think Christie is a major asshole! I'm still waiting for his fat ass to be swallowed by Bridgegate.
Good gracious! I wondered when you were golng to say something completely irrelevant and classy. I can breathe now!
Either Crispie is so incompetent he had no idea of what was going on in his office. Which should make him ineligible for being president. OR, he gave the order, which would also make him ineligible for being president.
Carson's best closing statement in the last several debates. Looks like he fired the right people maybe.
Rubio is can't recover from a performance that bad.
Rubio needs to get pushed to the side where jeb, kasick, and christie are.

Because he won't abolish the entire government. You're a traitor.

No, he's a traitor because he wants to open the flood gates for legal and illegal immigration.

Reagan gave amnesty for 3 million illegals. Why not do what reagan did and make them pay taxes?

They will be sucking down billions in welfare. Send them back where they came from.
Fat boy was like a condemned man eating his last meal.....his last meal was Marco Rubio.

Since you've stooped to talking about looks, I'm glad Rubio got a haircut, he was beginning to look exactly like Desi Arnaz.

As much as some of them like to bash Obama rather than tout their own accomplishments would leave one to believe that Obama is running for reelection. Obama has kept their arrogant asses safe for the past 7 years in spite of their hateful obstruction.

You're joking, right? The guy who wants to import 100,000 refugees infiltrated with ISIS fighters into this country is keeping us safe?
Wow, is that what he wants?

Guess that proves it. You're a tard.

That's his announced agenda, dipstick.
Okay, I saw a little clip on some news show where they said Kasich and Christie have been doing a ton of town halls. It shows. They're both doing well, imo.

Yep, they've both pretty much been living in New Hampshire.
I wonder how well they will do Tuesday.
I think Rubio just said good by to anything higher then 4th. Even Bush looked better. {I thought I would never write that!}
I think you are right about Bush. But, I still worry about his welfare and think he should go home.
Oh I agree. Its just how bad Rubio sucked.
Green energy. The Pentagon has to pay $50/gal for biofuels to put in their jet fighters and bombers.

right you are. you got billion dollar machine and these DOPES want to force you to burn vegetable oil thru it. That really frosts my rear end! The last place you want to play around is over enemy land.
Best line of the night:

Trump: Cruz only beat me because he took Ben Carson's votes.
Okay, I saw a little clip on some news show where they said Kasich and Christie have been doing a ton of town halls. It shows. They're both doing well, imo.

Yep, they've both pretty much been living in New Hampshire.
It shows, I'm liking Christie tonight. Not that it matters what a Democrat thinks but he's tough and really communicating well.

I think Christie is a major asshole! I'm still waiting for his fat ass to be swallowed by Bridgegate.
Good gracious! I wondered when you were golng to say something completely irrelevant and classy. I can breathe now!
Either Crispie is so incompetent he had no idea of what was going on in his office. Which should make him ineligible for being president. OR, he gave the order, which would also make him ineligible for being president.

So that would also bar Hillary from office, wouldn't it? She keeps saying she didn't know the laws on handling classified material and she didn't know she was sending and receiving classified materials.
Green energy. The Pentagon has to pay $50/gal for biofuels to put in their jet fighters and bombers.

right you are. you got billion dollar machine and these DOPES want to force you to burn vegetable oil thru it. That really frosts my rear end! The last place you want to play around is over enemy land.

The stuff turns into a solid in polar latitudes. That's real good for our all weather Navy and Airforce.

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