Republican Debate, 2-6-2016

They really are shafting Carson. Let's just not ask the only doctor on stage questions about healthcare. :lol:
Okay, I saw a little clip on some news show where they said Kasich and Christie have been doing a ton of town halls. It shows. They're both doing well, imo.
Carson is smarter than all. Trump has horsesense/commonsense. Cruz is legal and political wizard. Trump is businessman, knows how to make a buck and how to save a buck. make it grow, it takes smarts. street smarts.
As much as some of them like to bash Obama rather than tout their own accomplishments would leave one to believe that Obama is running for reelection. Obama has kept their arrogant asses safe for the past 7 years in spite of their hateful obstruction.

You're joking, right? The guy who wants to import 100,000 refugees infiltrated with ISIS fighters into this country is keeping us safe?
Well, at least they finally asked Carson a pertinent question. Who he thought would win the Super Bowl.

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