Republican Debate: February 13, 2016

I'm turning it off...what a crock. The establishment is despicable, and I think everyone sees this for what it is.

No point in wasting my time.

What is their plan? If they get Establishment, they can't beat the beast? I suppose Beast or Establishment is same for them?

Their plan is to stay in control. That's all they care about at this point.

I suspect that they have no idea how badly they fucked up tonight...but I also suspect that it won't be long before they find out.
Can someone please translate each of Cruz's answers?

Uh oh, Rubio vs Cruz again. LMAO!! Rubio says Cruz doesn't know what he said on Univision because he doesn't speak Spanish. Rubio owned Cruz on that exchange.
Bush and trumps fued is funny. Bush calls out trump for all the horrible things we know he has said and trump just says "I never said that". Lol.
Trump needs to shut the fuck up about President Bush and the Iraq War. Jeb bush and Marco Rubio just owned him.
Blaming Bush for 911 is stupid.

Yes. I think that was the line that got me. I have no issue with Trump saying he didn't vote the war and we lost out on the oil. Good answer. But blaming President Bush for 911 not only is just wrong but doesn't help the GOP overall.

But it's true. The valid threat was known. Bush ignored the warnings given to him.
Count me in as praying for a power outage also. Good Lord. LOL
Ben carson. How many times does he make a pitch for his website? I think like Herman Cain he's a shill for someone like the Koch's

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