Republican Debate: February 13, 2016

Trump needs to shut the fuck up about President Bush and the Iraq War. Jeb bush and Marco Rubio just owned him.
What a sham. If anyone is not embarrassed watching this crap, they should be ashamed of themselves. Stack the audience, then go for applause lines.
Trump needs to shut the fuck up about President Bush and the Iraq War. Jeb bush and Marco Rubio just owned him.

5 trillion dollars
14 years
thousands of dead young men and women
For what???

Trump is right! Stay out of the middle east.

He is right. But he's dangerously close to sounding like a Liberal running against the GOP. Many in the Democratic party voted for the war based in the same intel.
If I thought watching the hijinks of D. Trump was ok I would vote for him. But I respect America more than that.
Trump needs to shut the fuck up about President Bush and the Iraq War. Jeb bush and Marco Rubio just owned him.

5 trillion dollars
14 years
thousands of dead young men and women
For what???

Trump is right! Stay out of the middle east.

He is right. But he's dangerously close to sounding like a Liberal running against the GOP. Many in the Democratic party voted for the war based in the same intel.
Yes trump does sound liberal compared to these other guys. That's why he's winning.

Rubio has more 30 second sound bites that sound good.
Senator Rubio, if you don't have kids, you should pay MORE even though those with children USE more services? That make zero sense.

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