Republican Governor Bobby Jidnal approves taxpayer dollars to go to religious schools

Ummmm, what?

It's the citizen's money in the FIRST place.

Woo boy we have a winner here.

The vouchers are paid for by taxes collected by the government.

Again is the senator wrong in stating that the state shouldn't be funding radical islam schools, by giving vouchers to people to go there?

Seeing how it seems you disagree with her, then what would you claim she is? Ignorant? Stupid? Should be removed from office?

It being the peoples money is irrelavant in this case. If a private person wants to pay for their kid to go to a school that is their choice. This isn't what is happening here at all.

So either you are playing stupid or you just are stupid. Im going to go with the second one personally. Any child can figure out what's going on here rather easily.
And, the citizen gets HIS money back.

The concept of Occam's razor confuses you.

Again you didn't answer my question..feel free at anytime...
So whats the big deal about vouchers, public education can't compete with private, charter, and other public education facilities? Interesting, maybe one should take a closer look at their local mandated school and ask why. As a property tax payer I have often wondered why school age parents accept mediocrity, don't read to their children and help with homework, but then again I guess it's that old it takes a village to raise a child mind set. I have been told religious affiliated, private, and charter schools don't put up with disruptive crap in their class rooms and the kids apparently learn more.
Woo boy we have a winner here.

The vouchers are paid for by taxes collected by the government.

Again is the senator wrong in stating that the state shouldn't be funding radical islam schools, by giving vouchers to people to go there?

Seeing how it seems you disagree with her, then what would you claim she is? Ignorant? Stupid? Should be removed from office?

It being the peoples money is irrelavant in this case. If a private person wants to pay for their kid to go to a school that is their choice. This isn't what is happening here at all.

So either you are playing stupid or you just are stupid. Im going to go with the second one personally. Any child can figure out what's going on here rather easily.
And, the citizen gets HIS money back.

The concept of Occam's razor confuses you.

Again you didn't answer my question..feel free at anytime...
What senator? And let me see HIS or HER words.

When I have an accurate source of whatever the hell you are talking about, I will be happy to answer your question.

(Whatever THAT has to do with the idiocy you keep trying to convince yourself of is beyond me.)
Well, my point is more about the question of this being the PUBLIC'S money. (Religion is definitely involved.)

If my understanding of vouchers is correct (and I am not sure it is or isn't), then I find it difficult to see how this is the public's money. It's an individual's money, and if that individual chooses to use it to send his/her child to a Muslim school, that is the individual's right.

Giving a voucher to an individual regardless of his/her use is a gifting of public money. No childless homeowner is eligible to receive a voucher, and public schools are funded in the budget of a state and political subdivision of said state. If the people in a school district desire to fund a religious school they could pass a bond issue.
No, it's not PUBLIC money, no more so than a tax credit.

I think you're wrong. A tax credit is just that, a reduction in tax owed for a specific purpose. A tax deduction reduces ones' tax and a voucher takes money from the public to subsidize a private enterprise. Religious schools already are tax exempt, so less money goes into funding local, state and federal government.

A public school is basically free - of course parents as well as all citizens pay taxes, so in that sense they pay for their childs education. Why should such a parent subsidize the education of a neighbor who chooses to send their child to a private school? That child can attend public school for 'free'.
Parents who wish to educate their children outside of the public school system should pay for that privilege; it is not a right.
And, the citizen gets HIS money back.

The concept of Occam's razor confuses you.

Again you didn't answer my question..feel free at anytime...
What senator? And let me see HIS or HER words.

When I have an accurate source of whatever the hell you are talking about, I will be happy to answer your question.

(Whatever THAT has to do with the idiocy you keep trying to convince yourself of is beyond me.)

Its in the fucking op you dipshit.
Parents who wish to educate their children outside of the public school system should pay for that privilege; it is not a right.

They are effectively being asked to pay twice then. Once by taxes, once by tuition.

My daughter was in Christian school for most of her school years, so I know the feeling.

I just find it laugh-out-loud worthy that at least one person is unamused about the vouchers possibly going to Muslim schools.
Parents who wish to educate their children outside of the public school system should pay for that privilege; it is not a right.

Really? Tell that to the leftists that SAY it's a RIGHT incuding OBAMA Fakey.
Nearly 70% of all the money Catholic Charities get is from the government. True story.
Taxes are collected by the state. Person applies for state voucher system, state hands out said voucher for person to go to X school..

Take away the taxes and who pays for the voucher?
Ummmm, what?

It's the citizen's money in the FIRST place.

Woo boy we have a winner here.

The vouchers are paid for by taxes collected by the government.

Again is the senator wrong in stating that the state shouldn't be funding radical islam schools, by giving vouchers to people to go there?

Seeing how it seems you disagree with her, then what would you claim she is? Ignorant? Stupid? Should be removed from office?

It being the peoples money is irrelavant in this case. If a private person wants to pay for their kid to go to a school that is their choice. This isn't what is happening here at all.

So either you are playing stupid or you just are stupid. Im going to go with the second one personally. Any child can figure out what's going on here rather easily.

Well, that would explain your childish take on nearly everything!

Parents who wish to educate their children outside of the public school system should pay for that privilege; it is not a right.

Who in their right mind doesn't want their child educated outside the shithole that is public education?
Parents who wish to educate their children outside of the public school system should pay for that privilege; it is not a right.

Really? Tell that to the leftists that SAY it's a RIGHT incuding OBAMA Fakey.

Jefferson said education should be free..all the way through college...go ahead constitution boy, spin that...
Really? Why don't you quote Jefferson's words on free education through college.
Again you didn't answer my question..feel free at anytime...
What senator? And let me see HIS or HER words.

When I have an accurate source of whatever the hell you are talking about, I will be happy to answer your question.

(Whatever THAT has to do with the idiocy you keep trying to convince yourself of is beyond me.)

Its in the fucking op you dipshit.
Oh, the state senator?

She's wrong.

Now, what does that have to do with your idiotic contortions?
What senator? And let me see HIS or HER words.

When I have an accurate source of whatever the hell you are talking about, I will be happy to answer your question.

(Whatever THAT has to do with the idiocy you keep trying to convince yourself of is beyond me.)

Its in the fucking op you dipshit.
Oh, the state senator?

She's wrong.

Now, what does that have to do with your idiotic contortions?

Because she is saying what you are is not true. That government funds will go towards religous schools.
Really? Tell that to the leftists that SAY it's a RIGHT incuding OBAMA Fakey.

Jefferson said education should be free..all the way through college...go ahead constitution boy, spin that...
Really? Why don't you quote Jefferson's words on free education through college.

Sure...when I get home and can...I can't promise it wont be till later. New born takes priority over getting you a quote.
Its in the fucking op you dipshit.
Oh, the state senator?

She's wrong.

Now, what does that have to do with your idiotic contortions?

Because she is saying what you are is not true. That government funds will go towards religous schools.
And, we all know that politicians are right all the time when they speak, right?

I don't know about you, but when I quote a politician, the only thing I find useful about that quote is proof of what the politician actually said. That's it.

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