Republican Impeachment Report: Dems Have No Evidence On President Trump, No Crimes Committed

Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.

The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.

What law is that ? My understanding is that while the power of the purse resides within the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch enjoys significant discretion on how, when and under what circumstances appropriated funds get spent or distributed.

Is there some specific statute that you're aware of that denies Executive discretion with respect to the timing of spending foreign military aid?
she likes to say a lot of "stuff" but i've yet to see her follow it up with links or facts. just more RAH RAH cheerleader powerpoint bullets that are baseless on examination.

so i went digging and you're 100% correct.
On the basis of the Constitution and traditional legislative prerogatives, Congress lays claim to exclusive control over the purse. Nevertheless, while it is up to Congress to appropriate funds, it is also true that the President and the executive branch enjoy considerable discredoY as to how those funds are spent. Existing studies tell us how the President formulates the budget and how Congress acts on the budget requests he submits. Surprisingly, we know relatively little about how the money, once appropriated, is actually spent. A notable exception in this field is a work by Lucius Wilmerding, Jr., published three decades ago.

So again, the whole case over Trump is really about the Democraps trying/wanting to impeach him and the best thing they could come up with is they didn't like his foreign policy in a minor foreign country the Democraps all have personal connections vested with?
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
I don't believe "evidence" provided by co-conspirators holds much weight.
Of course you don't, but who cares what you think, Comrade!
Maybe nobody, but I'm not the one Trump has to worry about. He has exposure beyond impeachment, i.e. suits brought by people he's harmed after he leaves the WH.
Again you make up shit, and repeat DNC talking points THAT WE ALL KNOW are strictly done to remove a duly elected president from office! many times are we going to do this. I have more important things to do!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
and then how did obama send all that money to iran, w/o congressional approval?

sitting president.jpg
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime and misdemeanor, then extorting a foreign president for personal political gain is a several orders of magnitude higher crime and misdemeanor.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
Just ask Muller he found nothing with unlimited resources and money.

If nothing was found why does the White House persist in blocking testimony and documents that Congress has subpoenaed?
It is a phony impeachment, doing anything gives them legitimacy...which it is NOT!

There was no impeachment inquiry when they had hearings on the Mueller Report and the White began the blanket immunity from Congressional subpoenas strategy. Furthermore, the White House does not have the Constitutional Authority to declare whether or not an Impeachment process started by the House has legitimacy. Obstructing Congress is an Impeachable offense. Blanket Immunity is Obstructing Congress.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.


He lied about receiving a consensual blow job. Trump lied about using our government to extort dirt on his political opponent from our allies. You really don't see the difference?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
and then how did obama send all that money to iran, w/o congressional approval?
Yes indeed how did THAT HAPPEN....any answers leftists?
Really? Are you actually that stupid that you don't know?

You have to be joking.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
Just ask Muller he found nothing with unlimited resources and money.

If nothing was found why does the White House persist in blocking testimony and documents that Congress has subpoenaed?

Please post your picture, your address, your social security number, and your record of financial holdings and your last 10 years of tax returns.

We'll be right over to search your house to make sure you have not committed any crimes against The State.

It is a small matter for you to "voluntarily" invite us in to your home for some tea, if you have nothing to hide.

Thank you in advance for your invitation.


This message is brought to you by your friends at INGSOC & The Office of Safety & Citizen Compliance.
Last edited:
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
and then how did obama send all that money to iran, w/o congressional approval?
Start a thread on it, and I will gladly spend the time to research the laws covering it.

This case is about Congressionally Appropriated foreign Military funds....
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.

What law is that ? My understanding is that while the power of the purse resides within the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch enjoys significant discretion on how, when and under what circumstances appropriated funds get spent or distributed.

Is there some specific statute that you're aware of that denies Executive discretion with respect to the timing of spending foreign military aid?

"No one from the Trump administration has been able to point to any legal authority that allowed Trump to withhold the funding for the length of time and in the manner that he did. Even Trump’s defenders in the House, who have speciously claimed that the president had reasons for holding the aid other than pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rivals, have not provided justifications that are legal. Instead, they’ve offered justifications that are more politically palatable. Moreover, Trump’s own White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was told that his actions were illegal, and appears to have tacitly acknowledged that fact, but continued to hold up the funding anyway."

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

The Ukraine funding was held up through use of OMB’s apportionment authority. Apportionments are legally binding documents utilized by OMB to ensure agencies spend money effectively and efficiently during the fiscal year. Agencies are prohibited from spending in excess of an apportionment. Under longstanding guidance, apportionments are approved by OMB career officials.

Apportionments cannot change policy decisions reflected in statute; the Government Accountability Office has made clear that “the apportionment process cannot alter or otherwise affect the operation of statutory requirements concerning the availability or use of appropriated funds.”

In addition, any delay of funding potentially implicates the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). Passed in the wake of President Richard Nixon’s refusal to spend lawfully appropriated funding, the ICA restricts the circumstances in which a president can defer spending funds. The ICA’s definition of a “deferral” is broad:

Need a list of all the "illegal" things Obama did? How many of them did you want impeachment over?

So basically, your spin is that you will throw the POTUS under the wheels of the bus at the first signs of the slightest deviance on policy with some minor foreign country. First your story was personal political gain, now because it was an "illegal" act that usurped congressional authority, meantime, you looked the other way on 10,000 glaring infractions by Obama, all because he was "your guy" and Trump is not?
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
Just ask Muller he found nothing with unlimited resources and money.

If nothing was found why does the White House persist in blocking testimony and documents that Congress has subpoenaed?

I believe the narrative coming from the Donny Regime is that this is a Congressional fishing expedition to which they are not inclined to willingly supply more bait. :dunno:

You're using that "if you have nothing to hide then you'd give us everything we ask for" logic that is the stock & trade of overreach, let Congress make their case for whatever materials they deem relevant to the Judicial Branch if they are so inclined.

Usaully, well in the past at least they have almost always been able come to a compromise. But they are proceediing.....

A U.S. district judge denied the Justice Department’s request for a stay on testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn.

U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in a 17-page opinion that a long-term stay on her opinion last week requiring McGahn testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee could cause “grave harm” to the investigation.

“This Court has no doubt that further delay of the Judiciary Committee’s enforcement of its valid subpoena causes grave harm to both the Committee’s investigation and the interests of the public more broadly,” Jackson wrote.

Judge denies request for stay on McGahn testimony
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
OMG Democrats exonerated Clinton?! Shit I don't know why!
He lied in his Paula Jones deposition
He lied to the nation on television
He manipulated his testimony to the grand jury
He was screwing around with an intern in the White House

Then we have all the perversions and passions
Democrats support and try to force society to accept

Well, I guess that's it then
The Democrats don't know a damn thing
when it comes to integrity and moral standards

He lied about a blow job. Big deal.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime and misdemeanor, then extorting a foreign president for personal political gain is a several orders of magnitude higher crime and misdemeanor.
great. but the left has also established it's a crime to use a foreign gov to attack a political opponent. only they couldn't pin that on trump.


Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

where is your rage here, son?
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
Just ask Muller he found nothing with unlimited resources and money.

If nothing was found why does the White House persist in blocking testimony and documents that Congress has subpoenaed?
It is a phony impeachment, doing anything gives them legitimacy...which it is NOT!

There was no impeachment inquiry when they had hearings on the Mueller Report and the White began the blanket immunity from Congressional subpoenas strategy. Furthermore, the White House does not have the Constitutional Authority to declare whether or not an Impeachment process started by the House has legitimacy. Obstructing Congress is an Impeachable offense. Blanket Immunity is Obstructing Congress.
The Executive Branch has Executive Branch Privilege Protections as GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION.

This protection was given THE Executive Branch so that if a bunch of Leftist Fascists took over The Congress, that they could be rebuffed by the other CO-EQUAL Branches of GOVERNMENT.

You are WELCOME.


Your Head Up Your Ass is no way to debate politics, SON.
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
and then how did obama send all that money to iran, w/o congressional approval?
Start a thread on it, and I will gladly spend the time to research the laws covering it.

This case is about Congressionally Appropriated foreign Military funds....


Those appropriate funds were for which government, the corrupt outgoing one or the new one just coming in that no one knew just as the funding was to become available? Or do you need another thread to discuss that too?
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
OMG republicans exonerated Trump?! Shit I didn’t see that coming! Well, I guess that’s it then. Trump has the utmost integrity and sense of morality. Just ask republicans.
Just ask Muller he found nothing with unlimited resources and money.

If nothing was found why does the White House persist in blocking testimony and documents that Congress has subpoenaed?

I believe the narrative coming from the Donny Regime is that this is a Congressional fishing expedition to which they are not inclined to willingly supply more bait. :dunno:

You're using that "if you have nothing to hide then you'd give us everything we ask for" logic that is the stock & trade of overreach, let Congress make their case for whatever materials they deem relevant to the Judicial Branch if they are so inclined.

Usaully, well in the past at least they have almost always been able come to a compromise. But they are proceediing.....

A U.S. district judge denied the Justice Department’s request for a stay on testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn.

U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in a 17-page opinion that a long-term stay on her opinion last week requiring McGahn testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee could cause “grave harm” to the investigation.

“This Court has no doubt that further delay of the Judiciary Committee’s enforcement of its valid subpoena causes grave harm to both the Committee’s investigation and the interests of the public more broadly,” Jackson wrote.

Judge denies request for stay on McGahn testimony
Who the FUCK in AMERICA names their kid KENTAJI?
"No one from the Trump administration has been able to point to any legal authority that allowed Trump to withhold the funding for the length of time and in the manner that he did. :
Hmmm according to your article "The Ukraine funding was held up through use of OMB’s apportionment authority." , sounds like they're pointing to the legal authority to me...

The problem I see is that the article you cited is wholly opinion based (an opinion that yet to be upheld by the Judicial Branch ) and it's an opinion with holes even using the cited statutes specifically

Deferrals shall be permissible only—

(1) to provide for contingencies;

is the lions share of reasoning behind Executive Discretion when it comes to the allocation of appropriated funds, one could certainly see where unilaterally refusing to distribute appropriated funds would be a clear cut legal problem for the Executive Branch but not in the case of DELAY unless the appropriation itself specifically forbade it.

Stop and think about it, if (for example) the Intelligence Arm of the Executive Branch discovered evidence that country XYZ was actively working against American interests, would it not be logical for the Executive to have the authority to unilaterally delay appropriated aid to XYZ? Or if for example, the Executive discovered that country XYZ was say withholding intelligence that the Executive Branch deemed vital to our National Interests, wouldn't it be logical to withhold Aid in exchange for that intelligence?

Does't seem to be anything in the piece that points out how what Donny & Company did is EXPLICITLY forbidden by law.

I'm not a lawyer (Thank God) so I wouldn't even begin to pronounce what was done legal or not but as a layman the case against the Executive on this point seems pretty weak.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Top Republican lawmakers finalized a report Monday exonerating President Donald Trump from any wrongdoing regarding Ukraine just as Democrats with the House Judiciary Committee prepare to launch their own impeachment inquiry into the president, according to a report reviewed by

Ranking Chairman Devin Nunes, with the House Intelligence Committee; Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member and Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Michael McCaul, ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs issued the report. It noted that the impeachment inquiry is nothing more than the Democrats ‘orchestrated campaign to upend our political system.”

President Trump departed Washington D.C. Monday to a NATO gathering in London and before he left he criticized House Democrats for moving forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold its first hearing on impeachment Wednesday. Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Nunes, Jordan and McCaul, noted in the report that despite all the legitimate concerns the President had regarding Ukraine corruption and the Bidens, there was absolutely no evidence presented during the hearings suggesting that Trump intended to withhold aid unless the Ukrainians investigated the situation.

“The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump pressured President Zelensky to initiate investigations for the purpose of benefiting the President in the 2020 election,” the 110 page report states. “The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump covered up the summary of his phone conversation with President Zelensky. The evidence does not support the accusation that President Trump obstructed the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Who said they need evidence? It’s the seriousness of the charge that matters. The dimwits are going to ride this horse until its 4 legs drop off....You go girls!
The only problem with that is Mulveyny said it was held back by the President.... And the President said it was as well..And then mentioned the Bidens in the same breath,

And witness testimony showed they all believed it was what the President wanted, primarily ambassador Sondland through Giuliani, of whom he and others, including Velensky were told by the President to work with. Giuliani...

The coveted by Velensky, DC meeting was part as well....

But to me, what really matters is he was using his office, to cheat in the upcoming election... to get a leg up, over Biden....

He would not be asking a country he claims is so corrupt, to investigate an opponent or once ally, for corruption.... if he was truly concerned about corruption.... he would have gone the legal route, through the DOJ and not using Giuliani to head the effort, and another country's govt, who he claimed was corrupt.

Involving a foreign govt in his election campaign IS CORRUPT, using his govt job to do it, is doubly corrupt, and an abuse of power, and an assault on our democratic, constitutional Republic imo, and you likely would believe the same, if it were a democratic president doing his shenanigans.
Trump’s lawyers declined the invitation from Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler to testify.

Why should Trump or the Republicans legitimize this train wreck by appearing in it when:
  • The day of his inauguration, many democrats chose not to even show up.
  • The night of his State of Union Address, democrats boycotted, those there sat arms folded, frowning, even through obvious great things for the country.
  • January 2017, they had Comey slipping secret conversations to the press to embarrass him.
  • January 2018, they had democrats spitting on his cabinet and yelling 'Impeach 45!"
  • January 2019, they were trying to railroad him claiming he was a Russian agent.
If Mueller couldn't "exonerate" him, I ask you where any overlap is between those charges with the current ones? And if this all began with someone walking past a doorway and hearing Trump loudly talking to Ukraine for 5 seconds saying something so heinous that it prompted an alert whistleblower to alert the government to seditious corruption by the president for the sake of the Constitution itself, then I ask you:



How can this be such a cut and dry thing, yet after 30-40 hours of numbing, tedious testimony, STILL not have made their case?
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
The law itself required the Pentagon to investigate the Ukraine to ensure the funds would not go towards corruption. The Pentagon investigation took 3 months, and in June 2019 the Pentagon gave the A OK to release the aid money... No corruption in sight.
The president does not get to decide what is legit or not, per the Constitution, it is solely the power given to the House only.
but he does get to decide foreign policy now doesn't he? so if that is the case, per the constitution as you like to say, how can he be guilty of trying to change it when changing it IS his job?

have fun with that one.
By law, he does not get to hold back congressionally passed, foreign military aid.... not without asking congress for permission.
So, by your "reason" then, a delay of even one day is an impeachable offense and the president a mere figurehead puppet of the Congress?
How is it then that Barry Obumma escaped about 10,000 impeachment charges by you???
and then how did obama send all that money to iran, w/o congressional approval?
Start a thread on it, and I will gladly spend the time to research the laws covering it.

This case is about Congressionally Appropriated foreign Military funds....
The Executive Branch can block the release of any funds designated as Foreign Aide to any country for any reason as part of their Rights and Privileges granted by The Constitution and our Laws in concordance with being a CO-EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT.

Let me ask you a question: Did you Evolve in to STUPID or were YOU BORN THAT WAY?
So basically, your spin is that you will throw the POTUS under the wheels of the bus at the first signs of the slightest deviance on policy with some minor foreign country.

No. Just answering a simple question. My opinion has not changed. The gravest impeachable offence was the attack on half of our two party system using bipartisan foreign policy funds to coerce The Ukraine into aiding that assault. That blocking the funds itself was an illegal act is just icing on the cake. Not that it matters much to his base......

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