Republican Joni Ernst Wants To Gut Social Security, But Only Behind Closed Doors

Daily Kos? Don't you have a link to a legit news source? That site is a bunch of propaganda.
Yeah, but he gets tree-fiddy a pop for passing the Spam.

UOTE="Papageorgio, post: 23060918, member: 23516"]Daily Kos? Don't you have a link to a legit news source? That site is a bunch of propaganda.

You could click the link in the article to the Washington Post story, where she was actually quoted at a townhall meeting, but having encountered you here a couple of times, I know you are way to fucking stupid to do that, and probably wouldnt take an exact quote from the source as true anyway.

Haven't you got some trolling to do elsewhere?[/QUOTE]

Washington Post is also a Leftist biased editorial “news” agency. Still we do need to address entitlements. For people under 50 I would raise the retirement age to 70 and for people under 30 I would raise it to 72.
Republicans are always looking for the silver lining in the deficits they continually create with their corporate and fat-cat tax cuts, and that silver lining is always gutting Social Security. Always. Here's Ernst in the town hall meeting:

"There is a point in time when we as Congress will have to address the situation."

To be clear, “the situation” is the deficit she voted for.

"And I think it's better done sooner rather than later, to make sure that we've shored up that system." Shoring up the system meaning what it always does in Republican speak: taking retirees’ money out of the guaranteed Social Security system and putting it in the Wall Street casino.

Republican Joni Ernst wants to gut Social Security, but only behind closed doors

Hey Iowa. You let Trump bankrupt your farmers. Are you going to let Senate Republicans take your retirement savings to?
Your link:

"Sen. Joni Ernst is running for re-election in 2020. She is a Republican, but she will be doing her best to convince Iowa voters that she's not one of those radical kinds of Republicans, the type that is dangerous to their future.

"And boy howdy, did she just mess that plan up royally.

"The not-extremist-at-all Ernst told a town hall meeting that she wants lawmakers to 'fix' Social Security 'behind closed doors.'"

Surely, Iowa deserves better than a corporate, swamp dweller like Joni?

Your alternative would be? Surely you’re not sad because you wasted your life being a loser?
Republicans are always looking for the silver lining in the deficits they continually create with their corporate and fat-cat tax cuts, and that silver lining is always gutting Social Security. Always. Here's Ernst in the town hall meeting:

"There is a point in time when we as Congress will have to address the situation."

To be clear, “the situation” is the deficit she voted for.

"And I think it's better done sooner rather than later, to make sure that we've shored up that system." Shoring up the system meaning what it always does in Republican speak: taking retirees’ money out of the guaranteed Social Security system and putting it in the Wall Street casino.

Republican Joni Ernst wants to gut Social Security, but only behind closed doors

Hey Iowa. You let Trump bankrupt your farmers. Are you going to let Senate Republicans take your retirement savings to?
Your link:

"Sen. Joni Ernst is running for re-election in 2020. She is a Republican, but she will be doing her best to convince Iowa voters that she's not one of those radical kinds of Republicans, the type that is dangerous to their future.

"And boy howdy, did she just mess that plan up royally.

"The not-extremist-at-all Ernst told a town hall meeting that she wants lawmakers to 'fix' Social Security 'behind closed doors.'"

Surely, Iowa deserves better than a corporate, swamp dweller like Joni?

Your alternative would be? Surely you’re not sad because you wasted your life being a loser?

Wait until we raise the contribution tax to $10 million from where it is today. The whining and crying will be insufferable.
UOTE="Papageorgio, post: 23060918, member: 23516"]Daily Kos? Don't you have a link to a legit news source? That site is a bunch of propaganda.

You could click the link in the article to the Washington Post story, where she was actually quoted at a townhall meeting, but having encountered you here a couple of times, I know you are way to fucking stupid to do that, and probably wouldnt take an exact quote from the source as true anyway.

Haven't you got some trolling to do elsewhere?

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care. Maybe if you weren't a trolling moron you would have linked the Washington Post story to begin with? Now if you got a real link, we could look at it instead of leftwing propaganda site.

So basically, if there is some information and you see it's from someone that you are not interested in, you ignore it truthful or not?

There is a video of her saying exactly what they claim in the article.

Quit getting your senses so offended over words and educate your self outside of your built in little cocoon.

Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything, you and you nuts that read Daily Kos did. I am asking for links to a better site. Breitbart, Daily Kos, Mother Jones lie and distort. Why fill your mind with BS, link the damn video and not the opinions of extreme left and extreme right wing sources. I’m interested in stories not spin. Mindwars posts from Alex Jones all the time, I don’t even bother to open his links, 90% of the time I don’t even look at his threads.

I love information and went to google to read what she really said, not a propaganda site that spun the BS, which the OP swallowed hook, line, and sinker. Got it?
UOTE="Papageorgio, post: 23060918, member: 23516"]Daily Kos? Don't you have a link to a legit news source? That site is a bunch of propaganda.

You could click the link in the article to the Washington Post story, where she was actually quoted at a townhall meeting, but having encountered you here a couple of times, I know you are way to fucking stupid to do that, and probably wouldnt take an exact quote from the source as true anyway.

Haven't you got some trolling to do elsewhere?

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care. Maybe if you weren't a trolling moron you would have linked the Washington Post story to begin with? Now if you got a real link, we could look at it instead of leftwing propaganda site.

So basically, if there is some information and you see it's from someone that you are not interested in, you ignore it truthful or not?

There is a video of her saying exactly what they claim in the article.

Quit getting your senses so offended over words and educate your self outside of your built in little cocoon.

Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything,

Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.
Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything, you and you nuts that read Daily Kos did. I am asking for links to a better site. Breitbart, Daily Kos, Mother Jones lie and distort. Why fill your mind with BS, link the damn video and not the opinions of extreme left and extreme right wing sources. I’m interested in stories not spin. Mindwars posts from Alex Jones all the time, I don’t even bother to open his links, 90% of the time I don’t even look at his threads.

I love information and went to google to read what she really said, not a propaganda site that spun the BS, which the OP swallowed hook, line, and sinker. Got it?
Alex Jones is more credible than Daily Kooks.
UOTE="Papageorgio, post: 23060918, member: 23516"]Daily Kos? Don't you have a link to a legit news source? That site is a bunch of propaganda.

You could click the link in the article to the Washington Post story, where she was actually quoted at a townhall meeting, but having encountered you here a couple of times, I know you are way to fucking stupid to do that, and probably wouldnt take an exact quote from the source as true anyway.

Haven't you got some trolling to do elsewhere?

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care. Maybe if you weren't a trolling moron you would have linked the Washington Post story to begin with? Now if you got a real link, we could look at it instead of leftwing propaganda site.

So basically, if there is some information and you see it's from someone that you are not interested in, you ignore it truthful or not?

There is a video of her saying exactly what they claim in the article.

Quit getting your senses so offended over words and educate your self outside of your built in little cocoon.

Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything,

Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.

I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

The OP had an agenda, that is why he linked a far left wing propaganda site. He could have linked the video or the Washington Post story but he chose not to. The Post had a different headline Sen. Ernst says lawmakers should discuss fixing Social Security ‘behind closed doors’ - The Washington Post and it had a balanced story. The Daily KOS was just an op-ed piece designed to spin and not give information. If you can't see the difference between a real news site and extreme left and right wing propaganda then it's on you.

Bottom line, is I searched the story through Google to get to a real news site, so it seems I am more open to hard news without the propaganda and you like propaganda editorials that have more spin than hard news.
Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything, you and you nuts that read Daily Kos did. I am asking for links to a better site. Breitbart, Daily Kos, Mother Jones lie and distort. Why fill your mind with BS, link the damn video and not the opinions of extreme left and extreme right wing sources. I’m interested in stories not spin. Mindwars posts from Alex Jones all the time, I don’t even bother to open his links, 90% of the time I don’t even look at his threads.

I love information and went to google to read what she really said, not a propaganda site that spun the BS, which the OP swallowed hook, line, and sinker. Got it?
Alex Jones is more credible than Daily Kooks.

I don't find either credible.
UOTE="Papageorgio, post: 23060918, member: 23516"]Daily Kos? Don't you have a link to a legit news source? That site is a bunch of propaganda.

You could click the link in the article to the Washington Post story, where she was actually quoted at a townhall meeting, but having encountered you here a couple of times, I know you are way to fucking stupid to do that, and probably wouldnt take an exact quote from the source as true anyway.

Haven't you got some trolling to do elsewhere?

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care. Maybe if you weren't a trolling moron you would have linked the Washington Post story to begin with? Now if you got a real link, we could look at it instead of leftwing propaganda site.

So basically, if there is some information and you see it's from someone that you are not interested in, you ignore it truthful or not?

There is a video of her saying exactly what they claim in the article.

Quit getting your senses so offended over words and educate your self outside of your built in little cocoon.

Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything,

Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.

I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

And yet, it was accurate.
You could click the link in the article to the Washington Post story, where she was actually quoted at a townhall meeting, but having encountered you here a couple of times, I know you are way to fucking stupid to do that, and probably wouldnt take an exact quote from the source as true anyway.

Haven't you got some trolling to do elsewhere?

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care. Maybe if you weren't a trolling moron you would have linked the Washington Post story to begin with? Now if you got a real link, we could look at it instead of leftwing propaganda site.

So basically, if there is some information and you see it's from someone that you are not interested in, you ignore it truthful or not?

There is a video of her saying exactly what they claim in the article.

Quit getting your senses so offended over words and educate your self outside of your built in little cocoon.

Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything,

Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.

I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

And yet, it was accurate.

LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!
So basically, if there is some information and you see it's from someone that you are not interested in, you ignore it truthful or not?

There is a video of her saying exactly what they claim in the article.

Quit getting your senses so offended over words and educate your self outside of your built in little cocoon.

Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything,

Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.

I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

And yet, it was accurate.

LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.
Good grief, do you not comprehend simple English? I didn’t say I ignore anything,

Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.

I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

And yet, it was accurate.

LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.

How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?
Yes you did.

Once I see Daily Kos, I close it, I don't read it, don't care.

I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

And yet, it was accurate.

LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.

How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?

No idea.
I won't read Daily Kos, it's an editorial spin site, it is not a news site, neither is Breitbart or Infowars. As soon as I see those sites I know it won't be accurate and they spin it. I don't read spin. I read news sites, like CNN.

And yet, it was accurate.

LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.

How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?

No idea.
Don't you read them both? Aren't you wanting more information or do you pick and chose what you read?
And yet, it was accurate.

LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.

How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?

No idea.
Don't you read them both? Aren't you wanting more information or do you pick and chose what you read?

I read a ton of things. You have never seen me dismiss a source here. There are many biased sources. Both noted are biased BUT you read what they have to say because they will provide info others won't and then you verify that info.
Republicans are always looking for the silver lining in the deficits they continually create with their corporate and fat-cat tax cuts, and that silver lining is always gutting Social Security. Always. Here's Ernst in the town hall meeting:

"There is a point in time when we as Congress will have to address the situation."

To be clear, “the situation” is the deficit she voted for.

"And I think it's better done sooner rather than later, to make sure that we've shored up that system." Shoring up the system meaning what it always does in Republican speak: taking retirees’ money out of the guaranteed Social Security system and putting it in the Wall Street casino.

Republican Joni Ernst wants to gut Social Security, but only behind closed doors

Hey Iowa. You let Trump bankrupt your farmers. Are you going to let Senate Republicans take your retirement savings to?
Your link:

"Sen. Joni Ernst is running for re-election in 2020. She is a Republican, but she will be doing her best to convince Iowa voters that she's not one of those radical kinds of Republicans, the type that is dangerous to their future.

"And boy howdy, did she just mess that plan up royally.

"The not-extremist-at-all Ernst told a town hall meeting that she wants lawmakers to 'fix' Social Security 'behind closed doors.'"

Surely, Iowa deserves better than a corporate, swamp dweller like Joni?
Bumper sticker quote for her opponent.
LOL! Love how you pick and choose. Even how you re-post my posts. No wonder you like the Daily KOS. You read Infowars as well? LOL!!!!!

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.

How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?

No idea.
Don't you read them both? Aren't you wanting more information or do you pick and chose what you read?

I read a ton of things. You have never seen me dismiss a source here. There are many biased sources. Both noted are biased BUT you read what they have to say because they will provide info others won't and then you verify that info.

I don't take the time to read them, I google the story and look for non-propaganda sites. Saves the time of getting useless info. That's me, you can do it anyway you like and I will do it the way I like. That is the solution. For you to claim I ignore stories is inaccurate, I just look for credible sources and dismiss op-ed pieces for what they are. The Washington Post story is much more credible and more balanced than KOS in my experience with both.

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