Republican Joni Ernst Wants To Gut Social Security, But Only Behind Closed Doors

LOL. I didn't say I like it. I said it was accurate. You said you weren't interested.

How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?

No idea.
Don't you read them both? Aren't you wanting more information or do you pick and chose what you read?

I read a ton of things. You have never seen me dismiss a source here. There are many biased sources. Both noted are biased BUT you read what they have to say because they will provide info others won't and then you verify that info.

I don't take the time to read them, I google the story and look for non-propaganda sites. Saves the time of getting useless info. That's me, you can do it anyway you like and I will do it the way I like. That is the solution. For you to claim I ignore stories is inaccurate, I just look for credible sources and dismiss op-ed pieces for what they are. The Washington Post story is much more credible and more balanced than KOS in my experience with both.

You could have saved yourself a lot of time. The article was accurate.
How does Infowars compare to Daily KOS?

No idea.
Don't you read them both? Aren't you wanting more information or do you pick and chose what you read?

I read a ton of things. You have never seen me dismiss a source here. There are many biased sources. Both noted are biased BUT you read what they have to say because they will provide info others won't and then you verify that info.

I don't take the time to read them, I google the story and look for non-propaganda sites. Saves the time of getting useless info. That's me, you can do it anyway you like and I will do it the way I like. That is the solution. For you to claim I ignore stories is inaccurate, I just look for credible sources and dismiss op-ed pieces for what they are. The Washington Post story is much more credible and more balanced than KOS in my experience with both.

You could have saved yourself a lot of time. The article was accurate.

I saved time, I read the article in the Washington Post.
Did you read this pap how Trump is like the snake crawling at night?
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats are demanding information on the use of taxpayer money at President Donald Trump's hotels and properties, including during Vice President Pence's trip this week to Doonbeg , Ireland. The push is part of an expanded effort this fall to investigate the president's financial entanglements and business practices.

The House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees announced Friday that they sent a series of letters regarding "multiple efforts" by the president, vice president, and other Trump administration officials to spend taxpayer money at properties owned by Trump. They say the spending could violate the Constitution and bolster the case for Trump's impeachment.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement that the spending is "of grave concern" to his committee, which is investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment to the full House. House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., said that his panel "does not believe that U.S. taxpayer funds should be used to personally enrich President Trump, his family, and his companies."

The letters come after Pence stayed at Trump's resort in Doonbeg , Ireland, this week. Doonbeg is on the other side of Ireland from Dublin, where he had meetings. The Democrats also sent letters to the White House and Secret Service about Trump's suggestion earlier this month that his Miami-area golf course host next year's Group of Seven summit with foreign leaders. The Democrats say those instances, among others, could violate the Constitution's emoluments clause, which bans the president from taking gifts from foreign governments.

The push comes as Democrats are trying to keep public attention on their investigations of Trump. They have spent much of the year probing episodes detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller's report, which did not exonerate the president on obstruction of justice. But lawmakers say they think the American public may have even more interest in Trump profiting off of his presidency as they weigh whether to move forward on impeachment.
Did you read this pap how Trump is like the snake crawling at night?
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats are demanding information on the use of taxpayer money at President Donald Trump's hotels and properties, including during Vice President Pence's trip this week to Doonbeg , Ireland. The push is part of an expanded effort this fall to investigate the president's financial entanglements and business practices.

The House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees announced Friday that they sent a series of letters regarding "multiple efforts" by the president, vice president, and other Trump administration officials to spend taxpayer money at properties owned by Trump. They say the spending could violate the Constitution and bolster the case for Trump's impeachment.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement that the spending is "of grave concern" to his committee, which is investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment to the full House. House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., said that his panel "does not believe that U.S. taxpayer funds should be used to personally enrich President Trump, his family, and his companies."

The letters come after Pence stayed at Trump's resort in Doonbeg , Ireland, this week. Doonbeg is on the other side of Ireland from Dublin, where he had meetings. The Democrats also sent letters to the White House and Secret Service about Trump's suggestion earlier this month that his Miami-area golf course host next year's Group of Seven summit with foreign leaders. The Democrats say those instances, among others, could violate the Constitution's emoluments clause, which bans the president from taking gifts from foreign governments.

The push comes as Democrats are trying to keep public attention on their investigations of Trump. They have spent much of the year probing episodes detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller's report, which did not exonerate the president on obstruction of justice. But lawmakers say they think the American public may have even more interest in Trump profiting off of his presidency as they weigh whether to move forward on impeachment.

We back to impeachment again? If they are going to impeach, they need to do it and get it over with. Then in the future any President that makes any profit off the Presidency could be impeached as well. What a win-win for America.
Republicans are always looking for the silver lining in the deficits they continually create with their corporate and fat-cat tax cuts, and that silver lining is always gutting Social Security. Always. Here's Ernst in the town hall meeting:

"There is a point in time when we as Congress will have to address the situation."

To be clear, “the situation” is the deficit she voted for.

"And I think it's better done sooner rather than later, to make sure that we've shored up that system." Shoring up the system meaning what it always does in Republican speak: taking retirees’ money out of the guaranteed Social Security system and putting it in the Wall Street casino.

Republican Joni Ernst wants to gut Social Security, but only behind closed doors

Hey Iowa. You let Trump bankrupt your farmers. Are you going to let Senate Republicans take your retirement savings to?

Joni should go back to castrating pigs on the farm.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that Senate Democrats have repeatedly used the threat of filibuster to force higher spending than Republicans wanted? Democrats have used this tactic to add at least $400 billion in extra spending that would otherwise not have been spent. Why do you keep ignoring this and acting like the increased spending is all the GOP's fault?
“Shoring up the system meaning what it always does in Republican speak: taking retirees’ money out of the guaranteed Social Security system and putting it in the Wall Street casino.” ibid


Such is the idiocy of conservative political dogma.
Republicans are always looking for the silver lining in the deficits they continually create with their corporate and fat-cat tax cuts, and that silver lining is always gutting Social Security. Always. Here's Ernst in the town hall meeting:

"There is a point in time when we as Congress will have to address the situation."

To be clear, “the situation” is the deficit she voted for.

"And I think it's better done sooner rather than later, to make sure that we've shored up that system." Shoring up the system meaning what it always does in Republican speak: taking retirees’ money out of the guaranteed Social Security system and putting it in the Wall Street casino.

Republican Joni Ernst wants to gut Social Security, but only behind closed doors

Hey Iowa. You let Trump bankrupt your farmers. Are you going to let Senate Republicans take your retirement savings to?
I want the millennials to pay a couple per cent more out of their paychecks and raise the age a few years also. I know you agree. Just one of the tax increases we will be getting. The Fram oil filter commercials from a few decades ago are coming true. They even lied back then about the tax increases as they were not enough.
So Republicans actually LIKE tax long as they are on the middle class and poor.

Got it
I have no problem with Joni and others going behind closed door to "fix" SS and Medicare, if they actually fix them.
Here are some of the proposed "fixes" that could be implemented to fix SS & Medicare.

Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

1. Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF

Social Security fixes:

2. Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
The Future of America’s Entitlements: What You Need to Know about the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports - AAF

Medicare Fixes:
Too bad all these "fixes" that are only "required" because of things like tax cuts for the rich...always end up being CUTS to benefits for working people

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