Republican Led....Republican Owned U.S. Government Shut Down Cost $24,000,000,000.00.


Dec 5, 2011

The same RePug Party that claim to be "The Party of Personal Responsibility", while all the while pushing the blame for their failure to achieve anything of any real value.

The same RePug Party that wants "To Cut Excess Government Spending".

The same RePug Party that wants "To Bring Accountibility To Government Spending".


That is one helluva an I.O.U. RePugs....
what, the 15th thread on this now

don't you people have lives or know how to do a search

and how is that taking skin off your asses?

for crying out loud
(1) GOP proposed a budget with Obamacare COMPLETELY defunded. Obviously wasn't going to fly.
(2) GOP proposes a budget with 1 year delay in the individual mandate. Seeing how less than 1% of people going to the Obaminationcare website actually signed up, this should have been agreed to. Seeing how the website has more bugs then then NSA, it should have been a no brainer. Seeing how the business community got a 1 year delay, this was the fair way. But the Democrats said not.
(3) GOP proposes a 3rd plan, do away with the absolutely UNJUST and CORRUPT Congress and Congressional workers get an exemption from Obaminationcare and get rid of the absolutely STUPID and disastrous medical device tax. This is what the MAJORITY of even liberals support. The Democrats said NO.
(4) GOP then proposes funding the government in piece-meal plans. Actually this would have been the BEST plan, because we would have started with items that were actually important and could have PERMANENTLY done away with unnecessary items! The Democrats said no.
(5) GOP says then let's negotiate. Obama flat out says no negotiations!

Yet the Democrats STILL claim the Republicans are the cause of the shut down.
Obama led operating government added $7 Trillion in new debt

Obama spends $25 billion in 2 days
Could you elaborate with actual real numbers without speculating and dancing off party propaganda?
Its funny because repubs begged for the shutdown. Changed rules to continue the shutdown. Their base said shut it down. The repub leaders told us that the shut down was no big deal. Repub talk shows mocked the shutdown like "Oh who's hurt? Not me. Did you see all the death in the street?" Me neither"

NOW they are saying that the Dems caused the shutdown
(1) GOP proposed a budget with Obamacare COMPLETELY defunded. Obviously wasn't going to fly.
(2) GOP proposes a budget with 1 year delay in the individual mandate. Seeing how less than 1% of people going to the Obaminationcare website actually signed up, this should have been agreed to. Seeing how the website has more bugs then then NSA, it should have been a no brainer. Seeing how the business community got a 1 year delay, this was the fair way. But the Democrats said not.
(3) GOP proposes a 3rd plan, do away with the absolutely UNJUST and CORRUPT Congress and Congressional workers get an exemption from Obaminationcare and get rid of the absolutely STUPID and disastrous medical device tax. This is what the MAJORITY of even liberals support. The Democrats said NO.
(4) GOP then proposes funding the government in piece-meal plans. Actually this would have been the BEST plan, because we would have started with items that were actually important and could have PERMANENTLY done away with unnecessary items! The Democrats said no.
(5) GOP says then let's negotiate. Obama flat out says no negotiations!

Yet the Democrats STILL claim the Republicans are the cause of the shut down.

It's amazing how they can control so much and yet pretend they have absolutely no say in anything. Democrats control the Senate and the White House. And yet despite this they are being "held hostages" by the People's House. Nothing that happens is their fault because they don't have any power. It's a very immature way of seeing the world. It's also really self depricating.

The fact is all of us as individuals have power. Organizations have power. Our power might be miniscule. But we do have power. So in every situation we have one of two choices: 1) We can act with the power that we have to try to make a difference; or 2) We can pretend we are victims and powerless.

The thing is, as we pretend to be victims. Our power decreases. If we exercise our power, it grows. Power is like a muscle in that regard.

There is enough blame for both parties in this shut down. Quite frankly I don't think this was as big a crisis as the media was trying to stir up.
It was a cheap price to pay in order to send a message to the goddamn tax and spend Liberal whores.
That 25 billion wasn't wasted, America got to see Cruz in action, I mean his speech could bring tears to conservative eyes, we saw Palin again tagging along enchanting the veterans, with words of wisdom, and the biggie, Democrats crumbling before the onslaught.
We have another shutdown slated for a few months from now, don't miss it. If we keep Republicans in the House shutdowns could become a monthly event. Is 25 billion too much to pay to see one's government in action?
That 25 billion wasn't wasted, America got to see Cruz in action, I mean his speech could bring tears to conservative eyes, we saw Palin again tagging along enchanting the veterans, with words of wisdom, and the biggie, Democrats crumbling before the onslaught.
We have another shutdown slated for a few months from now, don't miss it. If we keep Republicans in the House shutdowns could become a monthly event. Is 25 billion too much to pay to see one's government in action?

oh brother:itsok:
So now Progressives care about spending again? LOL! What's next, you start bitching about wars, just not all the Obama wars and 150billion more than Bush Dems and Obama have spent?
That 25 billion wasn't wasted, America got to see Cruz in action, I mean his speech could bring tears to conservative eyes, we saw Palin again tagging along enchanting the veterans, with words of wisdom, and the biggie, Democrats crumbling before the onslaught.
We have another shutdown slated for a few months from now, don't miss it. If we keep Republicans in the House shutdowns could become a monthly event. Is 25 billion too much to pay to see one's government in action?
Could you elaborate with actual real numbers without speculating and dancing off party propaganda?

There are no real numbers. Some analyst at Standard and Poor's changed a few numbers on his spreadsheet. One thing I'm sure of, though, is that the savings from not having to pay around 18% of government employees wasn't figured in.

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