Republican Liar, Jim DeMint, Get's His Lies Exposed At THRICE By Rachel Maddow


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
This weekend on Meet The Press, World Class Republican Liar, Jim DeMint, got his A$$ handed to him by Rachel Maddow, who didn't let ONE of his many lies pass.

It was a thing of beauty. Check it out: Rachel Maddow Confronts Jim DeMint, Ralph Reed Over Gay Marriage On 'Meet The Press' (VIDEO)

Boy I love it when Rachel Maddow is on the Sunday talk shows, she NEVER lets them get away with their insipid lies.

This is EXACTLY why they fear and hate her so much.
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lol, I guess we know who watches that hateful station that has the lowest rating of them all...PMSnbc the propaganda arm of the democrat sweet

rachel maddcow should start exposing her lies ...
lol, I guess we know who watches that hateful station that has the lowest rating of them all...PMSnbc the propaganda arm of the democrat sweet

rachel maddcow should start exposing her lies ...
List one of her lies liar...just one.

With links please.

not playing the game, you love her, have at it..just don't expect everyone else to give a shit
not playing the game, you love her, have at it..just don't expect everyone else to give a shit
The only game is played in your dim-witted head.

You have NOTHING, but RW lies and garbage.

If you did you would have posted it.

not playing the game, you love her, have at it..just don't expect everyone else to give a shit
The only game is played in your dim-witted head.

You have NOTHING, but RW lies and garbage.

If you did you would have posted it.



I'll pass getting my information from a station that spews nothing but RAW HATE or talks about getting tingles up their legs over a speech by the Dear Leader..thanks
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Let's establish a baseline...

Does Rachel Maddow, or even you MarcATL, think there are any Republicans who don't lie?

How about Democrats? Do you or Rachel believe that they are pillars of truth?
Let's establish a baseline...

Does Rachel Maddow, or even you MarcATL, think there are any Republicans who don't lie?

How about Democrats? Do you or Rachel believe that they are pillars of truth?

The baseline has already been established in the initial link I posted which featured the footage.

Both those RW bastards were spewing nothing buy RW fundamental lies and garbage as fact, and Rachel Maddow knocked them down on the spot, as quick as they spit it out, she smacked it back down.

This is why you RWers hate and fear her, she doesn't take your BS.

I get it.

Don't come muddying the waters with this "well everybody lies too" garbage...let's deal with the facts in front of us...who's the one/s lying NOW!?

In this case, DeMint and his fellow RW goon, Ralph Reed.

Nothing you can see, say, post or think, changes that fact.

Deal with it.
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Rachel Maddow. Un huh.
You really are stupid. Either that or mentally deficient. If not that then a total fool.

If you think that dumb, RW non-thinking, non-response that doesn't address any facts works in the real world.

What a child.

Let's establish a baseline...

Does Rachel Maddow, or even you MarcATL, think there are any Republicans who don't lie?

How about Democrats? Do you or Rachel believe that they are pillars of truth?

The baseline has already been established in the initial link I posted which featured the footage.

Perhaps, but it makes my question no less relevant. If you believe all Republicans are liars, there is no point in engaging you, or Rachel, if a person is a Republican.

Both those RW bastards were spewing nothing buy RW fundamental lies and garbage as fact, and Rachel Maddow knocked them down on the spot, as quick as they spit it out, she smacked it back down.

They were spewing their beliefs, wrong though they may be. That's right, I take no issue with gay marriage or gay rights. Yep, I disagree with both DeMint and Reed.

This is why you RWers hate and fear her, she doesn't take your BS.

I get it.

Except that I am not a "RWer." But thanks for playing The Assumption Game...

Don't come muddying the waters with this "well everybody lies too" garbage...let's deal with the facts in front of us...who's the one/s lying NOW!?

In this case, DeMint and his fellow RW goon, Ralph Reed.

Nothing you can see, say, post or think, changes that fact.

Are they lying? Are they lying because you disagree with them? Because you hate their views? Does it make them liars because they espouse beliefs with which we don't agree? As I recall, at no point in your link were DeMint or Reed called liars, no one on the panel accused them of lying. The were called out for their points of view, but not for lying.

Deal with it.

I don't have to deal with anything. It would seem that the issue is yours, not mine.

Deal with it.
What's funny is that fundamentally, I agree with them, in that I don't believe that gay marriage is right, or the gay lifestyle for that matter.

However, that's my PERSONAL belief, I don't expect to hoist that upon the general populace as policy, as I believe in and respect the separation of Church & State.

They give Christians and Christianity a bad name with the hard RW fundamentalist nonsense & kookery.
What's funny is that fundamentally, I agree with them, in that I don't believe that gay marriage is right, or the gay lifestyle for that matter.

However, that's my PERSONAL belief, I don't expect to hoist that upon the general populace as policy, as I believe in and respect the separation of Church & State.

They give Christians and Christianity a bad name with the hard RW fundamentalist nonsense & kookery.

You see, I am just not opposed to the idea, I don't know that I support so much as it really isn't that big a deal. In my opinion, it is among the least important things we have to worry about in this country.

To the bold, speaking as a borderline Atheist/recovering Catholic, you are absolutely correct.
What's funny is that fundamentally, I agree with them, in that I don't believe that gay marriage is right, or the gay lifestyle for that matter.

However, that's my PERSONAL belief, I don't expect to hoist that upon the general populace as policy, as I believe in and respect the separation of Church & State.

They give Christians and Christianity a bad name with the hard RW fundamentalist nonsense & kookery.

You see, I am just not opposed to the idea, I don't know that I support so much as it really isn't that big a deal. In my opinion, it is among the least important things we have to worry about in this country.

To the bold, speaking as a borderline Atheist/recovering Catholic, you are absolutely correct.
I agree with their core reasons for it, in that I don't think it's good for society. There's a lot of things that humans would like to do that is not good for them. Let's take alcohol for kills braincells, every single sip does. But you can't stop that, so let them do it. Same goes for weed.

A man and woman IS the ideal situation to build a family, and by so doing build society, within the realms of marriage, but when society has reached the point where they want to discard that then you have to let them.

God has set rules for mankind, he doesn't force them upon us, He encourages us and wants us to follow them, but it's our choice. RW fundamnetlists want to FORCE their every whim and belief upon people...something that God Himself does. not. do.

They go so far that they make up stuff and lie and cheat to convince and coeace people to do what they want them to do. The OPPOSITE of what being a Christian is. So clearly they aren't Christlike, or anyone who sinks to such depths to argue their case.

The Biblical definition of sin is disobedience to God, so that includes "small sins" such as little white lies and "big sins" such as murder and homosexuality. But guess God they are all equal. So who am I to focus on one or they other, to bash and lambaste and campaign upon WHILE ignoring all the others sins?

No...that's not God's will either.

So let the people do what they want, they'll do it anyway, and then let the consequences come.

There's a verse that the RW fundamentalist would do well to heed, it's found here: Joshua 24:15 KJV - And if it seem evil unto you to serve - Bible Gateway

That's what I try to live by.
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Aww, the lesbian spokesperson is upset by republican opposition to government supported sodomite relationships. That's strange isn't it? "Normal" Americans should ask the radical left why they support fake women and want to destroy the lives of real women by forcing them to hire technicians to kill their unborn babies?
This weekend on Meet The Press, World Class Republican Liar, Jim DeMint, got his A$$ handed to him by Rachel Maddow, who didn't let ONE of his many lies pass.

It was a thing of beauty. Check it out: Rachel Maddow Confronts Jim DeMint, Ralph Reed Over Gay Marriage On 'Meet The Press' (VIDEO)

Boy I love it when Rachel Maddow is on the Sunday talk shows, she NEVER lets them get away with their insipid lies.

This is EXACTLY why they fear and hate her so much.
Rachel Maddow is the man!
DeMint argued that marriage between a man and a woman is "better for children." Maddow objected, saying that denying same-sex couples the right to marry was "humiliating and demeaning" for kids raised by gay parents.
That is a lie.

Supporters of Proposition 8 made that ‘argument’ and failed to provide any documented evidence in support.
Get this guys....

On tonight's episode of the dramedy 'The Bill O'Reilly Show' bill used a portion of this exchange to say that Reed "hammered" the left.

The damn thing was so doctored it wasn't funny. It basically edited out Maddow's responses and only showed Reed spewing his nonsense.

Now I KNOW that Bill'O is just a cotton pickin' liar and partisan hack.

NO CREDIBILITY what. so. ever.

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