Republican Obamacare Sabotage ‘Playbook’

what would we expect from a bunch of leftist idiots who thinks it's OK to go and OCCUPY others business, parks, streets, etc etc
Disrupt the people everyday lives with their antics and piss and shit anywhere they want, set up camps where women are raped etc...

the Democrat party has become hostile towards you people and lowdown dirty...wake up people in this country

"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!

Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!


That's right, IDIOT, YOU DEMOCRATS WROTE THE FUCKING BILL AND VOTED IT INTO LAW, NOW OWN IT... shit for brains, dickless, twit.


I'm not blaming you for anything.

I'm telling you to leave.

We are tired of you folks closing down the government.

It's not yours. Conservatives didn't form this nation. They didn't write the constitution. And you've been proving since the beginning, you have nothing constructive to add. Quite the opposite, you folks are destructive.

Put your theories to the test.

Form your own nation.

I hear the Arctic is heating up. If you start can lay a claim!

Go..young man..go.
Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!


That's right, IDIOT, YOU DEMOCRATS WROTE THE FUCKING BILL AND VOTED IT INTO LAW, NOW OWN IT... shit for brains, dickless, twit.


I'm not blaming you for anything.

I'm telling you to leave.

We are tired of you folks closing down the government.

It's not yours. Conservatives didn't form this nation. They didn't write the constitution. And you've been proving since the beginning, you have nothing constructive to add. Quite the opposite, you folks are destructive.

Put your theories to the test.

Form your own nation.

I hear the Arctic is heating up. If you start can lay a claim!

Go..young man..go.
The Democrats wrote and passed a shitty bill.And Obama signed it...
But it's the republicans fault things are going badly...
Leaked: The Republican Obamacare Sabotage 'Playbook' - Occupy Democrats

White House spokesperson Eric Schultz echoed President Obama, stating that the Republican “18 page playbook of partisan attacks is 18 pages longer than their health care plan.” He went on to say, “There’s not a single word devoted to helping constituents enroll or offering an alternative idea to help Americans gain access to quality, affordable care.”
Before this finally plays out, we're going to learn that the Rs will do damn near anything they can to keep affordable health care from the American people.

Read the various links too but you'll have to slug it out without me. I'll check in a couple of days from now. I'm taking my iPad with me but don't know if I'll miss you all enough to crank it up.

Funny thing, if Obamacare was half as good as you said it was no one would be able to say enough bad shit about it to be heard over all the positive benefits. The fact that you have been reduced to attacking Republicans instead of pointing out the great things about Obamacare says a lot more than any strategy memo.

"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!

Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!


LOL, bullshit.

you get to "prpose" legislation and then try and work it through the system...not change the rules when you can't get your way, are you 12?

"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!

Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!


They tried that once dickweed. And the north decided they liked having them around. Then they didn't allow them their place in congress and passed the 14th amendment in a way that even Obama would be proud of.

"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!

Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!


LOL, bullshit.

you get to "prpose" legislation and then try and work it through the system...not change the rules when you can't get your way, are you 12?

Oh I see.

So you are equally angered by the "Hastert Rule" and House Rule 368, correct?
It's not Obama's fault....or the Democrats who passed this pile of shit. They are victims. It's because of conservatives. :cuckoo:

Land Ho!!!

Quite a few posts by republicans telling us Obama is really out to destroy the country. If Obama were really as bad as they have been led to believe, then aren't they shucking their patriotic duty by not taking drastic action which the 2nd amendment calls for in their deranged minds?
Little clause in the law = blatant violation of HIPPA laws.


If this kind of shit is OK with the people of America, we indeed are heading to the utopian world envisioned by Sir Thomas Moore.:2up:
Quite a few posts by republicans telling us Obama is really out to destroy the country. If Obama were really as bad as they have been led to believe, then aren't they shucking their patriotic duty by not taking drastic action which the 2nd amendment calls for in their deranged minds?

Hey s0n......good luck with that Nurfgun when the SHTF.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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