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Republican party approval rating at a new low

Love how the OP didn't provide a link to his poll. Just started a thread with anecdotal bullshit. Let me guess: It was a New York Times poll of 743 maybe voters from Manhattan. Yeah, not in any way biased right? Real cross-section of the whole country, right?

Polls anymore, they're almost like candy for folks who want to be told what to think, who want to be sheep following the herd -- if only the polls would tell them where the herd is going! Or, a great tool to TELL weak-minded sloths what they SHOULD be thinking.

There have been multiple polls with similar results.

If you do not buy into the polls waht do you feel the % of Americans look favorably on the Republican party. What do you base your numbers on?

Statistically significant population are used for the polls. They do include standard deviations based on the poll size.
But, for whatever reason you cannot link us to any of them? If there's multiple polls with similar results, shouldn't be too difficult for you to link us to a couple.

900-1200 people is "statistically significant?

And by the way I don't make judgments based on what I "feel" something is. And I definitely don't buy into polls. Never have.

Again, he doesn't have enough posts to post links. Minimum requirement is 15.
The Republican Party is not going to disappear.

I quite agree we need more than two viable parties.

And, if we ever develop a parlimentary system of government we might get them.


We're probably going to be stuck with a duelopoly that few of us, regardless of what party we're in, really like.

Off hand, and much based on what I've read on boards like these over the years, I'd say that there are about five major political schools of thought in this nation: libertarian, conservative, nationalist, liberal and socialist.

'If we had a different system of government, we'd have parties that better represent those philosophies

But our system (in Congress) makes being part of a smaller political philosophy meaningless, so most of us end up voting for one of the so-called "big tent" parties.
900 to 1200 can be a statistically significant population if chosen and analyzed using correct methodology.
Uh-huh.... And it can also be easily manipulated to get the result the pollster wants. Ever been polled before?
What do you make your judgements on? Rush Limbaugh's statements?
Since I don't listen to talk radio, that would be quite difficult would it not? I believe we see here, you're making the usual sloppy mistake of ASSuming you're talking to a Repug or a Con, I am neither.
The most recent poll backing the numbers I discussed was the NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll June 2009. You can check the Pew Survey in May also.
Again, without seeing the questions and having the actual data, a poll is a poll is a poll.
If you do not buy into polls what difference does it make.
Difference? I suppose you don't realize how polls are used. Basically as a "peer pressure" tool to get the weak minded convinced they should think this way or that way, in order to be one with the herd. Sort of like you.
Love how the OP didn't provide a link to his poll. Just started a thread with anecdotal bullshit. Let me guess: It was a New York Times poll of 743 maybe voters from Manhattan. Yeah, not in any way biased right? Real cross-section of the whole country, right?

Polls anymore, they're almost like candy for folks who want to be told what to think, who want to be sheep following the herd -- if only the polls would tell them where the herd is going! Or, a great tool to TELL weak-minded sloths what they SHOULD be thinking.

Well, MM here's one, and it does not agree with the OP, BUT it's GOOD when they fail to take reality into account, because it shows once again how "they" delude themselves, and when they do, they overreach, and then the public disapproves:
A Generic Poll on Party Popularity Dated Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"Democratic and Republican candidates are tied for the second straight week in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 39% would vote for their district’s Democratic congressional candidate while 39% would choose the Republican."
Love how the OP didn't provide a link to his poll. Just started a thread with anecdotal bullshit. Let me guess: It was a New York Times poll of 743 maybe voters from Manhattan. Yeah, not in any way biased right? Real cross-section of the whole country, right?

Polls anymore, they're almost like candy for folks who want to be told what to think, who want to be sheep following the herd -- if only the polls would tell them where the herd is going! Or, a great tool to TELL weak-minded sloths what they SHOULD be thinking.

Well, MM here's one, and it does not agree with the OP, BUT it's GOOD when they fail to take reality into account, because it shows once again how "they" delude themselves, and when they do, they overreach, and then the public disapproves:
A Generic Poll on Party Popularity Dated Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"Democratic and Republican candidates are tied for the second straight week in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 39% would vote for their district’s Democratic congressional candidate while 39% would choose the Republican."
Already posted, see post #8.
The Republican Party is not going to disappear.

I quite agree we need more than two viable parties.

And, if we ever develop a parlimentary system of government we might get them.


We're probably going to be stuck with a duelopoly that few of us, regardless of what party we're in, really like.

Off hand, and much based on what I've read on boards like these over the years, I'd say that there are about five major political schools of thought in this nation: libertarian, conservative, nationalist, liberal and socialist.

'If we had a different system of government, we'd have parties that better represent those philosophies

But our system (in Congress) makes being part of a smaller political philosophy meaningless, so most of us end up voting for one of the so-called "big tent" parties.

No, the GOP won't go away. They know the American people are stupid and they also know that they can use Corporate America/The bankers/Wallstreet/Oil/Corporate Media to sabotage Obama and the Democrats when they want to take power back.

Losing power for 2-4 years was no biggy to them. They got what they wanted. We thought, "why would they go so far", but now you see they got all their policies passed, snuck in their loopholes, which will take years to uncover, they made their billions, so fine Democrats, you want to clean up the mess, fine. It'll cost a few Senators their jobs but they'll just become lobbyists or run again in 2-4 years. Or they'll go to the Libertarian party like Bob Barr.

And they know the Dems are no angels either.

And they know the Dems will have to raise taxes to clean up the mess the GOP created, but the GOP won't take 100% blame for the mess.

And the bankers just took $9 trillion in the last 8 months. Something people don't seem to realize or care about. But they care about $700 billion. Yea, Americans are really dumb. REALLY DUMB. THey care about all the wrong things.
And they know the Dems will have to raise taxes to clean up the mess the GOP created, but the GOP won't take 100% blame for the mess.
The hack-in-the-box is back at his job folks, posting idiotic garbage like this on the web, on his boss's dime!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Did the "GOP" create the tripling of the deficit? NO. This same Dem Congress sure had a hand in overspending for the last eight years, even before they got control, then went totally nuts after they did!

So, why would you want the GOP to get "100% of the blame?" Why do you want a one-party dictatorship?

Just shut up, simpleton lout. You're just a fucking one-trick pony.
We have needed a solid thrid party for a very long time.

The problem with that is that the third party will be made up of conservatives and maybe a few democraps.

The majority of libs will blindly vote for whatever knucklehead they are told to.
The approval rating of the Republican party is as low as it has been in many years. The approval rating for the Republicans is in the mid 20% range. The number of Americans calling themselves Republicans is close to the same %.
Obama's approval ratings have dipped into the mid to high 50% range. Those who are less excited with Obama do not see the Republicans having the answers.

The Republicans do not have any leaders who resonate with the American populice except for Colin Powell. The choices of the Republican base, Palin, Limbaugh, Cheney etc, are not embraced by the general population.

Without changes the Republicans could go the way of the Wig party. Change is not the Republicans strong suit.

I think she's referring to the 'Whig' Party, from whence the Republican party came...

Principles do not change... and as such those who advocate for those principles need not change to accommodate a decaying culture.

What it is coming time for is Civil War, to return this nation to those sustaining, immutable principles. Most people, including the great unwashed... who when given a choice have always followed the Conservative... The problem of course is that there is no one on the national stage that is presently advocating Conservatism...

Palin is the most recent, but she wasn't at the top of the ticket... HAD she BEEN at the top of the ticket, she'd be the President of the US right now... which would have the left presently DEMANDING that the election was stolen... blah blah blah...

You might want to review your lack of perspective. The party that gets the moderate vote wins. The election WAS stolen. We, the people allowed the media to choose the candidates for both parties, and then sat back while the media presented a fascist as a moderate and completely ignored the facts to the contrary.

It may suck to be us where the rubber meets the road, but we deserve what we got for being such dumbasses and refusing to think for ourselves.

and this is correct. They will attempt to do it again in 2010 and 2012 and there is no one to stop them. (media)

It's media that's supposed to be the watchdog ffs.
I think the low approval rating of the Republican party is due to poor performance by said party in terms of the Conservative Perspective on politics.

On the other hand, the large number of "conservatives" may be due to some moderates losing confidence in the stimulus plan--especially since the SP has incurred an incredible deficit--while we are at the highest point of debt that this nation has ever seen.

Add to this the potential of losing our industrial base and the steady decrease in the value of the dollar, one could say that the American Economic MODEL has hit its lowest point ever....

Now the answer to alternatives to the Democrats solution. First off, forget new tax cuts since the previous tax cuts (yes--as in many tax cut over a period of time!) have yet to pay themselves off!!(the recession has retarded the repayments)

So the answer is in terms of spending. Since there is not going to be a stimulus next year, we can say that 787 billion dollars will be removed from next years deficit(look--Obama is able to keep his promise without doing a damn thing!! how quaint!!)

Stop UHC since that is a budget killer

Cut defense spending and end the wars in Afganistan and Iraq(shift part of funding to intelligence since it is apparently nobody knows where Al qaeda is sleeping these days)

Seperate Social Security(SS) funding and place in seperate accounting away from general Governmental revenue. Some funds may need to be RETURNED in order to keep SS solvent.

Hope for recovery beginning this summer.

Now that is the outline of the plan I have. Any other suggestions?
And they know the Dems will have to raise taxes to clean up the mess the GOP created, but the GOP won't take 100% blame for the mess.
The hack-in-the-box is back at his job folks, posting idiotic garbage like this on the web, on his boss's dime!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Did the "GOP" create the tripling of the deficit? NO. This same Dem Congress sure had a hand in overspending for the last eight years, even before they got control, then went totally nuts after they did!

So, why would you want the GOP to get "100% of the blame?" Why do you want a one-party dictatorship?

Just shut up, simpleton lout. You're just a fucking one-trick pony.

Yes, the GOP did triple the debt. You haven't a clue what went on the last 8 years. Fuck the $750 billion hold up GW Bush pulled off just months before he was done, fuck the trillions spent on Iraq.

The Federal Reserve doubled our debt in the last 8 months. One Penny Sheet » Federal Reserve Cannot Account for $9 Trillion video

And no, when 90% of Americans are clueless, no, the Dems can't do anything about this. That includes you buddy. Yes the Dems are in on it. But if you 90% would wake up and join us in ending this banker control of our country, that would solve half our problem. Then we'd have so much money left over at the end of the year that we could fully fund the programs you hate so much. You know, social security, medicare, welfare for people that really need it, after school programs, inner city schools, poverty, alternative energy, etc.

But instead you provide cover for the robber barons.

You'll teabag the Dems but not the bankers.

So the Dems spent got some pork for their constituents between 2000-2006. Big deal. Want to see who got more pork? The GOP even got more pork than the dems in 2007 and 2008. No other way to get them to vote on needed bills. Do you know how politics are played?

Want to compare the waste/fraud/corruption in GOP fraud vs. Dems?

Bridges to know where/Military fraud/theft/corruption. The GOP lost trillions.

Now you can bitch about the Dems economic plans. I'm sure you'll find some pork you don't agree with.

And remember, Clinton took HW Bush's mess and gave us a surplus. Sure he spent a lot in the beginning, but he balanced his budget. Clinton handed Bush a surplus and look what he did. Now Bush 2 handed Obama a mess that no other president has ever seen. I'd say he's doing a great job.

The GOP broke pork records in 2005 and 2006. They knew they were going to lose power so they robbed us in the 23rd hour. Same on GW's way out. And you cried over $700 billion tarp and $700 economic stimulus but you ignore $9 trillion. Perhaps you are bad at math?

Yes, the bankers own Obama too. Want to do something about that? Of course not, because you can't attack the bankers. They are corporations. You are brainwashed to only defend corporations and their ownership of this country. They earned it, right?
The approval rating of the Republican party is as low as it has been in many years. The approval rating for the Republicans is in the mid 20% range. The number of Americans calling themselves Republicans is close to the same %.
Obama's approval ratings have dipped into the mid to high 50% range. Those who are less excited with Obama do not see the Republicans having the answers.

The Republicans do not have any leaders who resonate with the American populice except for Colin Powell. The choices of the Republican base, Palin, Limbaugh, Cheney etc, are not embraced by the general population.

Without changes the Republicans could go the way of the Wig party. Change is not the Republicans strong suit.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
The approval rating of the Republican party is as low as it has been in many years. The approval rating for the Republicans is in the mid 20% range. The number of Americans calling themselves Republicans is close to the same %.
Obama's approval ratings have dipped into the mid to high 50% range. Those who are less excited with Obama do not see the Republicans having the answers.

The Republicans do not have any leaders who resonate with the American populice except for Colin Powell. The choices of the Republican base, Palin, Limbaugh, Cheney etc, are not embraced by the general population.

Without changes the Republicans could go the way of the Wig party. Change is not the Republicans strong suit.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Remember the GOP kept saying in 2007 & 08 that the Pelosi/Reed Congress' approval was at an all time low? Suggesting that the public blamed the Dem leadership?

I knew that was bullshit. People were not happy with the GOP obstructionists. That's why we picked up more seats. The GOP wanted to run against a do nothing congress in 2009 and because we told people that was going on, they were aware and voted agaist the GOP for doing it. Maybe voters are getting smarter. Maybe younger voters are on to the games. I hope so.

That's why Franken will make 60 fila motherfucking busting seats.

And now they are so happy that Obama's approval ratings are starting to dip. No shit. Keep talking about debts and deficits and socialism and raising taxes and unemployment. No shit some of the independents are going to jump ship. They are easily fooled by the right. If not, they'd be Democrats. They weren't happy with the GOP, and NEVER were going to be happy with the Dems. They lean right.
900 to 1200 can be a statistically significant population if chosen and analyzed using correct methodology.
Uh-huh.... And it can also be easily manipulated to get the result the pollster wants. Ever been polled before?
What do you make your judgements on? Rush Limbaugh's statements?
Since I don't listen to talk radio, that would be quite difficult would it not? I believe we see here, you're making the usual sloppy mistake of ASSuming you're talking to a Repug or a Con, I am neither.
The most recent poll backing the numbers I discussed was the NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll June 2009. You can check the Pew Survey in May also.
Again, without seeing the questions and having the actual data, a poll is a poll is a poll.
If you do not buy into polls what difference does it make.
Difference? I suppose you don't realize how polls are used. Basically as a "peer pressure" tool to get the weak minded convinced they should think this way or that way, in order to be one with the herd. Sort of like you.

Every candidate and party uses polls to develop strategy. They may not be perfect but they definitely show trends.
Why do you think every major candidate have their own pollsters. The majority of that information is not even published. It is used to develop strategies.

I think you need a little work on understanding statistical analysis and polling in general.
Actually the people are beginning to hold the administration accountable for today. The time for passing the blame is ending. The 6 month mark is approaching and things are not improving:

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

39% Now Blame Bad Economy on Obama’s Policies
Monday, June 22, 2009

While most U.S. voters still blame the Bush Administration for the nation’s economic problems, a growing number are inclined to blame President Barack Obama.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% of voters now say the country’s economic problems are caused more by the policies Obama has put in place. That’s a 12-point jump from a month ago.

Fifty-four percent (54%) still say the country’s economic woes are due to the recession Obama inherited from President Bush. That figure is down eight points from 62% from early June.

By a two-to-one margin, voters also have more confidence in themselves than in the president when it comes to the economy. This marks a significant shift from just after Obama took office.

Sixty percent (60%) of voters now trust their own economic judgment more than the president’s. In early February, 49% had more trust in themselves while 39% trusted the president more.

Now only 30% trust Obama more when it comes to the economic issues facing the nation....

...Younger voters are more likely than their elders to blame the current economic situation on the recession that began under Bush. The majority of middle income voters place more of the blame on Obama’s policies.

Eighty-two percent (82%) of Democrats see the economic problems as ones largely inherited from the previous administration, while 61% of GOP voters point the finger at the actions of the new president. Unaffiliated voters are almost evenly divided on the question....
The approval rating of the Republican party is as low as it has been in many years. The approval rating for the Republicans is in the mid 20% range. The number of Americans calling themselves Republicans is close to the same %.
Obama's approval ratings have dipped into the mid to high 50% range. Those who are less excited with Obama do not see the Republicans having the answers.

The Republicans do not have any leaders who resonate with the American populice except for Colin Powell. The choices of the Republican base, Palin, Limbaugh, Cheney etc, are not embraced by the general population.

Without changes the Republicans could go the way of the Wig party. Change is not the Republicans strong suit.

I think she's referring to the 'Whig' Party, from whence the Republican party came...

Principles do not change... and as such those who advocate for those principles need not change to accommodate a decaying culture.

What it is coming time for is Civil War, to return this nation to those sustaining, immutable principles. Most people, including the great unwashed... who when given a choice have always followed the Conservative... The problem of course is that there is no one on the national stage that is presently advocating Conservatism...

Palin is the most recent, but she wasn't at the top of the ticket... HAD she BEEN at the top of the ticket, she'd be the President of the US right now... which would have the left presently DEMANDING that the election was stolen... blah blah blah...

You might want to review your lack of perspective. The party that gets the moderate vote wins. The election WAS stolen. We, the people allowed the media to choose the candidates for both parties, and then sat back while the media presented a fascist as a moderate and completely ignored the facts to the contrary.

It may suck to be us where the rubber meets the road, but we deserve what we got for being such dumbasses and refusing to think for ourselves.

Speaking for myself, speak for yourself! :lol:

Seriously, anyone that does not still understand that the Big Two candidates were sifted out and put on display for the final selection on "Star Search" is defintely out of touch with reality.
The approval rating of the Republican party is as low as it has been in many years. The approval rating for the Republicans is in the mid 20% range. The number of Americans calling themselves Republicans is close to the same %.
Obama's approval ratings have dipped into the mid to high 50% range. Those who are less excited with Obama do not see the Republicans having the answers.

The Republicans do not have any leaders who resonate with the American populice except for Colin Powell. The choices of the Republican base, Palin, Limbaugh, Cheney etc, are not embraced by the general population.

Without changes the Republicans could go the way of the Wig party. Change is not the Republicans strong suit.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You would be for a one-party dictatorship. Suits your displayed style of hate and intolerance.

The GOP won't disappear anymore the Democratic party did in 1980 or 96/2000. Look around you. People are already gettign sick of your boy. When they've had enough, the GOP will be back and you'll be outside looking in squealing foul as you were before.

But hey, don't let anything like history fool you.:lol:
I think the low approval rating of the Republican party is due to poor performance by said party in terms of the Conservative Perspective on politics.
Yup. The R team lost a lot of American support during the last decade or so.

On the other hand, the large number of "conservatives" may be due to some moderates losing confidence in the stimulus plan--especially since the SP has incurred an incredible deficit--while we are at the highest point of debt that this nation has ever seen.

I think a lot of people (Dems included, hell liberal included!) are basically conservative in the sense that they want things to make sense...which they don't regardless of what party is in power.

I think that I'm conservative on some issues, and that the self-proclaiming conservative are actually quite radical, for example.

Add to this the potential of losing our industrial base and the steady decrease in the value of the dollar, one could say that the American Economic MODEL has hit its lowest point ever....

I concur.

I also note that BOTH PARTIES are behind this deindustrialization of the nation.

Now the answer to alternatives to the Democrats solution. First off, forget new tax cuts since the previous tax cuts (yes--as in many tax cut over a period of time!) have yet to pay themselves off!!(the recession has retarded the repayments)

Here we must disagree. Those tax cuts for billionaires will never be repaid.

That said, let me add that I still don't think raising taxes during a period of DEflation is an especially good idea.

So the answer is in terms of spending. Since there is not going to be a stimulus next year, we can say that 787 billion dollars will be removed from next years deficit(look--Obama is able to keep his promise without doing a damn thing!! how quaint!!)

Ya' lost me there.

Stop UHC since that is a budget killer

Budget? What a quaint concept. No administration in recent memory has paid much attention to it. Bush II ran the war "off-budget" for one example.

Cut defense spending and end the wars in Afganistan and Iraq(shift part of funding to intelligence since it is apparently nobody knows where Al qaeda is sleeping these days)

We're in absolute accord on that issue.

Seperate Social Security(SS) funding and place in seperate accounting away from general Governmental revenue. Some funds may need to be RETURNED in order to keep SS solvent.

Sounds like that would work but it won't.

The debts and obligations of our government are the debts and obligations of our government no matter what accounting methodology we use.

Hope for recovery beginning this summer.

I'm dubious that we're appraoching a recovery. Unemployment continues to rise. It hit 10% a day or two ago.

Now that is the outline of the plan I have. Any other suggestions?

End FREE TRADE as currently designed because it is anything but fair to America industry.

Stop giving companaies tax breaks for moving their headquarters off shore.

Hang a few fucking bankers on CSPAN.

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