Republican Party commits extortion in trying to keep parties off ballot


Aug 5, 2012
Constitution Party Kicked Off the Pennsylvania Ballot | PhillyNow | A blog about Philadelphia news, politics and culture by Philadelphia Weekly

Sad wittle republitards...they know this election is done with....they are trying to kick Libertarian and Constitution party candidates off the ballot,cheating Ron Paul delegates in Louisiana,Maine and Mass.All the while saying they got this wrapped up and they are gonna kick some butt when election day gets here...oh and this hurricane bs. Has anyone actually seen the hurricane? Or are we all depending on the main stream media showing us a picture that a good graphic artist could make on a computer? I wouldn't put anything past them right now I really wouldn't. I think if they know RP has the states to put his name up for nomination they are gonna close the convention down and somehow something will get "lost" or "misplaced" or some other horse shit to make sure Romney is the nominee.
Constitution Party Kicked Off the Pennsylvania Ballot | PhillyNow | A blog about Philadelphia news, politics and culture by Philadelphia Weekly

Sad wittle republitards...they know this election is done with....they are trying to kick Libertarian and Constitution party candidates off the ballot,cheating Ron Paul delegates in Louisiana,Maine and Mass.All the while saying they got this wrapped up and they are gonna kick some butt when election day gets here...oh and this hurricane bs. Has anyone actually seen the hurricane? Or are we all depending on the main stream media showing us a picture that a good graphic artist could make on a computer? I wouldn't put anything past them right now I really wouldn't. I think if they know RP has the states to put his name up for nomination they are gonna close the convention down and somehow something will get "lost" or "misplaced" or some other horse shit to make sure Romney is the nominee.

Ultimately no matter what political affiliation you have this should be an outrage.

Bullying out other parties robs people of their right to vote for their choice. It's a sad world we live in where this sort of behavior is tolerated or even defended.

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