Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

Adelson, like every other businessman, needs Trump to be re elected. The defund bunch with their riots, destruction and chaos is the worst thing in the world for their businesses, not to mention what they are doing to innocent Americans who just want to live their lives. Adelson seems to be someone who wants his cake and eat it too. Trump was probably just reminding him how bad a socialist-communist world would be for everyone. This is America, not Red China.
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

[/QUOTWho is Sheldon Adelson?
Interestingly enough, only Russia wants to have Trump re elected.

Not only do China and Iran want him gone, but so does most of the world.

China has been backing the Biden Crime Family for ages

Really? Trump has said that he has the best relations with Xi for a long time.

Which was true, but neither Trump or his kids got billions of dollars in pay off money from China, Biden's family did.

China owns the Bidens.

As far as that old crap stain RINO Adelson goes, if I was the guy who could save him a shit load of money if I was reelected, I'd be reminding him too if he was going to play like it didn't make any difference.
Interestingly enough, only Russia wants to have Trump re elected.

Not only do China and Iran want him gone, but so does most of the world.

Lets say this is true. Do you really think this is a bad thing? Those from other countries aren't generally as spoiled, idiotic and unpatriotic as the American left. They look out for the best interest of their country, not the US. So, in general, if other countries want our President gone, he is likely putting the US first instead of their country. Biden will lick Xi's shoes, so of course they would rather him win, not to mention that it moves the world's most powerful country closer and closer to government dependency, which is exactly what China and other enemies in particular, wants for us.
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

ok lets go through this line by line Who is the impeached POTUS I do not see that on any Senate record or in the CBOs report of POTUS for the last 100 years Finical records whoas, Perverts Joe Biden, Hillary, Michelle Obama or Drunk Nancy Pelosi's all were in office and I do not see this published any were . Who is Adelson, what the hell is worng with you people all this Bad History, leaders look forward, might as well through Obama/Joe Biden care in thier killed 458,000 people its firts year, cost 58 million layoffs PERMANENT, 25,000 biusiness closed and 1 trillion dollars and now the healthcare system is Broken, letys aid the Red light deal another Obam/Joe Biden /Hillary failure how about the VD that is running wild in America, thank Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris and Willie for that,what about the Obama/Joe Biden Gate trials comming up in the Senate, The Covid19 vaccine to be released to 150 million Americans on 10/28/2020, is that Trmps fault? he actually is making that happen while The Democrat's are off till 10/15/2020 and Joe Biden is hiding in his basement because he dose not want to debate POTUS Trump?
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

ok lets go through this line by line Who is the impeached POTUS I do not see that on any Senate record or in the CBOs report of POTUS for the last 100 years Finical records whoas, Perverts Joe Biden, Hillary, Michelle Obama or Drunk Nancy Pelosi's all were in office and I do not see this published any were . Who is Adelson, what the hell is worng with you people all this Bad History, leaders look forward, might as well through Obama/Joe Biden care in thier killed 458,000 people its firts year, cost 58 million layoffs PERMANENT, 25,000 biusiness closed and 1 trillion dollars and now the healthcare system is Broken, letys aid the Red light deal another Obam/Joe Biden /Hillary failure how about the VD that is running wild in America, thank Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris and Willie for that,what about the Obama/Joe Biden Gate trials comming up in the Senate, The Covid19 vaccine to be released to 150 million Americans on 10/28/2020, is that Trmps fault? he actually is making that happen while The Democrat's are off till 10/15/2020 and Joe Biden is hiding in his basement because he dose not want to debate POTUS Trump?

The impeached POTUS is the current idiot in the Oval Office. No, he is not responsible for the virus being released, but he IS responsible for the way this country has responded to it. And so far, it has been pretty dismal. Trump sucks as a leader.
Interestingly enough, only Russia wants to have Trump re elected.

Not only do China and Iran want him gone, but so does most of the world.

Lets say this is true. Do you really think this is a bad thing? Those from other countries aren't generally as spoiled, idiotic and unpatriotic as the American left. They look out for the best interest of their country, not the US. So, in general, if other countries want our President gone, he is likely putting the US first instead of their country. Biden will lick Xi's shoes, so of course they would rather him win, not to mention that it moves the world's most powerful country closer and closer to government dependency, which is exactly what China and other enemies in particular, wants for us.

The left looks out for the interests of this country much better than Trump does. Wanna talk about the bounty placed on our soldiers by Russia that Trump ignores?
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

ok lets go through this line by line Who is the impeached POTUS I do not see that on any Senate record or in the CBOs report of POTUS for the last 100 years Finical records whoas, Perverts Joe Biden, Hillary, Michelle Obama or Drunk Nancy Pelosi's all were in office and I do not see this published any were . Who is Adelson, what the hell is worng with you people all this Bad History, leaders look forward, might as well through Obama/Joe Biden care in thier killed 458,000 people its firts year, cost 58 million layoffs PERMANENT, 25,000 biusiness closed and 1 trillion dollars and now the healthcare system is Broken, letys aid the Red light deal another Obam/Joe Biden /Hillary failure how about the VD that is running wild in America, thank Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris and Willie for that,what about the Obama/Joe Biden Gate trials comming up in the Senate, The Covid19 vaccine to be released to 150 million Americans on 10/28/2020, is that Trmps fault? he actually is making that happen while The Democrat's are off till 10/15/2020 and Joe Biden is hiding in his basement because he dose not want to debate POTUS Trump?

The impeached POTUS is the current idiot in the Oval Office. No, he is not responsible for the virus being released, but he IS responsible for the way this country has responded to it. And so far, it has been pretty dismal. Trump sucks as a leader.
The China virus created by China and the Democrats right?
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

TDS lol
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

ok lets go through this line by line Who is the impeached POTUS I do not see that on any Senate record or in the CBOs report of POTUS for the last 100 years Finical records whoas, Perverts Joe Biden, Hillary, Michelle Obama or Drunk Nancy Pelosi's all were in office and I do not see this published any were . Who is Adelson, what the hell is worng with you people all this Bad History, leaders look forward, might as well through Obama/Joe Biden care in thier killed 458,000 people its firts year, cost 58 million layoffs PERMANENT, 25,000 biusiness closed and 1 trillion dollars and now the healthcare system is Broken, letys aid the Red light deal another Obam/Joe Biden /Hillary failure how about the VD that is running wild in America, thank Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris and Willie for that,what about the Obama/Joe Biden Gate trials comming up in the Senate, The Covid19 vaccine to be released to 150 million Americans on 10/28/2020, is that Trmps fault? he actually is making that happen while The Democrat's are off till 10/15/2020 and Joe Biden is hiding in his basement because he dose not want to debate POTUS Trump?

The impeached POTUS is the current idiot in the Oval Office. No, he is not responsible for the virus being released, but he IS responsible for the way this country has responded to it. And so far, it has been pretty dismal. Trump sucks as a leader.
The China virus created by China and the Democrats right?

Only if you believe the bullshit spewed out by Trump tweets and FOX News boot lickers.
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

ok lets go through this line by line Who is the impeached POTUS I do not see that on any Senate record or in the CBOs report of POTUS for the last 100 years Finical records whoas, Perverts Joe Biden, Hillary, Michelle Obama or Drunk Nancy Pelosi's all were in office and I do not see this published any were . Who is Adelson, what the hell is worng with you people all this Bad History, leaders look forward, might as well through Obama/Joe Biden care in thier killed 458,000 people its firts year, cost 58 million layoffs PERMANENT, 25,000 biusiness closed and 1 trillion dollars and now the healthcare system is Broken, letys aid the Red light deal another Obam/Joe Biden /Hillary failure how about the VD that is running wild in America, thank Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris and Willie for that,what about the Obama/Joe Biden Gate trials comming up in the Senate, The Covid19 vaccine to be released to 150 million Americans on 10/28/2020, is that Trmps fault? he actually is making that happen while The Democrat's are off till 10/15/2020 and Joe Biden is hiding in his basement because he dose not want to debate POTUS Trump?

The impeached POTUS is the current idiot in the Oval Office. No, he is not responsible for the virus being released, but he IS responsible for the way this country has responded to it. And so far, it has been pretty dismal. Trump sucks as a leader.
The China virus created by China and the Democrats right?

Only if you believe the bullshit spewed out by Trump tweets and FOX News boot lickers.
Orange man bad lol
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

TDS lol

As expected......................if you don't want to believe or even acknowledge something, saying TDS is a sure fire way to think you've won.
Republican Party Officials Must Give A Serious A$$‭ ‬Kissing To Sheldon Adelson

The impeached president trump used his‭ “‬typical‭” ‬sagacious balm during a phone call to GOP sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson.

The‭ ‬87-year-old megadonor phoned the impeached president trump expecting to discuss how the next coronavirus relief bill could best be written to benefit the nation’s top billionaires.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬as usual,‭ ‬the impeached president trump quickly turned the conversation to his favorite topic,‭ ‬himself.‭ ‬Offended by his orange servant’s open disrespect,‭ ‬Adelson ended the call.‭ (‬It’s been speculated that the impeached president trump also mocked Adelson’s silly-looking comb-over and die-job.‭)

Over the years,‭ ‬Adelson pumped hundreds-of-millions of dollars into the coffers of GOP super PACs,‭ ‬so these organizations could see major windfalls in the coming days if he pulls his financial support from the disrespectful impeached president trump.

In their attempt to mitigate yet another political disaster caused by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬GOP leaders are hitting the billionaire circuit to beg other super-rich political contributors for help picking up the slack if their major a$$‭ ‬kissing campaign fails to sway Adelson.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s advisers and aids are also deeply concerned,‭ ‬but hopeful‭ ‬Adelson will be in a forgiving mood after a massive fanny-smooching from party‭ ‬officials.‭

ok lets go through this line by line Who is the impeached POTUS I do not see that on any Senate record or in the CBOs report of POTUS for the last 100 years Finical records whoas, Perverts Joe Biden, Hillary, Michelle Obama or Drunk Nancy Pelosi's all were in office and I do not see this published any were . Who is Adelson, what the hell is worng with you people all this Bad History, leaders look forward, might as well through Obama/Joe Biden care in thier killed 458,000 people its firts year, cost 58 million layoffs PERMANENT, 25,000 biusiness closed and 1 trillion dollars and now the healthcare system is Broken, letys aid the Red light deal another Obam/Joe Biden /Hillary failure how about the VD that is running wild in America, thank Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris and Willie for that,what about the Obama/Joe Biden Gate trials comming up in the Senate, The Covid19 vaccine to be released to 150 million Americans on 10/28/2020, is that Trmps fault? he actually is making that happen while The Democrat's are off till 10/15/2020 and Joe Biden is hiding in his basement because he dose not want to debate POTUS Trump?

The impeached POTUS is the current idiot in the Oval Office. No, he is not responsible for the virus being released, but he IS responsible for the way this country has responded to it. And so far, it has been pretty dismal. Trump sucks as a leader.
The China virus created by China and the Democrats right?

Only if you believe the bullshit spewed out by Trump tweets and FOX News boot lickers.
Orange man bad lol man IS bad for this country. He's a crappy leader who won't listen to anyone else, kinda like Trump supporters on this board.

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