Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

It is to bibi.
Whatever the little Jewish Nazi cares about I couldn't care less. His Kosher butt is soon to be in a brine, of sea salt.
And if it isn't...we go to war...such will be the will of the Jewish nation.
Your fantasies of war are just that. Five million Jews versus 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians. Do the math.
Suddenly there will be 5 million Persians...and they will have radiation sickness.
Yep, you're a total loon alright.
Won't be will be the Jews.
Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Republican arrogance is beyond comprehension. Did Nutanyahoo write the letter for them? I suspect these arrogant bastards are in for a rude awakening in 2016.
Whatever the little Jewish Nazi cares about I couldn't care less. His Kosher butt is soon to be in a brine, of sea salt.
And if it isn't...we go to war...such will be the will of the Jewish nation.
Your fantasies of war are just that. Five million Jews versus 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians. Do the math.
Suddenly there will be 5 million Persians...and they will have radiation sickness.
Yep, you're a total loon alright.
Won't be will be the Jews.
The little Jewish Nazi didn't come here because he has any real power. He doesn't, and he knows it, so why don't you?
And if it isn't...we go to war...such will be the will of the Jewish nation.
Your fantasies of war are just that. Five million Jews versus 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians. Do the math.
Suddenly there will be 5 million Persians...and they will have radiation sickness.
Yep, you're a total loon alright.
Won't be will be the Jews.
The little Jewish Nazi didn't come here because he has any real power. He doesn't, and he knows it, so why don't you?
I am content for the Jewish peeps to make the decision...
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:
Obama's treaty paves a super highway for Iranian nukes and you jackasses call the GOP treasonous.

Grow up and get your head out of Obama's ass.
Actually there is something very wrong with someone (Congress) trying to upset and derail delicate foreign policy negotiations. Wrong to the point of smelling treasony.
Transparency would calm the waters...what is there to hide.

So this is the first time delicate foreign policy matters were not discussed openly in front of Congress? Really?
This is the first time we have had a genuine moron as president. Uncharted waters.

If you didn't want to have an actual discussion, you should have said so. We will just have to remember this sort of thing if there is ever another republican president.

Treasonous actions are okay if you think the President elected in two electoral landslides is a "moron". Good to know for the Dems in the future.
If you wanted an actual discussion you would not be screaming treason. Read the basis for the Senates warning. Even the ayatollah understands how the cow eats the cabbage.
Sabatoge, aiding and abetting and giving the enemy an advantage adds up to treason. It is what it is.
I suppose that the GOP warning goes both ways.
Iran will surely negotiate now and give the US anything that they ask for to get the sanctions released.
After all everyone now knows that the US Congress believes that countries don't have to honour treaties beyond election cycles.
If I was Iran I'd be saying "Sure, anything you want...can you lift the sanctions now please?"
Transparency would calm the waters...what is there to hide.

So this is the first time delicate foreign policy matters were not discussed openly in front of Congress? Really?
This is the first time we have had a genuine moron as president. Uncharted waters.

If you didn't want to have an actual discussion, you should have said so. We will just have to remember this sort of thing if there is ever another republican president.

Treasonous actions are okay if you think the President elected in two electoral landslides is a "moron". Good to know for the Dems in the future.
If you wanted an actual discussion you would not be screaming treason. Read the basis for the Senates warning. Even the ayatollah understands how the cow eats the cabbage.
Sabatoge, aiding and abetting and giving the enemy an advantage adds up to treason. It is what it is.
You mean preventing the president's treason?
Wow. This is one hell of a new benchmark these assholes are setting. To deliberately be working to undermine ongoing negotiations is about as vile and treacherous as it gets.

You have to go damn near back to the Jay Treaty to see this kind of shit.
Your concern regarding balance of power should extend to the legislature. For now stfu about undermining Obama. Elections have consequences and the ?Gop is following our orders: oppose Obama on everything except his resignation from
Your fantasies of war are just that. Five million Jews versus 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians. Do the math.
Suddenly there will be 5 million Persians...and they will have radiation sickness.
Yep, you're a total loon alright.
Won't be will be the Jews.
The little Jewish Nazi didn't come here because he has any real power. He doesn't, and he knows it, so why don't you?
I am content for the Jewish peeps to make the decision...

Perhaps someone should fill the Iranians in on the mutually assured destruction angle...that has worked so well for decades
Suddenly there will be 5 million Persians...and they will have radiation sickness.
Yep, you're a total loon alright.
Won't be will be the Jews.
The little Jewish Nazi didn't come here because he has any real power. He doesn't, and he knows it, so why don't you?
I am content for the Jewish peeps to make the decision...

Perhaps someone should fill the Iranians in on the mutually assured destruction angle...that has worked so well for decades
I prefer the pre-emptive option.
Yep, you're a total loon alright.
Won't be will be the Jews.
The little Jewish Nazi didn't come here because he has any real power. He doesn't, and he knows it, so why don't you?
I am content for the Jewish peeps to make the decision...

Perhaps someone should fill the Iranians in on the mutually assured destruction angle...that has worked so well for decades
I prefer the pre-emptive option.

As do I. But the fact remains when you have crazy people with nukes mutually assured comes into play
Republicans want nothing short of war with Iran.
That's because their leader Netanyahu came and gave his speech and set the table for what he wants his party to do and they will do so no matter the costs...They are not loyal to America or its citizens and if it was me running the country every single one of the bastards would be arrested,charged with treason and given a traitors punishment. Obama HAS to hit back at these bastards.
If I was Iran I would get a nuke,buy a nuke something to insure their safety after Obama leaves office because if these batshit crazy bastards get their way we will invade Iran spilling more American blood for Israel
Actually there is something very wrong with someone (Congress) trying to upset and derail delicate foreign policy negotiations. Wrong to the point of smelling treasony.
Transparency would calm the waters...what is there to hide.

So this is the first time delicate foreign policy matters were not discussed openly in front of Congress? Really?
This is the first time we have had a genuine moron as president. Uncharted waters.

If you didn't want to have an actual discussion, you should have said so. We will just have to remember this sort of thing if there is ever another republican president.

Treasonous actions are okay if you think the President elected in two electoral landslides is a "moron". Good to know for the Dems in the future.
If you wanted an actual discussion you would not be screaming treason. Read the basis for the Senates warning. Even the ayatollah understands how the cow eats the cabbage.

So you don't think trying to derail and undermine delicate foreign policy negotiations borders on treason? Like I said...good information to tuck away for the future should a republican ever become President.
So this is the first time delicate foreign policy matters were not discussed openly in front of Congress? Really?
This is the first time we have had a genuine moron as president. Uncharted waters.

If you didn't want to have an actual discussion, you should have said so. We will just have to remember this sort of thing if there is ever another republican president.

Treasonous actions are okay if you think the President elected in two electoral landslides is a "moron". Good to know for the Dems in the future.
If you wanted an actual discussion you would not be screaming treason. Read the basis for the Senates warning. Even the ayatollah understands how the cow eats the cabbage.
Sabotage, aiding and abetting and giving the enemy an advantage adds up to treason. It is what it is.
You mean preventing the president's treason?
There are plenty of ways for the Senate to contest or prevent treaties from reaching fruition or agreement. Sabotaging negotiations is not one of them that is acceptable. Sabotaging negotiations is treason.

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