Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

ChrisL 10969954
Yup, you're an ignoramus. You feel all comfy here in the United States, sitting behind your computer screen, denying the obvious FACTS about the Iranian regime. You are the epitome of ignorance.

I am not the one running away by calling everyone who does not agree with me an ignoramus.

I'm still here posting facts. So are you running or not. If not do you think Gregg Rosenbaum is uneducated and ignorant?

Part of what he recently said:

"Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us." Greg Rosembaum

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |

Do you have an argument that confirms that his comment is based on ignorance and lack of education.

I haven't run away, you stupid fucktard. I'm still here in case you haven't noticed. Point being, I've provided many, many valid links with information about Iran, the mullahs, their religious beliefs (which is what their ENTIRE governmental system is based upon), and you dumb fucks want to ignore it and say, oh derrrrr, nah. Nothing bad will ever happen. Fucking idiots. The people here who are intelligent will look at those links and read them and draw the CORRECT conclusions based on the facts.
By that measure, religious Christians shouldn't be allowed to hold public office in the U.S.

Have you read the book of Revelations?
It appears that little itty bitty insignificant owl creature has, for he tolerates Jews just long enough for his visions of Armageddon to come true; in his perverted, cowardly, insane and completely inhumane vision of the world, we Jews are to be permitted to live now so that we can be murdered in Meggido because, because, because Benghazi or something obtuse like that. And little insignificant Owl creature has yet to actually address the content of the OP, namely that 47 batshit crazy GOP senators committed a treasonous act.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
American Christians are not fundamentalists and because we are a secular country, it wouldn't matter anyways because our Constitution sets the law.

Christians are not going around terrorizing the entire world. That would be Islam.
Umm... the 47 Senators just pissed on the Constitution. Why on Earth would I believe the religious Christians among them wouldn't put their faith before the Constitution again?

No they did not. They are going against our dumbass pussy of a president to let the Iranians know that we do not accept a nuclear Iran under any circumstances. Fortunately, not everyone is a complete tard like the Obamatard.

Also, if you think America and Iran are similar, perhaps you should go stay there for a while. I can guarantee you, you won't be posting and talking about this stuff on the internet. Lol. :D
Of course they did. Nowhere does the Constitution give select members of Congress the authority to do what they did. You are clueless about the Constitution to believe that it does. :cuckoo: Furthermore, their actions could very well be in violation of U.S. law (the Logan Act).

Please quote constitutional law where the senators were in violation of the Constitution.
Nowhere in the Constitution are select members of the Senate granted the power to vote on ratifying treaties. And U.S. law strictly prohibits them, without authority, from interfering.

Quote from the Constitution where these senators are in violation of constitutional or broke ANY laws.
There was no deal. Maybe you just don't understand what you posted?

What the fuck? Do you EVER read links to educate yourself, or do you just put your fingers in your ears and deny the truth?
You've demonstrated you don't understand what you post. You posted there were secret meetings and concluded that meant there was a secret deal.

No, don't put words in my mouth. I never said that. I said obama has been secretly meeting with Iranian officials since 2013. FACT.
WTF?? You're now denying you accused Obama of making a secret deal...?? Your own words betray you...

"Well, when Obama goes to make "secret" deals, then they are fully within their rights to fight against him."

yes, he has been bowing to the demands of the Iranians in secret meetings. That's a fact.
You said he made a secret deal and then you denied saying that. You've been exposed as a fucking nut who can't even follow her own words, no less, a discussion. :cuckoo:
If I were to cite a liberal source and call it a "fact"....then right wing bigots have every right to call me out on it.......Exactly why when morons like Chrissy-babe cite right wing sources should THAT be called a "fact"????

Just asking............
What the fuck? Do you EVER read links to educate yourself, or do you just put your fingers in your ears and deny the truth?
You've demonstrated you don't understand what you post. You posted there were secret meetings and concluded that meant there was a secret deal.

No, don't put words in my mouth. I never said that. I said obama has been secretly meeting with Iranian officials since 2013. FACT.
WTF?? You're now denying you accused Obama of making a secret deal...?? Your own words betray you...

"Well, when Obama goes to make "secret" deals, then they are fully within their rights to fight against him."

yes, he has been bowing to the demands of the Iranians in secret meetings. That's a fact.
You said he made a secret deal and then you denied saying that. You've been exposed as a fucking nut who can't even follow her own words, no less, a discussion. :cuckoo:

Umm, nope, I've given you the information. You just have to read it and acknowledge it. Obama was having private meetings with Iranian officials since 2013, which led to him agreeing to this deal. You cannot refute it because it's true.
If I were to cite a liberal source and call it a "fact"....then right wing bigots have every right to call me out on it.......Exactly why when morons like Chrissy-babe cite right wing sources should THAT be called a "fact"????

Just asking............

Sorry, but those are the facts. Can you refute any of them? Do you have any evidence that any of the things that I've posted are not true? If so, post it here and now. I'm waiting. :)
If I were to cite a liberal source and call it a "fact"....then right wing bigots have every right to call me out on it.......Exactly why when morons like Chrissy-babe cite right wing sources should THAT be called a "fact"????

Just asking............

Just because you don't like the facts doesn't mean they aren't true, Obamaturd. :D Lol.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

By the authority that they are the body that ratifies treaties.
No. The US Senate does NOT have the right to influence treaty negotiations, esp this way, past the water's edge.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
American Christians are not fundamentalists and because we are a secular country, it wouldn't matter anyways because our Constitution sets the law.

Christians are not going around terrorizing the entire world. That would be Islam.
Umm... the 47 Senators just pissed on the Constitution. Why on Earth would I believe the religious Christians among them wouldn't put their faith before the Constitution again?

No they did not. They are going against our dumbass pussy of a president to let the Iranians know that we do not accept a nuclear Iran under any circumstances. Fortunately, not everyone is a complete tard like the Obamatard.

Also, if you think America and Iran are similar, perhaps you should go stay there for a while. I can guarantee you, you won't be posting and talking about this stuff on the internet. Lol. :D
Of course they did. Nowhere does the Constitution give select members of Congress the authority to do what they did. You are clueless about the Constitution to believe that it does. :cuckoo: Furthermore, their actions could very well be in violation of U.S. law (the Logan Act).
Re: the Congressional letter to Iran...

1. there was no violation of the Constitution

2. there was no violation of the Logan Act

The President has lost the confidence of much of Congress, and much of the American People, with regard to his conduct in the sphere of foreign policy.

The President is no longer trusted to do the right thing - especially in matters related to nuclear weaponry in the hands of mortal enemies.

There's too much at stake to leave this to Neville Chamberlain types.

Congress cannot stop the (now, somewhat distrusted) President from negotiating a bad deal.

So they openly and clearly inform the beneficiary (Iran) of any such pending bad deal that the deal will be renounced, the minute the President leaves office.

It's unprecedented alright, or, at least, highly irregular - and more than a little uncomfortable for most Americans - but those elected representatives and integral and fully-empowerd members of the Government (the branch that passes judgment on and ratifies treaties, by the way) decided that the situation had deteriorated to the point where such an intervention was necessary and appropriate.

Checks and balances - under extraordinary circumstances.

The Constitution still works... checks-and-balances are alive and well... inside and outside of a formal legislative process.

The letter-signatories broke no laws.

If you believe differently... wake us up when the US Justice Dept delivers indictments against the letter-signatories, for breaking the law.
The Constitution does not allow for anyone but the president and the Senate to establish treaties with foreign nations. A select group of Senators in no way constitutes, "The Senate."
The signatories to the letter are not negotiating a treaty.

They are merely advising a mortal enemy that the treaty will not outlive the term of office of its purveyor.

As fully-fledged members of the National Government, they can do that.

As they just did.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

By the authority that they are the body that ratifies treaties.
No. The US Senate does NOT have the right to influence treaty negotiations, esp this way, past the water's edge.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Constitution is silent with respect to the ability of Congress to INFLUENCE treaty negotiations.

So is the Logan Act.
You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.

Silly mindless you. You try so hard to be such a loyalist for the position du jour of the liberal talking pointlesses, that you end up making an even bigger asshole of yourself quite publicly.

First of all, nobody wades through your typical wall of words. You need to try making a point with a little snap.

Secondly, the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong with Senators writing a letter to fucking Iran.

Thirdly, if President Obumbler wishes to craft some accord with Iran, then he might want to consider doing it in a formal and official way. That way, when the Senate gets involved, there is no need to worry about them doing so. But when he seeks to evade that kind of input, he has EARNED the response he got.

There are precious few "facts" in your OP opinion piece, by the way. Don't be "mad," kid. It's really ok that the Senators intervened. Really. It is.

There is a lot wrong with senators writing a letter to Iran. It insults all the countries involved in the negotiations. It makes us look weak and divided to the world. Putin loved it I'm sure. It lowered our standing with the rest of the world. Why would anyone make agreements with us when these senators said we won't stand by them? All it showed is that the repubs are owned by Israel.

If your thesis held any water (it doesn't so don't worry), the implicaion would be that it is the SOLE responsibility of the President to "negotiate" with our fucking enemies even though, clearly, the Constitution gives significant input to the Senate.

To AVOID that input, President Obumbler tries to negotiate shit in a manner that he thinks will not implicate the right of the Senate to confirm or dis-allow.

When he acts in that imperious unilateral fashion, I am quite okay with letting the world know that his sole voice is NOT necessarily the position of the United States. Otherwise, if he wanted to "negotiate" an abject surrender of the United States to ISIS, for example, provided that he structured it to avoid it looking like a "treaty," he alone could bend the knee of America.

Here's a newsflash for you lolberal dimwits: that is not only NOT the way it works, it is very much antithetical to the way it is designed to work.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

Did you complain when obama had Cameron calling members of congress to lobby their support for the agreement a few months ago? Thought so.

These people posting here are obviously really stupid. They cannot put 2 + 2 together. This is all about partisanship and loyalty to the Obama for them. They don't give two craps about the facts. Just so long as they can save face for their dear leader. :) They are very reminiscent of those North Koreans who are forced to "love" their leader. Lol. It's incredibly childish and silly, as are pretty much ALL of their positions.
There was no deal. Maybe you just don't understand what you posted?

What the fuck? Do you EVER read links to educate yourself, or do you just put your fingers in your ears and deny the truth?
You've demonstrated you don't understand what you post. You posted there were secret meetings and concluded that meant there was a secret deal.

No, don't put words in my mouth. I never said that. I said obama has been secretly meeting with Iranian officials since 2013. FACT.
WTF?? You're now denying you accused Obama of making a secret deal...?? Your own words betray you...

"Well, when Obama goes to make "secret" deals, then they are fully within their rights to fight against him."

GOP Senators Slam Obama s Private Deal With Iran The Daily Caller

Forty-seven Republican senators fired off a letter to Iran’s theocracy — and indirectly, to President Barack Obama — warning that only the Senate can confirm long-lasting treaties with foreign powers.

“We will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei,” said the letter, which was sent as Obama tries to complete secret negotiations for new strategic deal with Iran.

The letter was signed by all three GOP senators vying for the 2016 candidacy — Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Marco Rubio — and by the GOP’s Senate leadership.

The warning may block the deal if Iran concludes that Congress won’t back the deal once Obama leaves office.
Seems a clear violation of the Logan Act to me...

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title...
They were seeking a diplomatic solution on their terms. Defeated enemies do not dictate terms.
Besides, Japan had proven themselves to be dishonest and unlikely to abide by negotiated terms. They were talking with FDR about staying out of their war in SE Asia when they bombed Pearl Harbor.
Japan wanted concessions the US was unwilling to concede. The US demanded unconditional surrender and removal of the Emperor from power. Japan refused in a communique dated 7/29/45.
The choice, at that point was a land invasion of the Japanese main land or 2 bombs. We dropped one on 8/6 and waited a couple days for an answer. We dropped another on 8/9 and the next day, Japan agreed to our term.
Too bad really, but look how relations with Japan are today compared with, say Viet Nam where we didn't fight to win.

Leave it to Cleetus to defend one of the great acts of Racism, nuking Japan.

Because we'd have never nuke Germany. Those were WHITE PEOPLE.

Point was, Japan was defeated, the only issue that was a sticking point was the status of the Emperor. Military people like Ike and MacArthur were against using the bomb, but the politicians went ahead and did it anyway.

Incidently, the bombs had nothing to do with Japan's surrender. We were already bombing the snot out off the country conventionally.

It was Russia's entry into the war on August 8th that was the really turning point. They rolled up the Japanese army in Manchuria in a week, and all of a sudden, America was totally cool with Japan keeping the Emperor.

So getting back to my main point, how does the only country that ever used nukes on people because they were bunch of racists get off telling another country they can't have nukes for legitimate defense?
Germany agreed to terms of surrender. It was not about race, idiot.

The rest of of your post is asinine. Russia did have some effect, but the timing of Japan's capitulation the day after the bombing of Nagasaki indicates to any sane person what ended hostilities.
Japan was allowed to keep the Emperor as a figure head but as of VJ day Douglas MacArthur became supreme leader of Japan.
OK a nation used a bomb, 2 actually, to end a war against an enemy of fanatics who had demonstrated an inability to negotiate in good faith. That's a situation like what we face now.
These are not sane rational people we are trying to contain. The repeatedly vow to wipe Israel off the map and drop a nuke on Washington. They no more capable of the responsibility of having a nuclear device that a homicidal maniac is capable of the rational use of a firearm.
Again, asshat. You are so easy.
I haven't run away, you stupid fucktard. I'm still here in case you haven't noticed. Point being, I've provided many, many valid links with information about Iran, the mullahs, their religious beliefs (which is what their ENTIRE governmental system is based upon), and you dumb fucks want to ignore it and say, oh derrrrr, nah. Nothing bad will ever happen. Fucking idiots. The people here who are intelligent will look at those links and read them and draw the CORRECT conclusions based on the facts.
By that measure, religious Christians shouldn't be allowed to hold public office in the U.S.

Have you read the book of Revelations?

Sorry, but Christians are not the problem here.
Many Christians in our government believe in end-of-world prophecies just as many Islamic in Iran's government believe. Worse for Republicans since many of them don't believe there's a separation between church and state. So religious Christians are just as big of a threat as religious islamic.

Oh really? [emoji38]
Again, have you read the book of Revelations, which religious Christians believe detail the "end times?" The fundamental difference to the 12th Imam is ... ?
Both are end time messianic eschatologies with lots of blood and gore.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.

Silly mindless you. You try so hard to be such a loyalist for the position du jour of the liberal talking pointlesses, that you end up making an even bigger asshole of yourself quite publicly.

First of all, nobody wades through your typical wall of words. You need to try making a point with a little snap.

Secondly, the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong with Senators writing a letter to fucking Iran.

Thirdly, if President Obumbler wishes to craft some accord with Iran, then he might want to consider doing it in a formal and official way. That way, when the Senate gets involved, there is no need to worry about them doing so. But when he seeks to evade that kind of input, he has EARNED the response he got.

There are precious few "facts" in your OP opinion piece, by the way. Don't be "mad," kid. It's really ok that the Senators intervened. Really. It is.

There is a lot wrong with senators writing a letter to Iran. It insults all the countries involved in the negotiations. It makes us look weak and divided to the world. Putin loved it I'm sure. It lowered our standing with the rest of the world. Why would anyone make agreements with us when these senators said we won't stand by them? All it showed is that the repubs are owned by Israel.

If your thesis held any water (it doesn't so don't worry), the implicaion would be that it is the SOLE responsibility of the President to "negotiate" with our fucking enemies even though, clearly, the Constitution gives significant input to the Senate.

To AVOID that input, President Obumbler tries to negotiate shit in a manner that he thinks will not implicate the right of the Senate to confirm or dis-allow.

When he acts in that imperious unilateral fashion, I am quite okay with letting the world know that his sole voice is NOT necessarily the position of the United States. Otherwise, if he wanted to "negotiate" an abject surrender of the United States to ISIS, for example, provided that he structured it to avoid it looking like a "treaty," he alone could bend the knee of America.

Here's a newsflash for you lolberal dimwits: that is not only NOT the way it works, it is very much antithetical to the way it is designed to work.

Obama's tactics also involve ceding the U.S.'s national security interest to the U.N.

The Obama administration said Friday it expects that as a matter of course, the UN Security Council would endorse any final nuclear agreement reached between world powers and Iran.

Read more: US to seek Security Council endorsement of Iran nuke deal | The Times of Israel US to seek Security Council endorsement of Iran nuke deal The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

What could possibly go wrong with kowtowing to Russia and China to get a deal with Iran?
IM 10965326
Get something straight. We are NOT obligated to sit idly by and permit this asshole President to endanger all of us by the simple expedient of doing his end run around the Constitution.

First of all the P5+1 deal is not endangering any of you fear-mongered cowards that rejects diplomacy and favors sending others to die for your lust for ever expanded war after war.

The Stupid Republican Senators who think the US rules the entire world miss a very glaring fact - they don't and neither does the POTUS.

And they have thankfully forced the UNSC to act to protect the world from Republican Senators and also ( heaven forbid ) if a warmonger right wing POTUS would take the Oval Office in 2017.

You are officially sitting idly by on P5+1 forevermore if Iran signs a treaty and abides strictly to it.

NF 10956845
. The five permanent members on the UNSC have just stepped up:

Major Nations Hold Talks On Ending U.N. Sanctions On Iran: Officials
Reuters Posted: 03/13/15 12:00 AM ET Updated: 03/13/15 12:00 AM ET
(Reuters) - Major world powers have begun talks about a United Nations Security Council resolution to lift U.N. sanctions on Iran if a nuclear agreement is struck with Tehran, a step that could make it harder for the U.S. Congress to undo a deal, Western officials said.
Major Nations Hold Talks On Ending U.N. Sanctions On Iran Officials

Your stepped up US Senators are the laughing stock of the entire world now,

We actually can thank the letter for making a potential international deal that lifts sanction absolutely Republican sabotage proof by locking them up in a padded cell where they can't hurt themselves or anybody else. Tommy Cotton didn't think this through and 46 other dopes jumped right off the cliff with him. They thought they were messin' up Obama.

Opposing the bumbling stumbling idiot President's efforts with Iran is absolutely an effort tp avoid the consequences of his imbecility. I realize you brain dead stupid ass lolberals can't hold the thought in your pin heads very long, but maybe a tiny bit of repetition might help you out. The President does properly have the primary voice in negotiating with other nations. But he does NOT have the SOLE voice.

Look it up, ya stupid maggot dick face. It's right there in the Constitution.

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