Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

"seems" and "to [you]" are the operative words there.

If you weren't such a complete pathetic abject dumbass it might occur to you that duly elected United States Senators are speaking with the authority of the United States when they address this topic.
The Constitution does not confer any powers to individual Senators that it grants to the Senate as a body.

No shit, Sherlock. But it DOES give them advise and consent type powers over treaties. And when the Presidunce tries to do an end run around that provision, they have every right to speak as a body or as members of that body to advise other nations that there may very well be problems with the unilateral ATTEMPTED acts of the Presidunce.

Do ya see the problem yet, dimwit? Nah. Probably not. But here's a clue. Your Obamessiah is seeking to act (on behalf of the U.S., at least) unilaterally. Fuck him.

You do realize that your hate of Obama is just that....your own bile-filled hate that acts like a cancer....Tough for you....Live with it.

wrong again nattwit.

In fact, I don't "hate" Obumbler. He sucks massively as President. I detest his policies and policy inclinations. I loathe his political philosophy.

But he seems (all things political aside) like a nice enough human being.
So stick your "advice" up your ass if you can move your head enough for it to fit.

Of course you can lie to me about how you feel, but lying to yourself is dangerous.....Live with your bigotry and, of course, have another cup of tea and wear your teabags with pride.

No no. I accept the fact that a brainless dishonest hack bitch like you will assume that his opponents are as bigoted and hate-filled as you are. Your need to project is abundantly clear and your vapid opinions are as worthless as your ad hominem form of "argument."
WTF are you talking about?
You've never heard that saying?

Why does a dog lick its balls?
Because it can!

The US has killed over 30,000,000 people around the world since WWII.
Why? Because we can! So I wouldn't talk about why others kill, when we have so much blood on our hands.

Do you even know any more in your rabid defense of radical Islam?
Whatever knowledge I possess, is far above your ability to understand it.

You think its okay to shoot people fishing.

Your stupidity is highlighted as if on an Obama billboard with a billion lights. :D Lol.
I haven't supported Obama for 6 years now.

Got anymore dumbass statements?
Of course they're allowed to disagree with the president. No one is arguing your strawman. What they are not allowed to do is to interfere with measures between the U.S. and foreign nations. That's a power delegated to the Senate, not individual members of the Senate.

LOL! Really?

So the US Senate, AN EQUAL AND SEPARATE BRANCH OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, is NOT allowed to publicly profess their collective sentiment, which states in no uncertain terms that where the POTUS is acting to promote the means of nations LONG ESTABLISHED AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES TO SECURE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, that they will not assend to ANY agreement which provides for such?


D E L U S I O N . . . ON PARADE!

Proving once again that:


Hey, nit wit, NO ONE is saying that congress is not allowed to disagree with the executive branch...NO ONE IS SAYING THAT!.

However, telling a foreign government (one that is regarded as an "enemy") that the president lacks the power to enter in an agreement (which is NOT a treaty) is moronic and confirms both the hatred toward Obama and the lack of understanding of the Constitution.

Besides all this DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN THE AGREEMENT...or are you simply reacting to what FOX told you to believe and think?

Obviously you did not read the actual text of the letter. NEVER does it say the President lacks the power to enter into an agreement. Your knickers are in a twist over nothing.

No. The letter was a not so subtle threat to Iran that any treaty made would be undone by a possible GOP successor to Obama, which is not going to happen, anyway. Please do not insult our intelligence.

I could say that nothing could be an insult to your intelligence beyond how you behave, but I will point out that a "treaty" only takes affect upon approval by the Senate. The letter points that out and correctly says that any agreement that is not approved by the Senate does not have the weight of law and ONLY carries weight during the Presidency of the President that made the agreement and could be modified by a future President. Perhaps the Republicans should have sent the letter to your side, as you seem unaware of that.
WTF are you talking about?
You've never heard that saying?

Why does a dog lick its balls?
Because it can!

The US has killed over 30,000,000 people around the world since WWII.
Why? Because we can! So I wouldn't talk about why others kill, when we have so much blood on our hands.

Do you even know any more in your rabid defense of radical Islam?
Whatever knowledge I possess, is far above your ability to understand it.

You think its okay to shoot people fishing.

Your stupidity is highlighted as if on an Obama billboard with a billion lights. :D Lol.
I haven't supported Obama for 6 years now.

Got anymore dumbass statements?

^ The UTTERLY mindless ravings of shit for brain asshole cockbites like dildo really is on full display.
Some facts ARE facts.....(as shown below)...So, when criticism of Obama still persists even from nitwits who have benefited from his policies......only ONE other reason remains.....and if right wingers on here were a bit more honest...they'd admit to it.

WTF are you talking about?
You've never heard that saying?

Why does a dog lick its balls?
Because it can!

The US has killed over 30,000,000 people around the world since WWII.
Why? Because we can! So I wouldn't talk about why others kill, when we have so much blood on our hands.

Do you even know any more in your rabid defense of radical Islam?
Whatever knowledge I possess, is far above your ability to understand it.

You think its okay to shoot people fishing.

Your stupidity is highlighted as if on an Obama billboard with a billion lights. :D Lol.
I haven't supported Obama for 6 years now.

Got anymore dumbass statements?

^ The UTTERLY mindless ravings of shit for brain asshole cockbites like dildo really is on full display.

Ahhha, yet another right wing tea bagging, Shakespearean poet showing his "intelligence" and oratory skills..
Nor does the Constitution authorize the Senate to attempt to preempt or interfere with the Executive's good faith efforts to negotiate treaties, which is exactly what the 47 republican dullard sought to do.

The Constitution actually does... in the first amendment. Being a Senator does not infringe upon one's write to speak, neither does it require one to sit idly by while the President of the US provides the means for those who ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES, with the means to acquire Nuclear weapons.

See how that works? The Constitution recognizes the self evident truth regarding the natural rights of man, and the 47 Americans in the Senate were exercising those rights.
Some facts ARE facts.....(as shown below)...So, when criticism of Obama still persists even from nitwits who have benefited from his policies......only ONE other reason remains.....and if right wingers on here were a bit more honest...they'd admit to it.

Make our money pretty much worthless, and it takes a lot more of it to equal where we were before he started his economic lunacy. The stock market going up doesn't translate into the economy as a whole doing well. Our debt is a cancer and you assholes on the far left are too fucking stupid to see it and too dishonest to admit it anyway.

The unemployment numbers are phony and you asshole lolberals refuse to accept that fact. Stop counting all those who are not even trying to look for work anymore -- and by all means COUNT all the illegal aliens who have some relatively menial jobs -- and you too can make the unemployment numbers say almost whatever you want. But it takes a special kind of douche bag (congrats, you made it) to BUY that horseshit.
Some facts ARE facts.....(as shown below)...So, when criticism of Obama still persists even from nitwits who have benefited from his policies......only ONE other reason remains.....and if right wingers on here were a bit more honest...they'd admit to it.


So, you're pleased that the rich have gotten richer and the Government has stopped counting the long term unemployed as if they don't matter any more? Surprising, but ok.
WTF are you talking about?
You've never heard that saying?

Why does a dog lick its balls?
Because it can!

The US has killed over 30,000,000 people around the world since WWII.
Why? Because we can! So I wouldn't talk about why others kill, when we have so much blood on our hands.

Do you even know any more in your rabid defense of radical Islam?
Whatever knowledge I possess, is far above your ability to understand it.

You think its okay to shoot people fishing.

Your stupidity is highlighted as if on an Obama billboard with a billion lights. :D Lol.
I haven't supported Obama for 6 years now.

Got anymore dumbass statements?

^ The UTTERLY mindless ravings of shit for brain asshole cockbites like dildo really is on full display.

Ahhha, yet another right wing tea bagging, Shakespearean poet showing his "intelligence" and oratory skills..

^ Asshole thinks a little invective is Shakepearean?

Damn, you mindless cockbite dishonest lolberals are stupid. And pathetic.
^ The UTTERLY mindless ravings of shit for brain asshole cockbites like dildo really is on full display.
Shut up, bitch! Did I give you permission to speak?

Dildo, I didn't give you permission to even live, yet here you are. True, you are but a lower form of life and quite brainless, but here you are just the same. Remind me to wipe my shoes, bitch.
Of course they're allowed to disagree with the president. No one is arguing your strawman. What they are not allowed to do is to interfere with measures between the U.S. and foreign nations. That's a power delegated to the Senate, not individual members of the Senate.

LOL! Really?

So the US Senate, AN EQUAL AND SEPARATE BRANCH OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, is NOT allowed to publicly profess their collective sentiment, which states in no uncertain terms that where the POTUS is acting to promote the means of nations LONG ESTABLISHED AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES TO SECURE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, that they will not assend to ANY agreement which provides for such?


D E L U S I O N . . . ON PARADE!

Proving once again that:


Hey, nit wit, NO ONE is saying that congress is not allowed to disagree with the executive branch...NO ONE IS SAYING THAT!.

However, telling a foreign government (one that is regarded as an "enemy") that the president lacks the power to enter in an agreement (which is NOT a treaty) is moronic and confirms both the hatred toward Obama and the lack of understanding of the Constitution.

Besides all this DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN THE AGREEMENT...or are you simply reacting to what FOX told you to believe and think?

Obviously you did not read the actual text of the letter. NEVER does it say the President lacks the power to enter into an agreement. Your knickers are in a twist over nothing.

No. The letter was a not so subtle threat to Iran that any treaty made would be undone by a possible GOP successor to Obama, which is not going to happen, anyway. Please do not insult our intelligence.

It wasn't a threat... is was a solemn declaration of their intentions to scuttle any deal which provides that Iran; a nation WHICH LONG AGO ESTABLISHED ITSELF AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES, might acquire Nuclear Weapons.

Notice how the letter does not IN ANY WAY state that the Senate will not assend to any deal made by the President, which shuts down Iran's means to acquire Nuclear weapons.

YOU and the Cult want to pretend that the Senate is denying the Peasantpimp of the Union States the means to negotiate with foreign states... when in REALITY that is NOT WHAT THE LETTER SAID... .

The REALITY is that your cult is working to undermine the SECURITY of the United States and those 47 American were telling YOU and the Mullahs to shut the fuck up and sit down.

And I suggest ya do so... or we are going to kick the hell out of you.

Anything gettin' through here?
Dildo, I didn't give you permission to even live, yet here you are. True, you are but a lower form of life and quite brainless, but here you are just the same. Remind me to wipe my shoes, bitch.
Have your pussy little Senators write me a letter, junior.
Of course they're allowed to disagree with the president. No one is arguing your strawman. What they are not allowed to do is to interfere with measures between the U.S. and foreign nations. That's a power delegated to the Senate, not individual members of the Senate.

LOL! Really?

So the US Senate, AN EQUAL AND SEPARATE BRANCH OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, is NOT allowed to publicly profess their collective sentiment, which states in no uncertain terms that where the POTUS is acting to promote the means of nations LONG ESTABLISHED AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES TO SECURE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, that they will not assend to ANY agreement which provides for such?


D E L U S I O N . . . ON PARADE!

Proving once again that:


Hey, nit wit, NO ONE is saying that congress is not allowed to disagree with the executive branch...NO ONE IS SAYING THAT!.

However, telling a foreign government (one that is regarded as an "enemy") that the president lacks the power to enter in an agreement (which is NOT a treaty) is moronic and confirms both the hatred toward Obama and the lack of understanding of the Constitution.

Besides all this DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN THE AGREEMENT...or are you simply reacting to what FOX told you to believe and think?

Obviously you did not read the actual text of the letter. NEVER does it say the President lacks the power to enter into an agreement. Your knickers are in a twist over nothing.

No. The letter was a not so subtle threat to Iran that any treaty made would be undone by a possible GOP successor to Obama, which is not going to happen, anyway. Please do not insult our intelligence.

I could say that nothing could be an insult to your intelligence beyond how you behave, but I will point out that a "treaty" only takes affect upon approval by the Senate. The letter points that out and correctly says that any agreement that is not approved by the Senate does not have the weight of law and ONLY carries weight during the Presidency of the President that made the agreement and could be modified by a future President. Perhaps the Republicans should have sent the letter to your side, as you seem unaware of that.

Fine, the agreement ONLY carries weight during THIS presidency.....and since you stand as much of a chance of getting a right winger in the WH as my dog to receive a Nobel, your retort means what?????
Dildo, I didn't give you permission to even live, yet here you are. True, you are but a lower form of life and quite brainless, but here you are just the same. Remind me to wipe my shoes, bitch.
Have your pussy little Senators write me a letter, junior.

Fuck yourself, dick lick. Have your President negotiate with an enemy and pretend that logical right thinking Senators cannot rectify what that idiot is attempting to do. Just so long as you know that it is "pretend."

The fact (which makes you cry and moan) is that the Senators in question (unlike your Obamessiah) are at least attempting to do right by this nation. I know. I know. Shit suckers like you don't much care for America. No wonder you long to go down on Obumbler.

Get back to fucking yourself, ya worthless maggot.
LOL! Really?

So the US Senate, AN EQUAL AND SEPARATE BRANCH OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, is NOT allowed to publicly profess their collective sentiment, which states in no uncertain terms that where the POTUS is acting to promote the means of nations LONG ESTABLISHED AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES TO SECURE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, that they will not assend to ANY agreement which provides for such?


D E L U S I O N . . . ON PARADE!

Proving once again that:


Hey, nit wit, NO ONE is saying that congress is not allowed to disagree with the executive branch...NO ONE IS SAYING THAT!.

However, telling a foreign government (one that is regarded as an "enemy") that the president lacks the power to enter in an agreement (which is NOT a treaty) is moronic and confirms both the hatred toward Obama and the lack of understanding of the Constitution.

Besides all this DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN THE AGREEMENT...or are you simply reacting to what FOX told you to believe and think?

Obviously you did not read the actual text of the letter. NEVER does it say the President lacks the power to enter into an agreement. Your knickers are in a twist over nothing.

No. The letter was a not so subtle threat to Iran that any treaty made would be undone by a possible GOP successor to Obama, which is not going to happen, anyway. Please do not insult our intelligence.

I could say that nothing could be an insult to your intelligence beyond how you behave, but I will point out that a "treaty" only takes affect upon approval by the Senate. The letter points that out and correctly says that any agreement that is not approved by the Senate does not have the weight of law and ONLY carries weight during the Presidency of the President that made the agreement and could be modified by a future President. Perhaps the Republicans should have sent the letter to your side, as you seem unaware of that.

Fine, the agreement ONLY carries weight during THIS presidency.....and since you stand as much of a chance of getting a right winger in the WH as my dog to receive a Nobel, your retort means what?????

That your argument is specious, false and only shows you never read the text of the letter. Your outrage is based on nothing except your partisan ignorance. And I hope your dog uses the funds from the Nobel committee wisely.
LOL! Really?

So the US Senate, AN EQUAL AND SEPARATE BRANCH OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, is NOT allowed to publicly profess their collective sentiment, which states in no uncertain terms that where the POTUS is acting to promote the means of nations LONG ESTABLISHED AS BEING HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES TO SECURE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, that they will not assend to ANY agreement which provides for such?


D E L U S I O N . . . ON PARADE!

Proving once again that:


Hey, nit wit, NO ONE is saying that congress is not allowed to disagree with the executive branch...NO ONE IS SAYING THAT!.

However, telling a foreign government (one that is regarded as an "enemy") that the president lacks the power to enter in an agreement (which is NOT a treaty) is moronic and confirms both the hatred toward Obama and the lack of understanding of the Constitution.

Besides all this DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN THE AGREEMENT...or are you simply reacting to what FOX told you to believe and think?

Obviously you did not read the actual text of the letter. NEVER does it say the President lacks the power to enter into an agreement. Your knickers are in a twist over nothing.

No. The letter was a not so subtle threat to Iran that any treaty made would be undone by a possible GOP successor to Obama, which is not going to happen, anyway. Please do not insult our intelligence.

I could say that nothing could be an insult to your intelligence beyond how you behave, but I will point out that a "treaty" only takes affect upon approval by the Senate. The letter points that out and correctly says that any agreement that is not approved by the Senate does not have the weight of law and ONLY carries weight during the Presidency of the President that made the agreement and could be modified by a future President. Perhaps the Republicans should have sent the letter to your side, as you seem unaware of that.

Fine, the agreement ONLY carries weight during THIS presidency.....and since you stand as much of a chance of getting a right winger in the WH as my dog to receive a Nobel, your retort means what?????

They GAVE a dog the Nobel, you idiot.

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