Republican Sr. Congressman, Don Young Embroiled in Wetbackgate

Just another oile of Libtard male bovine excrement! The Hispanics I know routinely use the term mojado for illegals. They also use pollos for those didn't cross the Rio Grande.


you are talking American born right?.....i believe the topic was Illegals calling themselves Wetbacks....i know plenty of born here Mexicans who call their cousins the same,and even other American Mex. guys in jest.....but i have never heard an Illegal refer to himself as a Wetback....
Calling a poor Mexican "wetback" is no more offensive than calling a poor white American a "redneck".

enough with the white victimhood. geesh./

What politicians have been calling poor whites where you live, 'rednecks'?

I see rednecks celebrating being rednecks:eek:
Just another oile of Libtard male bovine excrement! The Hispanics I know routinely use the term mojado for illegals. They also use pollos for those didn't cross the Rio Grande.


you are talking American born right?.....i believe the topic was Illegals calling themselves Wetbacks....i know plenty of born here Mexicans who call their cousins the same,and even other American Mex. guys in jest.....but i have never heard an Illegal refer to himself as a Wetback....

most of the 'wetbacks' worked fields this politician's family owned. were they mostly illegals?

FOX News Latino: U.S. Rep. Don Young in Hot Water for 'Wetback' Comment | Fox News Latino

Young said in the interview that his family farm had employed “50 to 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes.”

and I believe the man is sincere:
“I apologize for the insensitive term I used during an interview in Ketchikan, Alaska,” Young said in a statement. “There was no malice in my heart or intent to offend; it was a poor choice of words. That word, and the negative attitudes that come with it, should be left in the 20th century, and I’m sorry that this has shifted our focus away from comprehensive immigration reform.”
.since this was brought up the other day i asked the guy who lives next to me if that term is used among them .....he said if you have never crossed a river to get aint no wetback...he said he only knows one guy who fits that word....he said most of his brethren drove across in a Car coming to visit someone and just never left he did 17 years ago....well thats what i know....
As I said:
the term was originally coined and applied only to Mexicans who entered Texas by crossing the Rio Grande river

It's also used more broadly to refer to anyone who crosses rivers- especially by wading- during migration. Informally, it's a slur for illegals in general.

Just another oile of Libtard male bovine excrement! The Hispanics I know routinely use the term mojado for illegals. They also use pollos for those didn't cross the Rio Grande.


you are talking American born right?.....i believe the topic was Illegals calling themselves Wetbacks....i know plenty of born here Mexicans who call their cousins the same,and even other American Mex. guys in jest.....but i have never heard an Illegal refer to himself as a Wetback....

I'm also talking about Mexicans, whether here legally or not.

If they were born here - THEY AIN'T MEXICANS!!! :eusa_whistle:
.since this was brought up the other day i asked the guy who lives next to me if that term is used among them .....he said if you have never crossed a river to get aint no wetback...he said he only knows one guy who fits that word....he said most of his brethren drove across in a Car coming to visit someone and just never left he did 17 years ago....well thats what i know....
As I said:
the term was originally coined and applied only to Mexicans who entered Texas by crossing the Rio Grande river

It's also used more broadly to refer to anyone who crosses rivers- especially by wading- during migration. Informally, it's a slur for illegals in general.

you made a statement saying that Mexicans refer to themselves as Wetbacks.....i am just saying i have never heard any Mexican Illegal or otherwise refer to themselves as a Wetback....
Just another oile of Libtard male bovine excrement! The Hispanics I know routinely use the term mojado for illegals. They also use pollos for those didn't cross the Rio Grande.


you are talking American born right?.....i believe the topic was Illegals calling themselves Wetbacks....i know plenty of born here Mexicans who call their cousins the same,and even other American Mex. guys in jest.....but i have never heard an Illegal refer to himself as a Wetback....

I'm also talking about Mexicans, whether here legally or not.

If they were born here - THEY AIN'T MEXICANS!!! :eusa_whistle:
you just contradicted yourself....and i have never heard a Mexican Illegal or not refer to THEM SELF as a Wetback....
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Not accurate, Harry. I said wetbacks- not Mexicans, Latinos, or Chicanos- still refer to themselves at wetbacks.
GOP Congressman Don Young Walks Back 'Wetbacks' Comment Following Backlash: 'I Meant No Disrespect' - YouTube

This is absolutely reprehensible.

Not only was his non-apology fake apology insincere it was an outright lie.

How ELSE is the term "wetback" used from when you were a boy in California?

Republicans just cant let go of that damn shovel...can they?


I wonder how many GOPers will come to his defense?

I see that one or two has already publicly condemned the statements.

What say you USMB RWers?

Weigh in.

There are bigger issue than this bull shit
How about failure of obama for 4 years.

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