Republican Tampering With Early Voting Backfiring in Florida

Black Christians should vote for the pro-life, traditional marriage candidate. That is if they vote their values.

Chances are....... they're just gonna vote for the black guy.

Yeah because triditionaly black folks never vote democrat. Personally most of my views are conservative. I am pro life, death penalty, lower taxes ( when economy is good) less government (FOR REAL) less spending, pro gun and so on. But most of all I am pro working class and the Republican Party is not.

So basically you are willing to throw all your so called values in the trash in Favor of the Candidate you think will be best for you pocket book.

The biggest issues of this election are the economy and the debt. Most people are voting for the candidate that will be best for their pocket book. I know some of the whackos on this board still think two men marrying is "icky", but keep your religious agenda out of our government.
Raising you to be dependent on the federal government's largesse is not "pro working class".


I wasn't raised to be dependent on anything but myself. I am the youngest of six kids all are college graduates all are doing well. My parents were married and lived together til I was about 12. I have always been taught that if I want to succeed I have to work twice as hard as white folks. I was never taught to beg for anything. I was taught that if my kids don't have it twice as good as I did then I failed. I was also taught that republicans are not for the working man. I have never used a food stamp in my life. So fuck you

Every time a societal ill is brought up on TV or in any public forum, I want you to starting paying attention to how many times the immediate response to the problem, no matter what it is, is, "Why is the government not doing something/more about this?"

You will find this is the demand close to 100 percent of the time.

We have a serious government dependency problem.

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Oh no you dint!

Black Churches in Florida Urge Congregations to Vote -

Don't think we've forgotten Trayvon Martin down here, either.

Happy election, y'all. I'm voting tonight.

Black Christians should vote for the pro-life, traditional marriage candidate. That is if they vote their values.

Chances are....... they're just gonna vote for the black guy.
No, they are going to vote for the Democrat who happens to be a Black guy.
Raising you to be dependent on the federal government's largesse is not "pro working class".


I wasn't raised to be dependent on anything but myself. I am the youngest of six kids all are college graduates all are doing well. My parents were married and lived together til I was about 12. I have always been taught that if I want to succeed I have to work twice as hard as white folks. I was never taught to beg for anything. I was taught that if my kids don't have it twice as good as I did then I failed. I was also taught that republicans are not for the working man. I have never used a food stamp in my life. So fuck you

can you give us some basis for this statemenrt?

Proof maybe?

It came from the successful mindset and class of Black people who were discriminated against both de jure and de facto before the late 1980's. They realized that the deck was stacked against them unfairly because of the racist pigs who were in the power structure and normal everyday life, so instead of lying down and just fulfilling some mold set out for them, they wanted to succeed and they knew that if they wanted to exceed and integrate into the upper levels of success and society, "they had to work twice as hard" as their white counterparts who didn't face that same discrimination and had contacts..
Black Christians should vote for the pro-life, traditional marriage candidate. That is if they vote their values.

Chances are....... they're just gonna vote for the black guy.

Yeah because triditionaly black folks never vote democrat. Personally most of my views are conservative. I am pro life, death penalty, lower taxes ( when economy is good) less government (FOR REAL) less spending, pro gun and so on. But most of all I am pro working class and the Republican Party is not.

America is a classless society. This 'class' bullshit is European bullshit that has no place in our country.

And, so you know, neither party is 'for' the 'working class'. They are both for their own self interest. Fortunately, Romney isn't a DC insider. He's actually done real shit for real people.

And I have already voted - Romney Ryan 2012.

How come Romney states that he's for the middle class in his campaign ads?
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I wasn't raised to be dependent on anything but myself. I am the youngest of six kids all are college graduates all are doing well. My parents were married and lived together til I was about 12. I have always been taught that if I want to succeed I have to work twice as hard as white folks. I was never taught to beg for anything. I was taught that if my kids don't have it twice as good as I did then I failed. I was also taught that republicans are not for the working man. I have never used a food stamp in my life. So fuck you

can you give us some basis for this statemenrt?

Proof maybe?

It came from the successful mindset and class of Black people who were discriminated against both de jure and de facto before the late 1980's. They realized that the deck was stacked against them unfairly because of the racist pigs who were in the power structure and normal everyday life, so instead of lying down and just fulfilling some mold set out for them, they wanted to succeed and they knew that if they wanted to exceed and integrate into the upper levels of success and society, "they had to work twice as hard" as their white counterparts who didn't face that same discrimination and had contacts..

not as hard?

not 1.5 times as hard?

not three times as hard?

got any stats?


Affirmative action has been around quite a while
I love all these personal stories that can't be verified.

fuck verifying my story, you can choose to think im full of shit for all I care. All I know is racism is still alive and well. The fact some of you need to still be reminded of the plights of many in his nation speaks volumes of the ignorance many in this nation still cling to.
Oh no you dint!

Black Churches in Florida Urge Congregations to Vote -

Don't think we've forgotten Trayvon Martin down here, either.

Happy election, y'all. I'm voting tonight.

Black Christians should vote for the pro-life, traditional marriage candidate. That is if they vote their values.

Chances are....... they're just gonna vote for the black guy.

and of course, that's not true at all but it makes a nice talk track. I wonder sometimes if the GOP has any substance or if it’s all talk tracks, you know, like how the talking heads on Fox will say something off the wall on one program, like "Obama is from Mars" and on the following show they will report that "You know, people are saying that Obama is from Mars, I wonder if there's any truth to that”, then people like you keep the talking points going until it takes on a life of its own.

It's an interesting sociological phenomenon and you're a good sheep.
Black Christians should vote for the pro-life, traditional marriage candidate. That is if they vote their values.

Not all Christians are anti-abortion. Jesus and the bible are remarkably silent on the concept.

Nice use of "No True Scotsman" fallacy, though.
What a lying skank.

Where's the fake outrage about separation of church and state?

guess that bullshit only counts when they support a conservative.

fucking low life.

Read the article. The ministers specifically avoided endorsing any candidates and just reminded people to exercise their right to vote. I bet a lot of white evangelical religious types will be doing the same this weekend from the pulpit, and it is their legal right to do so.

But, your ongoing stupidity is duly noted.
If Republicans weren't lying and cheating, then I know something would be wrong.
Oh no you dint!

Black Churches in Florida Urge Congregations to Vote -

Don't think we've forgotten Trayvon Martin down here, either.

Happy election, y'all. I'm voting tonight.

Black Christians should vote for the pro-life, traditional marriage candidate. That is if they vote their values.

Chances are....... they're just gonna vote for the black guy.

If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers, in any of the towns of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.
I love all these personal stories that can't be verified.

fuck verifying my story, you can choose to think im full of shit for all I care. All I know is racism is still alive and well. The fact some of you need to still be reminded of the plights of many in his nation speaks volumes of the ignorance many in this nation still cling to.

oh the poor overweight things
The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor; the wicked does not understand such concern.-Prov. 29:7

I'm not concerned about the poor-Mitt Romney

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