Republican Tax Legislation A Scourge On America!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Republican members of the U.S. Senate and of the U.S. House of Representatives that voted for this tax bill that passed each chamber in the last twenty-four hours thereby guaranteeing it will be enacted into law have hurt the American people so bad you have caused catastrophic harm to our standard of living and our way of life because with your tax bill you killed any hope of solving our national debt problem in these times and guaranteed it will get outstandingly worse because your deed here demonstrates that your'e not trustworthily committed to solving the problem which entails everyone making great sacrifices to solve the problem big business, non-big business, the wealthy, the middle class and low income Americans because your bill is overly generous to corporations and the wealthy who own a lot of stock who will be getting a big pay day from the income tax cuts, stock dividends and rise of stock values this bill will bring. Now the Democrats will justifiably and understandably say when the issue of federal spending cuts comes up to get the national debt at a good level forget it you're not hurting my constituents after this tax bill spectacle. What you Republicans have done with this legislation is condemned the American people to a future where our national debt reduces our standard of living. This legislation will cause our national debt to break the ceiling of $ 28 trillion within ten years for there was already so many major pressures on the federal budget that American politicians struggle to find the wherewithal to rein in now the Republicans are adding into this mix this tax bill that optimistically experts say will add a trillion dollars to the national debt factoring in increases in economic growth and a wise person would conclude it will cost much more factoring in increases in interest rates this bill will bring it already caused the FRB December hike in the Fed Fund rate. The crushing national debt this bill will bring means not only higher interest rates which will affect things like mortgage rates and auto loan rates but also the Federal Gov't's bill for interest on the debt will move dramatically higher foreseeably exceeding twenty cents on the dollar of tax revenue taken in by the Federal government meaning this money won't be used for things like lowering young people's cost to go to college, medical research and repairs of roads and bridges!

Members of Congress have a duty to protect the fundamental welfare and well-being of America which Republicans dramatically, severely and unquestionably breached with enactment of this tax legislation. Every Republican member of the House and Senate that voted for and caused this bill to be enacted into law deserves to permanently lose his or her job over it and never hold elected office or a public job at any government level in America ever! The harm to America's national debt problem this legislation inescapably locks in and the burden this problem places on the American people especially future generations is beyond words to accurately describe!

The American people really need to learn two lessons from this tax legislation disaster. First, it has been disgraceful the TV news media's coverage of this tax legislation process in the last few days when it was getting to its last stage of passage because it was so measly and superficial. This media failed in their duty to fully inform the American public of what was going on and the meaning of it. There was probably more or close to the coverage of this issue as there was coverage of the garbage issue harassing Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller; what a waste of time all this focus on whether his staff did wrong getting the e-mails of Donald Trump's transition team. How ridiculous the American people know with certainty that Mr. Trump's campaign manager the person captaining the ship of his presidential campaign, Paul Manafort, was at a meeting set-up by Donald Trump's son with a Russian lawyer where the purpose of the meeting was to get information this lawyer was supposed to have which she received from the Russian government that would hurt the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Any responsible Judge would have issued a warrant for these e-mails to provide the law enforcement investigation with the authority to reasonably pursue finding potential evidence of other back door communications between the Trump team and the Russian government. I'm not sure of the solution here. Maybe require cable distributors to have one news media channel with a national non-profit news media organization whose mission is to be a watch dog group for the national government. By law limit the pay of the staff of this entire organization make a ceiling equal to the average salary of a public school principle across the nation. Have the board of directors be elected every six hears by a group of grass root collection of American's comprised of the lowest level of elected Americans, assemblyman, etc.. It is not important this watch dog media group provide twenty-four hours of coverage per day they could provide just eight hours and require the cable TV distributors to pay this group at least the pro-rate price they pay the least costly commercial channel in their system so this group would have a decent budget.

The second lesson from this disaster is that our legislative process needs tweaking so that it is accountable to the American people. If this bill had three weeks from the time it was publicly released from the conference committee to the first scheduled vote it would not have passed either chamber, ordinary Americans speaking out against it would have risen to a Tsunami level! Today, after the Senate passed the bill and hours before the House will vote the TV media is now really comprehensively covering this bill and the American people are learning there are real problems with this legislation it is going to be a huge mess for the American people! It is going to dramatically increase the gaming of America's income tax system, it will cause states to lose residents and preciously needed income, it will disincentivize home ownership in America lessening the American dream, it almost guarantees a credit rating downgrade for America and God only knows what crisis that will bring, etc.etc.etc.. I don't know what the solution is here probably it would help if the country changed the constitution to require the Congessional Budget Office to make a full cost estimate report of every bill voted on by a chamber of Congress that was raising revenue and/or cutting expenses by a billion dollars and the respective chamber could not vote on the bill until 72 hours after the CBO publicly released that report. The Republicans jabber mouthed something like that they wanted to enact this tax legislation in time to give the American people joy for Christmas what they delivered is a pit in our stomachs that we never know when it will go away!
The Republican members of the U.S. Senate and of the U.S. House of Representatives that voted for this tax bill that passed each chamber in the last twenty-four hours thereby guaranteeing it will be enacted into law have hurt the American people so bad you have caused catastrophic harm to our standard of living and our way of life because with your tax bill you killed any hope of solving our national debt problem in these times and guaranteed it will get outstandingly worse because your deed here demonstrates that your'e not trustworthily committed to solving the problem which entails everyone making great sacrifices to solve the problem big business, non-big business, the wealthy, the middle class and low income Americans because your bill is overly generous to corporations and the wealthy who own a lot of stock who will be getting a big pay day from the income tax cuts, stock dividends and rise of stock values this bill will bring. Now the Democrats will justifiably and understandably say when the issue of federal spending cuts comes up to get the national debt at a good level forget it you're not hurting my constituents after this tax bill spectacle. What you Republicans have done with this legislation is condemned the American people to a future where our national debt reduces our standard of living. This legislation will cause our national debt to break the ceiling of $ 28 trillion within ten years for there was already so many major pressures on the federal budget that American politicians struggle to find the wherewithal to rein in now the Republicans are adding into this mix this tax bill that optimistically experts say will add a trillion dollars to the national debt factoring in increases in economic growth and a wise person would conclude it will cost much more factoring in increases in interest rates this bill will bring it already caused the FRB December hike in the Fed Fund rate. The crushing national debt this bill will bring means not only higher interest rates which will affect things like mortgage rates and auto loan rates but also the Federal Gov't's bill for interest on the debt will move dramatically higher foreseeably exceeding twenty cents on the dollar of tax revenue taken in by the Federal government meaning this money won't be used for things like lowering young people's cost to go to college, medical research and repairs of roads and bridges!

Members of Congress have a duty to protect the fundamental welfare and well-being of America which Republicans dramatically, severely and unquestionably breached with enactment of this tax legislation. Every Republican member of the House and Senate that voted for and caused this bill to be enacted into law deserves to permanently lose his or her job over it and never hold elected office or a public job at any government level in America ever! The harm to America's national debt problem this legislation inescapably locks in and the burden this problem places on the American people especially future generations is beyond words to accurately describe!

The American people really need to learn two lessons from this tax legislation disaster. First, it has been disgraceful the TV news media's coverage of this tax legislation process in the last few days when it was getting to its last stage of passage because it was so measly and superficial. This media failed in their duty to fully inform the American public of what was going on and the meaning of it. There was probably more or close to the coverage of this issue as there was coverage of the garbage issue harassing Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller; what a waste of time all this focus on whether his staff did wrong getting the e-mails of Donald Trump's transition team. How ridiculous the American people know with certainty that Mr. Trump's campaign manager the person captaining the ship of his presidential campaign, Paul Manafort, was at a meeting set-up by Donald Trump's son with a Russian lawyer where the purpose of the meeting was to get information this lawyer was supposed to have which she received from the Russian government that would hurt the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Any responsible Judge would have issued a warrant for these e-mails to provide the law enforcement investigation with the authority to reasonably pursue finding potential evidence of other back door communications between the Trump team and the Russian government. I'm not sure of the solution here. Maybe require cable distributors to have one news media channel with a national non-profit news media organization whose mission is to be a watch dog group for the national government. By law limit the pay of the staff of this entire organization make a ceiling equal to the average salary of a public school principle across the nation. Have the board of directors be elected every six hears by a group of grass root collection of American's comprised of the lowest level of elected Americans, assemblyman, etc.. It is not important this watch dog media group provide twenty-four hours of coverage per day they could provide just eight hours and require the cable TV distributors to pay this group at least the pro-rate price they pay the least costly commercial channel in their system so this group would have a decent budget.

The second lesson from this disaster is that our legislative process needs tweaking so that it is accountable to the American people. If this bill had three weeks from the time it was publicly released from the conference committee to the first scheduled vote it would not have passed either chamber, ordinary Americans speaking out against it would have risen to a Tsunami level! Today, after the Senate passed the bill and hours before the House will vote the TV media is now really comprehensively covering this bill and the American people are learning there are real problems with this legislation it is going to be a huge mess for the American people! It is going to dramatically increase the gaming of America's income tax system, it will cause states to lose residents and preciously needed income, it will disincentivize home ownership in America lessening the American dream, it almost guarantees a credit rating downgrade for America and God only knows what crisis that will bring, etc.etc.etc.. I don't know what the solution is here probably it would help if the country changed the constitution to require the Congessional Budget Office to make a full cost estimate report of every bill voted on by a chamber of Congress that was raising revenue and/or cutting expenses by a billion dollars and the respective chamber could not vote on the bill until 72 hours after the CBO publicly released that report. The Republicans jabber mouthed something like that they wanted to enact this tax legislation in time to give the American people joy for Christmas what they delivered is a pit in our stomachs that we never know when it will go away!
Give me specifics you leftist twit!
Upchuck Scummer and Nancy Pelousey just keep regurgitating the same puke! People are gonna die, breaks for the rich and on and on and on. Unless you can cite specifically how these tax benefits are bad, please STFU!
Give me specifics you leftist twit!
Upchuck Scummer and Nancy Pelousey just keep regurgitating the same puke! People are gonna die, breaks for the rich and on and on and on. Unless you can cite specifically how these tax benefits are bad, please STFU!

Because, to Dimocrats, it is a travesty to allow people to keep more of their own money.

Only the government knows what to do with cash/funds since they create it anyway.

roflmao, that is all so much horse shit
The Republican members of the U.S. Senate and of the U.S. House of Representatives that voted for this tax bill that passed each chamber in the last twenty-four hours thereby guaranteeing it will be enacted into law have hurt the American people so bad you have caused catastrophic harm to our standard of living and our way of life because with your tax bill you killed any hope of solving our national debt problem in these times and guaranteed it will get outstandingly worse because your deed here demonstrates that your'e not trustworthily committed to solving the problem which entails everyone making great sacrifices to solve the problem big business, non-big business, the wealthy, the middle class and low income Americans because your bill is overly generous to corporations and the wealthy who own a lot of stock who will be getting a big pay day from the income tax cuts, stock dividends and rise of stock values this bill will bring. Now the Democrats will justifiably and understandably say when the issue of federal spending cuts comes up to get the national debt at a good level forget it you're not hurting my constituents after this tax bill spectacle. What you Republicans have done with this legislation is condemned the American people to a future where our national debt reduces our standard of living. This legislation will cause our national debt to break the ceiling of $ 28 trillion within ten years for there was already so many major pressures on the federal budget that American politicians struggle to find the wherewithal to rein in now the Republicans are adding into this mix this tax bill that optimistically experts say will add a trillion dollars to the national debt factoring in increases in economic growth and a wise person would conclude it will cost much more factoring in increases in interest rates this bill will bring it already caused the FRB December hike in the Fed Fund rate. The crushing national debt this bill will bring means not only higher interest rates which will affect things like mortgage rates and auto loan rates but also the Federal Gov't's bill for interest on the debt will move dramatically higher foreseeably exceeding twenty cents on the dollar of tax revenue taken in by the Federal government meaning this money won't be used for things like lowering young people's cost to go to college, medical research and repairs of roads and bridges!

Members of Congress have a duty to protect the fundamental welfare and well-being of America which Republicans dramatically, severely and unquestionably breached with enactment of this tax legislation. Every Republican member of the House and Senate that voted for and caused this bill to be enacted into law deserves to permanently lose his or her job over it and never hold elected office or a public job at any government level in America ever! The harm to America's national debt problem this legislation inescapably locks in and the burden this problem places on the American people especially future generations is beyond words to accurately describe!

The American people really need to learn two lessons from this tax legislation disaster. First, it has been disgraceful the TV news media's coverage of this tax legislation process in the last few days when it was getting to its last stage of passage because it was so measly and superficial. This media failed in their duty to fully inform the American public of what was going on and the meaning of it. There was probably more or close to the coverage of this issue as there was coverage of the garbage issue harassing Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller; what a waste of time all this focus on whether his staff did wrong getting the e-mails of Donald Trump's transition team. How ridiculous the American people know with certainty that Mr. Trump's campaign manager the person captaining the ship of his presidential campaign, Paul Manafort, was at a meeting set-up by Donald Trump's son with a Russian lawyer where the purpose of the meeting was to get information this lawyer was supposed to have which she received from the Russian government that would hurt the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Any responsible Judge would have issued a warrant for these e-mails to provide the law enforcement investigation with the authority to reasonably pursue finding potential evidence of other back door communications between the Trump team and the Russian government. I'm not sure of the solution here. Maybe require cable distributors to have one news media channel with a national non-profit news media organization whose mission is to be a watch dog group for the national government. By law limit the pay of the staff of this entire organization make a ceiling equal to the average salary of a public school principle across the nation. Have the board of directors be elected every six hears by a group of grass root collection of American's comprised of the lowest level of elected Americans, assemblyman, etc.. It is not important this watch dog media group provide twenty-four hours of coverage per day they could provide just eight hours and require the cable TV distributors to pay this group at least the pro-rate price they pay the least costly commercial channel in their system so this group would have a decent budget.

The second lesson from this disaster is that our legislative process needs tweaking so that it is accountable to the American people. If this bill had three weeks from the time it was publicly released from the conference committee to the first scheduled vote it would not have passed either chamber, ordinary Americans speaking out against it would have risen to a Tsunami level! Today, after the Senate passed the bill and hours before the House will vote the TV media is now really comprehensively covering this bill and the American people are learning there are real problems with this legislation it is going to be a huge mess for the American people! It is going to dramatically increase the gaming of America's income tax system, it will cause states to lose residents and preciously needed income, it will disincentivize home ownership in America lessening the American dream, it almost guarantees a credit rating downgrade for America and God only knows what crisis that will bring, etc.etc.etc.. I don't know what the solution is here probably it would help if the country changed the constitution to require the Congessional Budget Office to make a full cost estimate report of every bill voted on by a chamber of Congress that was raising revenue and/or cutting expenses by a billion dollars and the respective chamber could not vote on the bill until 72 hours after the CBO publicly released that report. The Republicans jabber mouthed something like that they wanted to enact this tax legislation in time to give the American people joy for Christmas what they delivered is a pit in our stomachs that we never know when it will go away!
Give me specifics you leftist twit!
Upchuck Scummer and Nancy Pelousey just keep regurgitating the same puke! People are gonna die, breaks for the rich and on and on and on. Unless you can cite specifically how these tax benefits are bad, please STFU!

This is how. These are best FACT-Based reviews. NO LYING NEEDED.
Stop living and spewing the great DOPer Douche lifestyle of anti-reality LIES!
In the months forward we will see the 1%ers rape of Amerca in the other 900 plus pages.
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