Republican Treachery in Congress, Expect Trump to hit 60%

Prepare yourselves for full on Socialism because the Republicans are going to lose the House, Senate and the Presidency. President Hillary and speaker Pelosi will cram through every leftist agenda item they missed when they crammed Obamacare down our throats. They will govern without fear because they will have such large majorities, they can tell the GOP to go fuck themselves.

The democrats can't believe the deal they got from the GOP house and Senate. Even more than what they asked for. GOP is afraid that they will be called racist for opposing Obama; so it only goes to show they will be afraid to be called sexist toward Hillary. The people are tired of the republicans and I predict they will be removed en masses when we should be winning overwhelming majorities with a GOP president.

You blew it. The fucking democrats are creaming their pants. I see no reason for having the GOP being the opposition party. They aren't opposing anything.
You have only your whiny selves to blame for this if you idiots take your ball and go home and don't vote.
The piece of crap just passed by Congress shows exactly why Americans are looking for someone outside that cluster fark to lead.

Ryan is now whining that he had no choice but to do this in order to avoid a government shut down.

Americans want the government shut down!
Americans do not want that. 20% of loud Americans want that.
I think its an even split. Believe it or not, most Americans dont depend on the federal government on a daily basis and could do without it quite well.

Unfortunately I am not one of them, lol.
You have only your whiny selves to blame for this if you idiots take your ball and go home and don't vote.
Bullshit. IF the GOP fails to give us a candidate that we WANT to vote for it is on THEM not us for stayhing home.

We have no obligation to vote for the GOP's half-loaf RINO
You have only your whiny selves to blame for this if you idiots take your ball and go home and don't vote.
Bullshit. IF the GOP fails to give us a candidate that we WANT to vote for it is on THEM not us for stayhing home.

We have no obligation to vote for the GOP's half-loaf RINO
Well if you don't want a Dem President, you should vote for the RINO. Don't you think Mitt would have given you more of the policy you want than Obama has? Imagine what would have passed today if Romney were President.
Well if you don't want a Dem President, you should vote for the RINO. Don't you think Mitt would have given you more of the policy you want than Obama has? Imagine what would have passed today if Romney were President.
If Romney were President we would still have the same problems, but with a different spin.

There is no substantial difference between neocon RINOs who want to tax us more to spend on wars over seas and 'national security' vrs liberals who want to tax us more spend more to support their political patronage network that keeps them in office by buying votes.

Either way we and the rest of America LOSES.

The lesser of two evils is still evil and I am not doing it any more. Take the full evil dose and maybe it will cause a natural purging of the system, rather than continuing things as normal and never ridding oneself of the poison.
After the budget vote, do you still believe there is a difference between the parties?
Flip side of the same coin as they say!
Well if you don't want a Dem President, you should vote for the RINO. Don't you think Mitt would have given you more of the policy you want than Obama has? Imagine what would have passed today if Romney were President.
If Romney were President we would still have the same problems, but with a different spin.

There is no substantial difference between neocon RINOs who want to tax us more to spend on wars over seas and 'national security' vrs liberals who want to tax us more spend more to support their political patronage network that keeps them in office by buying votes.

Either way we and the rest of America LOSES.

The lesser of two evils is still evil and I am not doing it any more. Take the full evil dose and maybe it will cause a natural purging of the system, rather than continuing things as normal and never ridding oneself of the poison.
Romney wanted to cut taxes.
Well if you don't want a Dem President, you should vote for the RINO. Don't you think Mitt would have given you more of the policy you want than Obama has? Imagine what would have passed today if Romney were President.
If Romney were President we would still have the same problems, but with a different spin.

There is no substantial difference between neocon RINOs who want to tax us more to spend on wars over seas and 'national security' vrs liberals who want to tax us more spend more to support their political patronage network that keeps them in office by buying votes.

Either way we and the rest of America LOSES.

The lesser of two evils is still evil and I am not doing it any more. Take the full evil dose and maybe it will cause a natural purging of the system, rather than continuing things as normal and never ridding oneself of the poison.
Romney wanted to cut taxes.
So he said. But he raised them in his own state while governor.
Doubt this will wake the sheeple up. Nothing seems like it will. There is not one damn difference that matters between the republicans and democrats.
Poor Jebba the Bush, no one wants to listen to him wonkout while the Establishment of the GOP rapes America.

And the White House crows about how they snookered the GOP once again, as they have every right to do sinbce they did what they boast about; made the GOP look like idiots. But who are the real idiots; the lying politicians or the idiots that keep voting for them?

He listed half a dozen budget battles where the White House won, including fighting off efforts to delay Mr. Obama’s plan to accept Syrian refugees, defeating a GOP effort to cut funding to combat climate change, stopping an attempt to block the National Labor Relations Board from expanding employer liability, and halting an effort to repeal a tax on medical devices.

“We walked into these negotiations focused on making sure that Republicans would not succeed in advancing their ideological agenda,” Mr. Earnest said. “There were a variety of attempts… and we did succeed in fighting off those efforts.”

Even on one of the few setbacks for President Obama — the lifting of a ban on U.S. crude oil exports — Mr. Earnest said the loss was not particularly troubling because the U.S. already exports 4.3 million barrels of refined petroleum per day and another 500,000 barrels of crude oil via wavers of the ban.

White House declares total victory over GOP in budget battle

The White House didn't make the GOP look like idiots. The GOP took care of that themselves.
The White House makes dimwits and their supporters look like the idiots they are.
Sure they are. They oppose everything. That's what put you in this position.
You are such a stupid fucktard.

The GOP did not oppose everything, you lying moron. They had their own agenda they tried to promote and gave up on because of their stupidity and cowardice.

Only Marxist libtards like you consider their agenda the only thing that counts as relevant, you fucking shit 4 brains.

Don't hold back. Tell me what you really think. The right has done nothing but obstruct, and you are an idiot if you think differently.
And the White House crows about how they snookered the GOP once again, as they have every right to do sinbce they did what they boast about; made the GOP look like idiots. But who are the real idiots; the lying politicians or the idiots that keep voting for them?

He listed half a dozen budget battles where the White House won, including fighting off efforts to delay Mr. Obama’s plan to accept Syrian refugees, defeating a GOP effort to cut funding to combat climate change, stopping an attempt to block the National Labor Relations Board from expanding employer liability, and halting an effort to repeal a tax on medical devices.

“We walked into these negotiations focused on making sure that Republicans would not succeed in advancing their ideological agenda,” Mr. Earnest said. “There were a variety of attempts… and we did succeed in fighting off those efforts.”

Even on one of the few setbacks for President Obama — the lifting of a ban on U.S. crude oil exports — Mr. Earnest said the loss was not particularly troubling because the U.S. already exports 4.3 million barrels of refined petroleum per day and another 500,000 barrels of crude oil via wavers of the ban.

White House declares total victory over GOP in budget battle

The White House didn't make the GOP look like idiots. The GOP took care of that themselves.
The White House makes dimwits and their supporters look like the idiots they are.

Perhaps to someone in your shrinking bubble. It's sad to see so many intentionally stupid right wingers.
Don't hold back. Tell me what you really think. The right has done nothing but obstruct, and you are an idiot if you think differently.
No, Bulldog, you need to wake up to the Reality that there is no left vrs right any more, if there ever really was in the first place.

What we do have are those who serve corporate interests and those who do not.

Nothing else matters. Either the people run this country or they do not, and right now the corporations are using this false dichotomy between neocon war mongers and libtard Marxism to divide the working class against itself while they run the truly important levers of power behind the scenes.

This must end, and end soon.
Don't hold back. Tell me what you really think. The right has done nothing but obstruct, and you are an idiot if you think differently.
No, Bulldog, you need to wake up to the Reality that there is no left vrs right any more, if there ever really was in the first place.

What we do have are those who serve corporate interests and those who do not.

Nothing else matters. Either the people run this country or they do not, and right now the corporations are using this false dichotomy between neocon war mongers and libtard Marxism to divide the working class against itself while they run the truly important levers of power behind the scenes.

This must end, and end soon.

Four or five years ago, I would never have believed the post I quoted of yours. Today, it is more than obvious that both parties are pandering to corporate interests, and the people are just something to be managed.

It also spells out why every far lefty, or establishment RINO are so against Trump and Cruz. They know if either of them are elected, a big wrench is going to be thrown into the Washington, lobbyist, machine.

It is also more than evident (lol, no stuff) that their are PAID posters on here constantly trying to tear down anything or anybody not establishment. They even have the audacity to attack temporarily suspending immigration to find better ways to protect American citizens.

I understand the free speech thing, but in the past when we were actually one country, both Republicans and Democrats would have accosted these type of posters; instead, what you have is conservatives trying to defend the will of the people, and the establishment of both parties on here basically suggesting the American people go fu** off because they know better. That is the 1st sentence. In the 2nd sentence, they tell you there is absolutely NOTHING you can do, because Hillary is going to get elected, no matter how much government ignores the will of the people.

I am sorry, I don't believe it. I think Americans are going to rise up, and throw these clowns out. Americans have always answered the bell when they had to, and I am sorry to say, this time, they absolutely have to.
Don't hold back. Tell me what you really think. The right has done nothing but obstruct, and you are an idiot if you think differently.
No, Bulldog, you need to wake up to the Reality that there is no left vrs right any more, if there ever really was in the first place.

What we do have are those who serve corporate interests and those who do not.

Nothing else matters. Either the people run this country or they do not, and right now the corporations are using this false dichotomy between neocon war mongers and libtard Marxism to divide the working class against itself while they run the truly important levers of power behind the scenes.

This must end, and end soon.

No left and no right? Then why do you always vote republican?
Don't hold back. Tell me what you really think. The right has done nothing but obstruct, and you are an idiot if you think differently.
No, Bulldog, you need to wake up to the Reality that there is no left vrs right any more, if there ever really was in the first place.

What we do have are those who serve corporate interests and those who do not.

Nothing else matters. Either the people run this country or they do not, and right now the corporations are using this false dichotomy between neocon war mongers and libtard Marxism to divide the working class against itself while they run the truly important levers of power behind the scenes.

This must end, and end soon.

Four or five years ago, I would never have believed the post I quoted of yours. Today, it is more than obvious that both parties are pandering to corporate interests, and the people are just something to be managed.

It also spells out why every far lefty, or establishment RINO are so against Trump and Cruz. They know if either of them are elected, a big wrench is going to be thrown into the Washington, lobbyist, machine.

It is also more than evident (lol, no stuff) that their are PAID posters on here constantly trying to tear down anything or anybody not establishment. They even have the audacity to attack temporarily suspending immigration to find better ways to protect American citizens.

I understand the free speech thing, but in the past when we were actually one country, both Republicans and Democrats would have accosted these type of posters; instead, what you have is conservatives trying to defend the will of the people, and the establishment of both parties on here basically suggesting the American people go fu** off because they know better. That is the 1st sentence. In the 2nd sentence, they tell you there is absolutely NOTHING you can do, because Hillary is going to get elected, no matter how much government ignores the will of the people.

I am sorry, I don't believe it. I think Americans are going to rise up, and throw these clowns out. Americans have always answered the bell when they had to, and I am sorry to say, this time, they absolutely have to.

Are you saying the government is going to give Hillary the presidency just like the Supremes gave it to bush when he didn't have the most votes? There will be an election, and the will of the people will be shown by the one with the most votes.
I think you will see a huge "anti-Establishment" vote in 2016. Incumbents got a lot to answer for and new faces from both parties are going to have a great chance if they play it right.
I think you will see a huge "anti-Establishment" vote in 2016. Incumbents got a lot to answer for and new faces from both parties are going to have a great chance if they play it right.

Teapers have already produced a large anti establishment vote, and look how those clowns have done nothing but obstruct. Kinda dumb to elect someone as part of the government when they don't believe in government to start with.

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