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Republicans Admit They Have No Fact Witnesses. Trump Did It

House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents to dispute the main facts concerning President Trumpā€™s impeachable conduct: a demand from Ukraine for dirt on a political rival; withholding of aid vital to Ukraineā€™s defense against Russia; concealing evidence of the scheme by moving a transcript to a secret server; and threatening the tipster who alerted Congress to gross malfeasance. They admitted all that? Well, in a manner of speaking they did.

The Post reports:

House Republicans sent Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) a list of witnesses they want to testify in the impeachment inquiry, including former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s son Hunter Biden and the anonymous whistleblower who filed the initial complaint against President Trump. ...
Schiff is likely to reject many, if not all, of the witnesses from the Republicansā€™ wish list.

Hunter Biden lacks any direct knowledge of anything that occurred in the Trump White House, and hence he cannot rebut evidence of Trumpā€™s demand that Ukraine interfere with our election. By Republicansā€™ own admission, the whistleblower lacks first-hand knowledge of events.

(ā€œWitnesses who testified out of public view have corroborated the crux of the case against Trump ā€” that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his political rivals ā€” so the Democrats see no need for the whistleblower, who heard the story secondhand, to testify. Three career State Department officials are returning next week for the public hearings.ā€)

All Republicans have are distractions, stunts to generate claims of unfairness, and gimmicks to threaten the life and career of the whistleblower. Itā€™s remarkable, really, that they could stipulate to every fact about which the witnesses testified under oath.
There was no crime. There was no quid pro quo. There was no impeachable offense. Ergo, there are NO witnesses. Get your head out of the "I hate Trump" zone. It ruins your judgement.

Trump/Biden/Ukraine conspiracy totally DEBUNKED loooooooooooong ago ...

House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents to dispute the main facts concerning President Trumpā€™s impeachable conduct: a demand from Ukraine for dirt on a political rival; withholding of aid vital to Ukraineā€™s defense against Russia; concealing evidence of the scheme by moving a transcript to a secret server; and threatening the tipster who alerted Congress to gross malfeasance. They admitted all that? Well, in a manner of speaking they did.

The Post reports:

House Republicans sent Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) a list of witnesses they want to testify in the impeachment inquiry, including former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s son Hunter Biden and the anonymous whistleblower who filed the initial complaint against President Trump. ...
Schiff is likely to reject many, if not all, of the witnesses from the Republicansā€™ wish list.

Hunter Biden lacks any direct knowledge of anything that occurred in the Trump White House, and hence he cannot rebut evidence of Trumpā€™s demand that Ukraine interfere with our election. By Republicansā€™ own admission, the whistleblower lacks first-hand knowledge of events.

(ā€œWitnesses who testified out of public view have corroborated the crux of the case against Trump ā€” that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his political rivals ā€” so the Democrats see no need for the whistleblower, who heard the story secondhand, to testify. Three career State Department officials are returning next week for the public hearings.ā€)

All Republicans have are distractions, stunts to generate claims of unfairness, and gimmicks to threaten the life and career of the whistleblower. Itā€™s remarkable, really, that they could stipulate to every fact about which the witnesses testified under oath.
There was no crime. There was no quid pro quo. There was no impeachable offense. Ergo, there are NO witnesses. Get your head out of the "I hate Trump" zone. It ruins your judgement.

correct - Trump lied from the start -

Trump's own staff repeatedly warned him that his theory about Democrats and Ukraine had been debunked
House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents to dispute the main facts concerning President Trumpā€™s impeachable conduct: a demand from Ukraine for dirt on a political rival; withholding of aid vital to Ukraineā€™s defense against Russia; concealing evidence of the scheme by moving a transcript to a secret server; and threatening the tipster who alerted Congress to gross malfeasance. They admitted all that? Well, in a manner of speaking they did.

The Post reports:

House Republicans sent Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) a list of witnesses they want to testify in the impeachment inquiry, including former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s son Hunter Biden and the anonymous whistleblower who filed the initial complaint against President Trump. ...
Schiff is likely to reject many, if not all, of the witnesses from the Republicansā€™ wish list.

Hunter Biden lacks any direct knowledge of anything that occurred in the Trump White House, and hence he cannot rebut evidence of Trumpā€™s demand that Ukraine interfere with our election. By Republicansā€™ own admission, the whistleblower lacks first-hand knowledge of events.

(ā€œWitnesses who testified out of public view have corroborated the crux of the case against Trump ā€” that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his political rivals ā€” so the Democrats see no need for the whistleblower, who heard the story secondhand, to testify. Three career State Department officials are returning next week for the public hearings.ā€)

All Republicans have are distractions, stunts to generate claims of unfairness, and gimmicks to threaten the life and career of the whistleblower. Itā€™s remarkable, really, that they could stipulate to every fact about which the witnesses testified under oath.
There was no crime. There was no quid pro quo. There was no impeachable offense. Ergo, there are NO witnesses. Get your head out of the "I hate Trump" zone. It ruins your judgement.

correct - Trump lied from the start -

Trump's own staff repeatedly warned him that his theory about Democrats and Ukraine had been debunked
Start of what-your neurosis?
I have yet to see any evidence of quid pro quo. but the rumor mill is saying if there was it was done by Rudy and Trump didn't know anything about it.
It does indeed look like tRump and co. are preparing to toss Rudy under the bus.

That may turn out to be a huge mistake, I don't think Rudy is the type to take that lying down.
Don't count on that... he probably would take the hit if he knew he would be pardoned by President Trump.
Rudy can't keep his mouth shut, even with a pardon in the offing (and I'm not thinking it would be, he hasn't don't it for anyone else) I think he would blab.
See, there was a lot more shenanigans going on with Rudy in the Ukraine and with those 3 goons he was working with...

First know, they paid him a half a billion bucks to work for them! HOLY MOLEY MOTHER OF GOODNESS!!!

$500 million, to work for them. (And the right wing is whining about Hunter getting $50k a month, go figure?)

The 2 Goons here in the USA that Pres Trump and Giuliani are in a gazillion pictures with, really do not have that kind of money like that to easily pay out $500 MILLION to Rudy, but we found out... they are getting paid by this Russian mafioso goon, who is in Geneva... a Mr. Firtash.... who the USA is working with Geneva/Switzrlnd to extradite him here for his felonies committed against the USA.... and a lot more.... Firtash is fighting the extradition, and it looks like Giuliani is getting paid to get that done, indirectly, thru the 2 photogenic goons... Rudy wormed in to meeting with DOJ to lobby for this Firtash guy...

Well, Rudy and these 2 goons and the Firtash Russian mafia guy... were also the ones CREATING and MANUFACTURING the whole made up conspiracies on the Bidens.... THEY are the ones that got this Shokin prosecutor that was fired to rewrite history and lie about his firing reason.... of which Shokin never ONCE made the claim he was fired because of allegedly investigating Burisma before this ... of which he was not....
one of the whole reasons everyone of the other countries and entities along with the USA wanted him GONE, is because the UK had a suit against Burisma, one they knew they could win and maybe recover some of the money Burisma illegally took, but guess what?

Even though the UK had an agreement of participation with the Ukraine, the prosecutor....SHOKIN refused to send the evidence on Burisma's theft, even though he had agreed to.... the U.K. was furious, so was the IMF, World Bank, and USA... Shokin was obviously crooked.... thus the push to kick him out.

This happened a couple of years BEFORE Hunter and his business partner were hired by this company and before this company decided they were going to ''clean up their act'' and hire all of these ''well knowners'' on their board, and tried to get in good graces again.

GAWD there is just so much more to all of this but it could take 10 more pages...

Well back to Firtash, the felon seeking extradition...he hired Victoria TOESING and Joe DiGenova as lawyers, probably at Rudy's request imo.

ok, Firtash gets his money, from a corrupt Russian Oligarch.... and has ties to Manafort... and Manafort is the one who started the rumor that it was the Ukraine that was actually interfering in our election and not the Russians bullcrap.... it's a vicious circle of corruption and fraud that always leads back to RUSSIA....(gawd almighty the Russians are good at this shit) and trying to claim that Russia did not hack us or interfere, the Ukrainians did... and Crowdstrike who investigated the server of the DNC break in, because one of their owners supposedly is Ukrainian born or something, they stuffed the DNC server that was hacked, there in the Ukraine to hide it...

which is BAT SHIT CRAZY...

The Ukrainian individuals that did not want to see Trump win, some influence did happen, but it was a handful, and they did things like releasing public records on Manafort, when Trump hired him as campaign manager.... on Manafort and ties to Uke Russian sympathizers.

It was not because they were head over heels for Hillary, but they were dead set against Trump because of his tight connections to Russia...

It was an amateur attempt to influence and not the unprecedented measures of the Russian's systematic attack and actual interference.... according to Mueller and other articles on it that I've read....

Shoot, so sorry this keeps going on and on...

BUT BACK TO Giuliani and Trump...

President Trump either knew what Giuliani was up to his neck in with Foreign adversaries for Giuliani's gain of a HALF A BILLION, and turned a blind eye to it, which is possible, I suppose? Or he was involved with it...?

I just don't think his defenders could say, he knew nothing about it? Though, he will likely try....

So, there would be more than pardoning rudy for doing the shadow gvt thingy on the side for Trump, so you could be right on Trump not pardoning and Rudy singing on something?
Great post!
House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents...

I love how Democrats & snowflakes continuously accuse others of doing what they have done / what they are doing and of being who they are...

They accused Trump of Illegal collusion with Russians when it was Hillary who bought Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a foreign spy.

They are accusing him of attempting to blackmail the Ukraine PM...when it was Biden who gave a video-taped confession...

They created this entire Whistle Blower coup plot based on a non-existent witness of a non-crime who we are supposed to believe shared this with a Trump-hating Deep State CIA Spy who worked with Biden and filed his complaint using 2nd-hand account Info....with no other legitimate evidence other than backroom, closed-door gossip, 'feeling', and butt-hurt rumor.

....and now they are accusing the Republicans of doing...what they are doing...

...and they are too stupid to realize people can see right through it all.

The President of the Ukraine isn't going to admit he got bullied by POTUS. No foreign leader would admit that.

You guys are running out of excuses...
Tards are so entertaining.

You still have no evidence that there was a quid pro quo. Every witness says there was no quid pro quo. The transcript proves there was no quid pro quo.

Except from Biden.

Its Russian Collusion 2.0
You still have no evidence that there was a quid pro quo. Every witness says there was no quid pro quo.
Read it, dope.
READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents to dispute the main facts concerning President Trumpā€™s impeachable conduct:
Somehow, you do not understand the onus of demonstration lies with the accuser, not the accused.

There are no documents or witnesses that back the claims of the Democrats.
Cite the source and paste the text.

There are no documents or witnesses that back the claims of the Democrats.
Cite the source and paste the text

Just one?

Read it, dope.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
That doesn't alter the fact that they haven't discussed any facts, only their worthless opinions.
Things they admit they have no firsthand knowledge of, things they heard from someone else - and their presumptions.

Things they admit they have no firsthand knowledge of, things they heard from someone else - and their presumption

First hand witness, dope.
Read it.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
Ah yes.
Funny how you do not mention the part where Sondland, exactly nowhere, says anything about anything in his testimony - that is, the delay in the transfer of the funds of the conditions necessary for said transfer - being at the direction of President Trump.

Funny how you do not mention his testimony on pages 105 (18-25) and 106 (1-23) where Sondland talks about his actual conversation with Trump and the President's statements that he does not seek QQP:

View attachment 289310
View attachment 289311

Tell us why a rational reasoned person should believe the information in your post should lead to the conclusion you present.


Note how -I- cited a source and -I- quoted the relevant text.
Before it's sworn fucking testimony, pinhead.
It's ALL sworn testimony, pinhead.
So, I ask again:
Tell us why a rational reasoned person should believe the information in your post leads to the conclusion you present.

Uhm .. that was before Billionaire Hotel Boy who bought himself an ambassadorship Re-Re-RE Testified.

Are you daft? Never mind - LoL!!

Read Gordon Sondland's full testimony in the Trump impeachment inquiry
House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents to dispute the main facts concerning President Trumpā€™s impeachable conduct: a demand from Ukraine for dirt on a political rival; withholding of aid vital to Ukraineā€™s defense against Russia; concealing evidence of the scheme by moving a transcript to a secret server; and threatening the tipster who alerted Congress to gross malfeasance. They admitted all that? Well, in a manner of speaking they did.

The Post reports:

House Republicans sent Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) a list of witnesses they want to testify in the impeachment inquiry, including former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s son Hunter Biden and the anonymous whistleblower who filed the initial complaint against President Trump. ...
Schiff is likely to reject many, if not all, of the witnesses from the Republicansā€™ wish list.

Hunter Biden lacks any direct knowledge of anything that occurred in the Trump White House, and hence he cannot rebut evidence of Trumpā€™s demand that Ukraine interfere with our election. By Republicansā€™ own admission, the whistleblower lacks first-hand knowledge of events.

(ā€œWitnesses who testified out of public view have corroborated the crux of the case against Trump ā€” that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his political rivals ā€” so the Democrats see no need for the whistleblower, who heard the story secondhand, to testify. Three career State Department officials are returning next week for the public hearings.ā€)

All Republicans have are distractions, stunts to generate claims of unfairness, and gimmicks to threaten the life and career of the whistleblower. Itā€™s remarkable, really, that they could stipulate to every fact about which the witnesses testified under oath.
There was no crime. There was no quid pro quo. There was no impeachable offense. Ergo, there are NO witnesses. Get your head out of the "I hate Trump" zone. It ruins your judgement.

Nope - No quid pro quo .. Just extortion and bribery. Get over it! :113:
The Republicans not calling any witnesses has more to do with the democommiecrats telling Republicans that they are prohibited from calling any witnesses than actually not having any witnesses.
The Republicans not calling any witnesses has more to do with the democommiecrats telling Republicans that they are prohibited from calling any witnesses than actually not having any witnesses.
go for your circus in the Senate, where Repubs have majority rule...

Senator committees can call all the witnesses they want... and have all the hearings they want...

GO FOR IT, and please stop whining.... ya'll sound like a bunch of 3 year olds... when hearings and witnesses are right at your fingertips.
1. The US has a Criminal Corruption Treaty with Ukraine, which allows our respective governments to look into any possible corruption being conducted by our respective citizens in Ukraine and visa-versa and because of that treaty, any US President or US Attorney General, has the right to ask the head of Ukraine or their respective national prosecutor, to look into any semblance of corruption that may have been conducted by a US citizen that was in Ukraine and this clearly falls within the president's purview.
But Individual1 wanted a public statement that Biden/Burisma was being investigated by Ukraine. That is different from an actual investigation.
It's called...ā€¦..transparency.
At some point democrats are going to have to do a gut check and realize witch hunts are useless and do more damage than good.

Again, your party tried to depose a LEGITIMATELY elected president over a blow job, after Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties.

Trump is obviously guilty, the only question is, do the Republicans say it's okay for the President to break the law.
Tards are so entertaining.

You still have no evidence that there was a quid pro quo. Every witness says there was no quid pro quo. The transcript proves there was no quid pro quo.

Except from Biden.

Its Russian Collusion 2.0

you don't have to prove Quid Pro Quo... It's simple bribery.
The President of Ukraine backs up Trump's story that there wasn't any quid pro quo involving aid to his country.

The rest is just smoke and mirrors from the Democrats to Impeach because they know they can't defeat Trump in the 2020 election. ...

The President of the Ukraine isn't going to admit he got bullied by POTUS. No foreign leader would admit that.
Of course not, only bullies brag
Tards are so entertaining.

You still have no evidence that there was a quid pro quo. Every witness says there was no quid pro quo. The transcript proves there was no quid pro quo.

Except from Biden.

Its Russian Collusion 2.0

you don't have to prove Quid Pro Quo... It's simple bribery.

If there is nothing behind Burisma then dig away

Burisma holdings and its subsidiaries
were used to embezzle and launder money.
Burisma was under criminal investigation

There was no Russian collusion
Everything and everyone is linked to Ukraine

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