Republicans aint worth a shit

Eike proved that a wall is not needed provided there is the political will not to hire illegals. With Operation Wetback, they all self deported once they realized there was no work to be found.

Just with Trump in the Oval Office illegal immigration has been cut virtually in half. Illegals don't want to come if they are not welcomed. Again, this is all that is needed

But Trump can't be in their forever and when Dims get back in there they will encourage more to come. That is why the wall is needed.

LOL... They have been scared to come in, True.. But show me what laws have been changed that Trump did this past year..?


They just listen to the media that says Trump is crazy and eats Mexicans for breakfast, Muslims for Lunch, and Asians for dinner.

That's not true. I believe Mexicans are for lunch.


With a side of Marla. Literally.

See, you just can't trust the fake news.

Naturally, Trump asked for this. He publically declared war on the press.

Granted, he had every right to do so. The press has been left wing since I can remember, but there is a price to pay, nontheless

The press has no "wing". "Wings" don't sell papers. Sensationalism sells papers. That's why they love Rump --- as I just noted. Rump is controversy, and controversy sells papers. "Wings" are irfuckigrelevant in that dynamic.

Apparently snake oil still sells too. Fill 'er up then?
Love watching the anger and misery from progressives these my 40 years of following politics closely, it has never been even close to this much fun!! The Trump tweets make it even more watching 4 year olds play soccer.:boobies::boobies::rock:

How 'bout "build a fucking reason".

How bout "treat diseases, not symptoms"?

Illegals crossing the border are the disease.

Yuh huh. And they do so out of some vacuum for no reason, do they?

And once again, and this is nothing new --- most illegal immigration has nothing to do with crossing any border. You're not supposed to know that but nobody's stopping you FROM knowing it.
Americans are sick and tired of illegals killing and raping Americans.

Next time you take a bite out of that fruit or vegetable think about the illegal who was paid 10 cents an hour to pick that for you . The wealthy in America want cheap labor.

Why do you think Trump applied for many to come into work for his hotels..Why do you think Facebook is fighting for more to be brought in..? I could probably name 100's but I will let you search on your own.



10 cents an hour sounds like a big fat LIE to me, are you a liberal by any chance? CNN employee?

Build the wall. Trump didn't run on DACA

Absolutely ! Everyone knows that you plug up the holes before bailing out of a boat otherwise you just sink anyway...

If we ended all incentive, we wouldnt need a wall.
Nobody will be coming here just to sleep in the streets, be hungry, sick and dumb.
That would be like an american finding refuge in somalia.
I think if kids are born to UNDOCUMENTED parents they shouldn't be automatically US citizens.
I think the DACA folks should be allowed to stay permanently.
I think the border should be much harder to sneak through but one of the biggest problems has nothing to do with the border--it is expired VISAS. Fix that and a WHOLE BUNCH of illegals would be flying home fast.
There are a lot of things we could do to stop illegal immigration short of a wall. Including strict action against employers who hire them. But I fear too many people with power and influence count on those poorly paid illegals to bring in profits for them. I'm not sure what we do with that.

Throwing out the DACA folks doesn't even make sense in solving the illegal immigration problem, TN. There are way too many requirements to be a big incentive.

Build the wall. Trump didn't run on DACA

Absolutely ! Everyone knows that you plug up the holes before bailing out of a boat otherwise you just sink anyway...

If we ended all incentive, we wouldnt need a wall.
Nobody will be coming here just to sleep in the streets, be hungry, sick and dumb.
That would be like an american finding refuge in somalia.
I think if kids are born to UNDOCUMENTED parents they shouldn't be automatically US citizens.
I think the DACA folks should be allowed to stay permanently.
I think the border should be much harder to sneak through but one of the biggest problems has nothing to do with the border--it is expired VISAS. Fix that and a WHOLE BUNCH of illegals would be flying home fast.
There are a lot of things we could do to stop illegal immigration short of a wall. Including strict action against employers who hire them. But I fear too many people with power and influence count on those poorly paid illegals to bring in profits for them. I'm not sure what we do with that.

Throwing out the DACA folks doesn't even make sense in solving the illegal immigration problem, TN. There are way too many requirements to be a big incentive.
VISAs are a problem as well. The biggest, IIRC
If parents can bring their children here and they will get amnesty, how is that not incentive?

Build the wall. Trump didn't run on DACA

Absolutely ! Everyone knows that you plug up the holes before bailing out of a boat otherwise you just sink anyway...

If we ended all incentive, we wouldnt need a wall.
Nobody will be coming here just to sleep in the streets, be hungry, sick and dumb.
That would be like an american finding refuge in somalia.
I think if kids are born to UNDOCUMENTED parents they shouldn't be automatically US citizens.
I think the DACA folks should be allowed to stay permanently.
I think the border should be much harder to sneak through but one of the biggest problems has nothing to do with the border--it is expired VISAS. Fix that and a WHOLE BUNCH of illegals would be flying home fast.
There are a lot of things we could do to stop illegal immigration short of a wall. Including strict action against employers who hire them. But I fear too many people with power and influence count on those poorly paid illegals to bring in profits for them. I'm not sure what we do with that.

Throwing out the DACA folks doesn't even make sense in solving the illegal immigration problem, TN. There are way too many requirements to be a big incentive.
VISAs are a problem as well. The biggest, IIRC
If parents can bring their children here and they will get amnesty, how is that not incentive?
The parents don't, but why should kids who have been raised here and who didn't make the decision to break the law by coming here, have to leave? They had to prove they were either in school or working and had no criminal history. That's called being contributing members of society, TN. Like you and me. It is a limited # of people--700,000 or 800,000 out of eleven million. We don't have to keep accepting people into the program. But on the other end of that, we should be doing what's necessary to keep people from coming to the country so a whole bunch of other people aren't raised here illegally through no fault of their own.

Build the wall. Trump didn't run on DACA

Absolutely ! Everyone knows that you plug up the holes before bailing out of a boat otherwise you just sink anyway...

If we ended all incentive, we wouldnt need a wall.
Nobody will be coming here just to sleep in the streets, be hungry, sick and dumb.
That would be like an american finding refuge in somalia.
I think if kids are born to UNDOCUMENTED parents they shouldn't be automatically US citizens.
I think the DACA folks should be allowed to stay permanently.
I think the border should be much harder to sneak through but one of the biggest problems has nothing to do with the border--it is expired VISAS. Fix that and a WHOLE BUNCH of illegals would be flying home fast.
There are a lot of things we could do to stop illegal immigration short of a wall. Including strict action against employers who hire them. But I fear too many people with power and influence count on those poorly paid illegals to bring in profits for them. I'm not sure what we do with that.

Throwing out the DACA folks doesn't even make sense in solving the illegal immigration problem, TN. There are way too many requirements to be a big incentive.
VISAs are a problem as well. The biggest, IIRC
If parents can bring their children here and they will get amnesty, how is that not incentive?
The parents don't, but why should kids who have been raised here and who didn't make the decision to break the law by coming here, have to leave? They had to prove they were either in school or working and had no criminal history. That's called being contributing members of society, TN. Like you and me. It is a limited # of people--700,000 or 800,000 out of eleven million. We don't have to keep accepting people into the program. But on the other end of that, we should be doing what's necessary to keep people from coming to the country so a whole bunch of other people aren't raised here illegally through no fault of their own.
Its not our fault their parents made the terrible decision to come here.
At this point, it is purely subjective. And this is something we probably wont ever come to agree on.
DACA for the Wall....otherwise toss them out into the Sonoran Desert in July and point them south.
Trump claims to be deal maker. Why not make a deal with the Ds on DACA?

He could give them amnesty in return for building the wall.
Hes trying to do that, but the dems wont's actually a good strategy.....the dems are gonna say no because they hate the wall.......but if they agree, we should get a wall and remove chain migration and the lottery system....I'm on board with that deal.

You're pretty young, huh?

Fuck that, no more amnesty. Especially no more promises from a Democrat Congress.

Google "Reagan Amnesty". :blowup:Wtf? Your handle is "The Gipper"?

Granting 11 million illegals amnesty after already granting 3 million in exchange for a wall and still no wall?

:fu: Oh hell FUCK NO!
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