Republicans, Another Reason You Lost Was You Disenfranchised Your Supporters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I'm referring to the Libertarians, who were so prone, so willing, so able to help you...but you shunned them. Notably in how you treated their guy Ron Paul. You demeaned them when they wanted to be heard the most, then you came back begging for their vote only when you needed it.

You don't build relationships that way.

Similarly with the Independents, you THOUGHT they were bought, sold and paid for on your radical RW rhetoric and theories. Well, as you can see...they weren't.

Now let's turn to the women. Yes, your War-On-Women is real. Do you think they were ALL radical RW hacks like those on TV that pretended that what the Republicans were saying about women was OK? There's more women voters than men, you believe many registered Republican women voted silently AGAINST your radical RW policies.

I believe many radical RW Republicans would be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, as to how many Republican women voted for Obama this time around...and last time too.

He didn't win with just Democratic votes, nor just Independents...President Obama was able to win by getting some of the Republican votes as well.

In the words of Bill O'Reilly...."WISE UP!!"
I'm referring to the Libertarians, who were so prone, so willing, so able to help you...but you shunned them. Notably in how you treated their guy Ron Paul. You demeaned them when they wanted to be heard the most, then you came back begging for their vote only when you needed it.

You don't build relationships that way.

Similarly with the Independents, you THOUGHT they were bought, sold and paid for on your radical RW rhetoric and theories. Well, as you can see...they weren't.

Now let's turn to the women. Yes, your War-On-Women is real. Do you think they were ALL radical RW hacks like those on TV that pretended that what the Republicans were saying about women was OK? There's more women voters than men, you believe many registered Republican women voted silently AGAINST your radical RW policies.

I believe many radical RW Republicans would be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, as to how many Republican women voted for Obama this time around...and last time too.

He didn't win with just Democratic votes, nor just Independents...President Obama was able to win by getting some of the Republican votes as well.

In the words of Bill O'Reilly...."WISE UP!!"

Psst.. If you voted for Obama, you're NOT a republican. No one is truly believes in fiscal responsibility would have EVER voted for Obama.
As a general rule, I have found liberals, especially hippies, to be far more chauvenistic than conservatives.

I have a lot of problems with my Republican Party, but there is no GOP war on women. That is a total fabrication.

Obama and his flukies (to coin a term) managed to successfully twist a left wing war on religion into a right wing war on women.

A majority of married women supported Romney in this election.

I am a "disenfranchised" Republican, but it is not because of the right wing's views on women. It is because the right wing is seriously retarded right now. Bigoted and hateful and downright dumb, dumb, dumb. If it comes from the right dick, they will drink piss all day long. They will believe ANYTHING as long as it comes from the right mouth.

I thought there was a limit. I thought there would come a point when they would stop and say, "Uh, wait. That can't be right." But last week really hammered home just how willful and how deep their stupidity is. "Obama watched as they died".

I cannot abide that kind of deeply willful stupidity. I just can't.

To think I almost voted for the GOP after a six year boycott. I was very close to voting, but then the whole "Obama watched while they died" reminded me why I shouldn't. These assholes were working way too hard for Obama's re-election and I was not going to stand in their way. They earned him.

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... not convinced the Republicans should turn to the Libertarians (extremist) to renew their party -

in fact telling the libertarians to find their own way and take the Tea Party with them is what might be their best hope "for survival".
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I have a friend who didn't vote yesterday because of the long lines caused by the new voter ID law in Virginia.

He was going to vote for Romney.
I'm referring to the Libertarians, who were so prone, so willing, so able to help you...but you shunned them. Notably in how you treated their guy Ron Paul. You demeaned them when they wanted to be heard the most, then you came back begging for their vote only when you needed it.

You don't build relationships that way.

Similarly with the Independents, you THOUGHT they were bought, sold and paid for on your radical RW rhetoric and theories. Well, as you can see...they weren't.

Now let's turn to the women. Yes, your War-On-Women is real. Do you think they were ALL radical RW hacks like those on TV that pretended that what the Republicans were saying about women was OK? There's more women voters than men, you believe many registered Republican women voted silently AGAINST your radical RW policies.

I believe many radical RW Republicans would be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, as to how many Republican women voted for Obama this time around...and last time too.

He didn't win with just Democratic votes, nor just Independents...President Obama was able to win by getting some of the Republican votes as well.

In the words of Bill O'Reilly...."WISE UP!!"

Libertarians support Republicans? Why do they have their own party then? Why were Obama supporters voting for Johnson? Could it be because you are an idiot?
... not convinced the Republicans should turn to the Libertarians (extremist) to renew their party -

in fact telling them to find their own way and take the Tea Party with them is what might be their best hope "for survival".

Great chunks of the Libertarian Party's belief system are insane. However, the GOP would do well to return to the touchstone of many libertarian and classical liberal beliefs.

They'd be kicking ass and taking names if they did.
As a general rule, I have found liberals, especially hippies, to be far more chauvenistic than conservatives.

I have a lot of problems with my Republican Party, but there is no GOP war on women. That is a total fabrication.

Obama and his flukies (to coin a term) managed to successfully twist a left wing war on religion into a right wing war on women.

A majority of married women supported Romney in this election.

I am a "disenfranchised" Republican, but it is not because of the right wing's views on women. It is because the right wing is seriously retarded right now. Bigoted and hateful and downright dumb, dumb, dumb. If it comes from the right dick, they will drink piss all day long. They will believe ANYTHING as long as it comes from the right mouth.

I thought there was a limit. I thought there would come a point when they would stop and say, "Uh, wait. That can't be right." But last week really hammered home just how willful and how deep their stupidity is. "Obama watched as they died".

I cannot abide that kind of deeply willful stupidity. I just can't.

To think I almost voted for the GOP after a six year boycott. I was very close to voting, but then the whole "Obama watched while they died" reminded me why I shouldn't. These assholes were working way too hard for Obama's re-election and I was not going to stand in their way. They earned him.


In the last two years over 1,000 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."
In the last two years over 1,000 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."

Anti-choice is not anti-woman. It is pro-life.

Are there chauvenistic assholes in the pro-life movement? Sure. Just as there are bomb throwing marxists in the pro-Obama movement. You don't see me defining the Democratic Party as a pro-marxist party, though.

They ignored the libertarians.
They bashed the teachers and public safety sector.
They assumed many would vote simply to oppose Obama.

Boy o boy were they wrong.
As a general rule, I have found liberals, especially hippies, to be far more chauvenistic than conservatives.

I have a lot of problems with my Republican Party, but there is no GOP war on women. That is a total fabrication.

Obama and his flukies (to coin a term) managed to successfully twist a left wing war on religion into a right wing war on women.

A majority of married women supported Romney in this election.

I am a "disenfranchised" Republican, but it is not because of the right wing's views on women. It is because the right wing is seriously retarded right now. Bigoted and hateful and downright dumb, dumb, dumb. If it comes from the right dick, they will drink piss all day long. They will believe ANYTHING as long as it comes from the right mouth.

I thought there was a limit. I thought there would come a point when they would stop and say, "Uh, wait. That can't be right." But last week really hammered home just how willful and how deep their stupidity is. "Obama watched as they died".

I cannot abide that kind of deeply willful stupidity. I just can't.

To think I almost voted for the GOP after a six year boycott. I was very close to voting, but then the whole "Obama watched while they died" reminded me why I shouldn't. These assholes were working way too hard for Obama's re-election and I was not going to stand in their way. They earned him.


In the last two years over 1,000 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."

Despite your narrow minded objectification of women they care about a lot more than abortion and birth control, being anti abortion is not the same as being anti woman.
I'm referring to the Libertarians, who were so prone, so willing, so able to help you...but you shunned them. Notably in how you treated their guy Ron Paul. You demeaned them when they wanted to be heard the most, then you came back begging for their vote only when you needed it.

You don't build relationships that way.

Similarly with the Independents, you THOUGHT they were bought, sold and paid for on your radical RW rhetoric and theories. Well, as you can see...they weren't.

Now let's turn to the women. Yes, your War-On-Women is real. Do you think they were ALL radical RW hacks like those on TV that pretended that what the Republicans were saying about women was OK? There's more women voters than men, you believe many registered Republican women voted silently AGAINST your radical RW policies.

I believe many radical RW Republicans would be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, as to how many Republican women voted for Obama this time around...and last time too.

He didn't win with just Democratic votes, nor just Independents...President Obama was able to win by getting some of the Republican votes as well.

In the words of Bill O'Reilly...."WISE UP!!"

Psst.. If you voted for Obama, you're NOT a republican. No one is truly believes in fiscal responsibility would have EVER voted for Obama.
Ahhhhhh...yes! The mighty double-down.

Keep it up bruh: :clap2:

In the last two years over 1,000 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."

Anti-choice is not anti-woman. It is pro-life.

Are there chauvenistic assholes in the pro-life movement? Sure. Just as there are bomb throwing marxists in the pro-Obama movement. You don't see me defining the Democratic Party as a pro-marxist party, though.

I now know you're a sensible guy. Surely you realize that there's simply no equivalency as what you're suggesting.

Firstly, there's no bomb-throwers on the left.

C'mon...get real.

I have a friend who didn't vote yesterday because of the long lines caused by the new voter ID law in Virginia.

He was going to vote for Romney.
He probably lived in a minority district.

Many of them, nationwide, experienced ubelievably long lines. Not-so-much for the non-minority districts.
Decision 2012:

Death by .44
Death by .38

We know how you feel about the 2 choices...but how do you feel about the OP point?
That's another reason they lost...

They NEVER address the issue/s, they simply attack. They never listen, they just attack. Attack, attack, attack...simply for the sake of attacking. That's the Neo-CON way.

Psst.. If you voted for Obama, you're NOT a republican. No one is truly believes in fiscal responsibility would have EVER voted for Obama.

This is mostly true. A genuine Republican would never vote for Obama.

That's why I did not vote. At all.

I just hope all you left wingers and Democrats realize that those of us who fled the Republican Party aren't all of a sudden dedicated lefties. We're just shocked and sickened about where that party has gone, and realize that some things are bigger than partisanship and simply winning. We still hold a lot of our conservative ideas: TRUE conservative, like the govt shouldn't arrest you for smoking a harmless plant (weed) and has no business telling a church who it can and cant wed. You know...keep govt out of our lives.

The govt should fund:

Military, police, fire, roads, schools.....and a modest, stable safety net.

The GOP used to stand for a lot of that. They betrayed that ideal. I may never vote Democrat. But Im sure I'll never vote Republican. Who knows...maybe the next 4 years the Dems will act in a way to secure my vote.

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